Should I Take an Introductory Physics Course Before Calculus I?

In summary: I never had much math background and I was lucky I Passed high school math. I was in the hospital a lot, I think my teacher felt sorry for me and gave me a passing grade, so I could get my HS diploma. So I decided to go to college and I took my placement tests and they placed me in remedial math. I’ve gone through all of the remedial math courses, college Algebra I & II, trig, (low A’s/High B’s, I spent hours studying) and I will be taking Calculus & Analytic Geometry next fall.My question is this: would it make sense to take an intro Physics course at my college before I
  • #1
I never really had much math back ground and I was lucky I passed high school math. I was in the hospital a lot, I think my teacher felt sorry for me and gave me a passing grade, so I could get my HS diploma.

I decided to go to college and I took my placement tests and they placed me in remedial math. I’ve gone through all of the remedial math courses, college Algebra I & II, trig, (low A’s/High B’s, I spent hours studying) and I will be taking Calculus & Analytic Geometry next fall.

My question is this: would it make sense to take an intro Physics course at my college before I take the Calculus I class? I have absolutely no physics knowledge, unless you count d=rt from my Algebra courses. :)

Obviously I meet the Prereq for Calculus I at my college, but I was thinking maybe some sort of intro to physics might be helpful.

I’m a slow learner, but once I understand something I understand it. I was thinking some type of background in a different math area other than your normal math might be helpful.

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  • #2
calculus will always help, but if it isn't a pre requisite for that course then it shouldn't be an issue.
  • #3
As long as the physics class IS NOT calc-based you will be fine. There shouldn't be any science pre-reqs for algebra/trig based physics.
  • #4
I took a trig-based physics course concurrent with Calculus I and it helped me get familiar with the terms, units, approaches of physics. I would absolutely not take Physics I with Calculus until you can differentiate very easily, and solve simple integrals. You also need to know how to integrate and differentiate functions with log/e et al.

I am taking Calculus II with Physics I w/ Calculus right now and there has already been several occasions where I have learned something in Calc, and found it on a physics test a week later!
  • #5
I took my physics courses after calculus II. And from the experience I had, I thought physics was fairly easy, might have been because of the calculus courses I took before taking it. But from what I observed of people taking physics I and calculus together, they seem to do fairly well but also have a hard time understanding the material.

If I were you, I'd at-least take a non-calculus physics course to get my feet wet and after Calculus I, take a calculus based physics course.

FAQ: Should I Take an Introductory Physics Course Before Calculus I?

What topics are typically covered in a Physics class before Calculus?

In a Physics class before Calculus, students will usually cover concepts such as kinematics, forces, energy, and momentum. They will also learn about basic laws and principles such as Newton's laws of motion, the law of conservation of energy, and the law of conservation of momentum.

Is it necessary to take Physics before Calculus?

In most cases, yes. Physics provides a foundation of mathematical and scientific principles that are essential for understanding Calculus. Many of the concepts learned in Physics, such as vectors and derivatives, are crucial for success in Calculus.

Will I be at a disadvantage if I don't take Physics before Calculus?

It depends on the individual's learning style and background. Some students may find it more challenging to understand concepts in Calculus without having taken Physics first. However, with dedication and additional studying, it is still possible to succeed in Calculus without prior knowledge of Physics.

How does Physics relate to Calculus?

Physics and Calculus are closely related as they both involve the study of mathematical concepts and their applications to the physical world. Calculus is used to describe and analyze the motion and behavior of objects, which is a fundamental aspect of Physics.

What skills will I develop in a Physics class before Calculus?

In addition to understanding the basic principles and laws of Physics, students will also develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills. They will also gain experience in applying mathematical concepts to real-world situations, which is a valuable skill in many fields of study and career paths.

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