Should I Take 18 Credits to Graduate or Stay at My Job for Financial Stability?

In summary, the problem is that if you take 18 credits you run the risk of failing the class and wasting all the effort you put in.
  • #1
Good morning, I am currently a Senior in Computer Engineering over the summer i took 4 classes one of them were algorithm the teacher was not that great and failed half of the class (including my self), i didnt study as much as i could for the class so i kinda deserved failing, So at the moment i need 6 classes to graduate (18 credits), I am Currently working as a software engineer making ok money, So employer has told me that when i graduate he will double my salary..

So basically if i take this 18 credits i can graduate but... I don't have financial aid so i have to pay for my own classes, i probably don't qualify for financial aid because i have taken to many credits (3 major changes), so student loan is out.. which means that i have to pay for all of it, i already payed for 12.. So i would need to pay with a credit card the other 6 and i have a lot of debts.. If i take 18 credits i can probably work 20h max per week, and barely get by.. or i can choose not to graduate and take 12 now, which would allow me to work around 35+ hours per week and then take 6 on the spring semester.. or suck it up and take 18... The problem is by taking 18 there is the chance i fail a class and wasted all the effort (specially since i have to take that same class i failed with the same professor)...

At the moment i reallllly need the money... But i also want to graduate, and if i do ill get double what I am making now at 40 hours a wk... not sure what to do :(
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  • #2
SuperMiguel said:
Good morning, I am currently a Senior in Computer Engineering over the summer i took 4 classes one of them were algorithm the teacher was not that great and failed half of the class (including my self), i didnt study as much as i could for the class so i kinda deserved failing, So at the moment i need 6 classes to graduate (18 credits), I am Currently working as a software engineer making ok money, So employer has told me that when i graduate he will double my salary..

So basically if i take this 18 credits i can graduate but... I don't have financial aid so i have to pay for my own classes, i probably don't qualify for financial aid because i have taken to many credits (3 major changes), so student loan is out.. which means that i have to pay for all of it, i already payed for 12.. So i would need to pay with a credit card the other 6 and i have a lot of debts.. If i take 18 credits i can probably work 20h max per week, and barely get by.. or i can choose not to graduate and take 12 now, which would allow me to work around 35+ hours per week and then take 6 on the spring semester.. or suck it up and take 18... The problem is by taking 18 there is the chance i fail a class and wasted all the effort (specially since i have to take that same class i failed with the same professor)...

At the moment i reallllly need the money... But i also want to graduate, and if i do ill get double what I am making now at 40 hours a wk... not sure what to do :(
I think you are being ambitious. I know for certain that I wouldn't have been able to take 18 credits and work 20 hours a week in one semester. You will need to spend some time out of class for reading, homework, studying...

I would take 9 cr. in the fall and 9 cr. in the spring (but not work 35+ hours a week as well; I would do less). BTW, why did you say 12 and 6 instead of 9 and 9? Is there a class that doesn't meet in the spring?
  • #3
eumyang said:
I think you are being ambitious. I know for certain that I wouldn't have been able to take 18 credits and work 20 hours a week in one semester. You will need to spend some time out of class for reading, homework, studying...

I would take 9 cr. in the fall and 9 cr. in the spring (but not work 35+ hours a week as well; I would do less). BTW, why did you say 12 and 6 instead of 9 and 9? Is there a class that doesn't meet in the spring?

Out of the 18 credits (6 classes) there is one class that its fairly easy, just go to class and write 2 essays so not a big deal that's why i said 12 :)
  • #4
SuperMiguel said:
If i take 18 credits i can probably work 20h max per week, and barely get by.. or i can choose not to graduate and take 12 now, which would allow me to work around 35+ hours per week and then take 6 on the spring semester.. or suck it up and take 18... The problem is by taking 18 there is the chance i fail a class and wasted all the effort (specially since i have to take that same class i failed with the same professor)...
Sounds like you already see the answer to your question.
  • #5
I can understand wanting to finish school and get on with life and earn a larger paycheque.

Six classes in one semester is generally considered overloading... certainly doable, but if you're planning on working 20 hours a week at the same time, there isn't a lot of room there to compensate for those hiccups of life that happen from time to time. And, as you've pointed out, if you're spreading yourself too thin there's a realistic risk of failure.

So what about the more relaxed route? Split it up - do nine units now and nine later (or twelve and six). This will allow you to work more and be more comfortable. Sure, it's not ideal, when you feel like you could be making more, but (a) you'll be able to fit in more part-time work which means more money while you're in school, and (b) you'll be able to spend more time on your classes.

The other thing to remember is that you're realistically talking about the difference between December and April. If you can survive for four months, eight shouldn't be too much of a problem.

Next... this jumps out at me.

SuperMiguel said:
So i would need to pay with a credit card the other 6 and i have a lot of debts..
Credit card? Seriously?

By the tone of your post it sounds like you haven't actually gone down and spoken to anyone at your student financial aid office. I would do this. They can help you to figure out the best way to pay for school, even if you don't qualify for specific scholarships. There may be a debt consolidation program that you qualify for or perhaps a student line of credit. Double check on scholarships and financial assistance packages too.
  • #6
I recommend against getting more debt at this point, even if there are loans available they are likely to have punitive rates. I think, you have a job now, better to stay in it and do the 9 credits * 2.

Related to Should I Take 18 Credits to Graduate or Stay at My Job for Financial Stability?

What does it mean to need 6 classes to graduate?

Needing 6 classes to graduate means that in order to receive a diploma or degree, a student must successfully complete 6 specific courses or subjects.

How many classes do most students need to graduate?

The number of classes required to graduate can vary depending on the school, program, or degree. However, most students typically need to complete around 120 credit hours, which translates to approximately 40-45 classes.

Why do I need 6 classes to graduate?

The number of classes needed to graduate is typically determined by the school's curriculum and degree requirements. The purpose is to ensure that students have a well-rounded education and have gained the necessary knowledge and skills in their chosen field of study.

Can I take more than 6 classes to graduate earlier?

Yes, it is possible to take more than 6 classes in a semester in order to graduate earlier. However, it is important to consider the workload and make sure it is manageable to avoid burnout or negatively impacting your grades. It is always best to consult with an academic advisor before making any changes to your course load.

What happens if I fail one of the 6 classes needed to graduate?

If you fail one of the required classes, you will need to retake it in order to meet the graduation requirements. It is important to speak with your academic advisor to create a plan for retaking the class and staying on track to graduate.

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