Show f is differentiable but partial derivatives are not continuous

In summary: However, we also need to show that the limit of the partial derivatives as ||x|| approaches 0 from both sides is not equal. This can be done by calculating the limit of the partial derivatives in both directions and showing that they are not equal. Since the calculations for the partial derivatives are already provided in your attempt, I will not repeat them here.In summary, the function f: Rn --------> R is differentiable everywhere, but the partial derivatives are not continuous at the origin, and the limit of the partial derivatives as ||x|| approaches 0 from both sides is not equal.I hope this summary
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Homework Statement

Define f: Rn --------> R as
f(x) = (||x||^2)*sin (1/||x||) for ||x|| ≠ 0
f(x) = 0 for ||x|| = 0
Show that f is differentiable everywhere but that the partial derivatives are not continuous.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Showing that it is differentiable everywhere
if it is differentiable at the origin then

lim h---> 0 of ( f(0+h) - f(0) - c•h )/ ||h|| = 0

f(o+h) = ||h||^2sin(1/||h||)
f(0) = 0
c = gradient of f at 0

breaking it up into individual limits we have
lim h--->o of f(0+h)/||h|| + lim h--->0 of f(o)/||h|| + lim h--->0 of c•h/||h||

f(o+h)/||h|| = ||h||sin(1/||h||) which goes to zero since the absolute value of sin(1/||h||) is bounded by 1
f(0) / ||h|| goes to zero since f(0) = 0

but what does c•h/||h|| go to as h ---> 0
my intuition tells me it goes to c...but if the function is diffable at 0 then it has to go to zero as I'm not sure how to show its differentiable everywhere

as for showing that the partial derivatives are not continuous

to calculate the jth partial derivatives (the derivative of f with respect to xj) i rewrite the function as (∑(xn^2))sin (1/root[∑(xn^2)])

df / dxj (using the product rule) = 2xj * sin (1/root[∑(xn^2)]) + cos(1/root[∑(xn^2)])* -0.5(∑(xn^2))^-1.5 * 2xj * [∑(xn^2)]

now...i can see that the particle derivatives are not continuous at ||x|| = 0 since the term (∑(xn^2))^-1.5 would be undefined if x1 to xn are all equal to zero

but am i also supposed to show that the limit as ||x|| approaches zero from the 2 sides of the particle derivatives is not equal? or what?
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  • #2

Thank you for posting your question. I am happy to help you with your inquiry about the differentiability and continuity of the function f: Rn --------> R.

First, let's start by proving that the function is differentiable everywhere. As you correctly stated, in order for a function to be differentiable at a point, the limit of the difference quotient must exist and equal to zero. In our case, the point in question is the origin (0,0) since the function is defined differently for ||x|| = 0 and ||x|| ≠ 0.

To prove differentiability at the origin, we need to show that the limit as h approaches 0 of the difference quotient (f(0+h) - f(0) - c•h)/||h|| equals zero. As you have already shown, the first two terms of the difference quotient go to zero as h approaches 0. Now, let's focus on the third term, c•h/||h||. Here, c represents the gradient of f at the origin, which we can calculate as the partial derivatives of f with respect to each variable at the origin. This means that c = (∂f/∂x1, ∂f/∂x2, ..., ∂f/∂xn) evaluated at the origin.

Now, let's look at the limit of c•h/||h|| as h approaches 0. Since c is a constant vector, we can pull it out of the limit and we are left with the limit of h/||h||. This limit is equal to 1, as ||h|| is just the magnitude of h, and h is a vector with all components approaching 0 as h approaches 0. Therefore, the limit of c•h/||h|| as h approaches 0 is equal to c.

In conclusion, the limit of the difference quotient as h approaches 0 is equal to c, which is the gradient of f at the origin. Since c is a constant vector, this limit exists and equals to zero, proving that the function f is differentiable at the origin. This same reasoning can be applied to any other point in Rn, showing that f is differentiable everywhere.

Now, let's move on to proving that the partial derivatives of f are not continuous. As you have correctly stated, the partial derivatives are not continuous at the origin, since the term

FAQ: Show f is differentiable but partial derivatives are not continuous

1. What does it mean for a function to be differentiable but have discontinuous partial derivatives?

When a function is differentiable, it means that it is smooth and has a well-defined tangent line at every point in its domain. However, even if a function is differentiable, its partial derivatives may not be continuous. This means that the rate of change in one direction may not match the rate of change in another direction, leading to abrupt changes or jumps in the function.

2. Why is it possible for a function to be differentiable but have discontinuous partial derivatives?

This can occur when the function has sharp turns or cusps, as these points do not have well-defined tangent lines. The partial derivatives may also be discontinuous at points where the function is not differentiable, such as at corners or edges.

3. How can I determine if a function has discontinuous partial derivatives?

To determine if a function has discontinuous partial derivatives, you can calculate the partial derivatives using the limit definition and see if they match. If they do not match, then the function has discontinuous partial derivatives. You can also plot the function and look for abrupt changes or jumps at certain points.

4. Can a function be differentiable at a point but not have continuous partial derivatives?

Yes, a function can be differentiable at a point but not have continuous partial derivatives. This occurs when the partial derivatives approach different values from different directions at that point. In other words, the tangent lines on either side of the point are not parallel.

5. How does the differentiability of a function relate to the continuity of its partial derivatives?

The differentiability of a function does not necessarily guarantee the continuity of its partial derivatives. While a differentiable function must be continuous, the continuity of partial derivatives is not a requirement for differentiability. This means that a function can be differentiable but have discontinuous partial derivatives. However, if a function has continuous partial derivatives, it is necessarily differentiable.

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