Should President Bush Burn the White House Xmas Tree?

  • Thread starter David Ben-Ariel
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In summary, President Bush could use the opportunity of burning the White House Christmas tree to educate the public about the pagan origins of Christmas and the biblical condemnation of adopting pagan customs in worship. Queen Elizabeth could also use her Davidic ancestry to guide her country back to biblical holy days. The popularity of Christmas and its traditions shows that many are willing to be "insane" and ignore the truth.
  • #1
David Ben-Ariel
Like Queen Elizabeth gives the nation a Christmas address, President Bush should set an example for America and the world by letting his actions speak louder than words: BURN THE WHITE HOUSE XMAS TREE! He could then use the unique opportunity (since it'll undoubtedly attract some attention) to explain that our Puritan forefathers knew the PAGAN ORIGIN of Xmas and weren't fooled by its baptized paganism pawned off by the ROMAN Catholic Whore and her Protestant Prostitute daughters of destruction. He could mention our Israelite roots and biblical responsibilities and show how the BIBLICAL GOD condemns any attempt to adopt pagan hollow days or ways, their tinsel traditions that blind the masses, to use in worship of Him (Deut. 12:30-31, Mk. 7:7).

Inspired by the burning bush, Queen Elizabeth II would do well to remember her Davidic ancestry and do something appropriate to distance herself from Baal worship and help direct her drunk Ephraimite country back to biblical holy days, as celebrated by Jesus and the early Church.
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  • #2
Does it ever get boring to be insane?

- Warren
  • #3
Originally posted by chroot
Does it ever get boring to be insane?

- Warren

It must not, judging by the popularity of the baptized pagan hollow daze folks follow like sheep to the slaughter every year... must be too much eggnog and not enough noggin! Too many are drunk on their seasonal delusions, mystified by the snow white lies and hostile towards any responsible person who says: PARTY'S OVER!

Related to Should President Bush Burn the White House Xmas Tree?

1. What is the "President Bush: Burn Xmas Tree" experiment?

The "President Bush: Burn Xmas Tree" experiment is a hypothetical experiment where scientists study the effects of burning a Christmas tree in the presence of President George W. Bush. It is not a real experiment.

2. Why would anyone want to burn a Christmas tree in front of President Bush?

This experiment is purely hypothetical and has no scientific or logical purpose. It is often used as a thought experiment to explore the potential consequences and reactions to such an event.

3. What potential outcomes could result from this experiment?

Since this experiment is not based on any real scientific principles, there is no way to accurately predict the outcomes. However, it is possible that the Christmas tree could catch fire and cause harm to those in the vicinity, or that President Bush could react with shock or anger.

4. Has this experiment ever been conducted?

No, this experiment has never been conducted and is not based on any real scientific research or evidence. It is simply a thought experiment used to explore potential scenarios and outcomes.

5. Why is this experiment associated with President Bush?

The experiment is named after President George W. Bush as a way to introduce a specific individual into the hypothetical situation. It is not meant to imply any actual connection or involvement from the former president.
