Show function equality is false

  • Thread starter cateater2000
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In summary, the conversation is discussing the task of proving that the given statement is false by providing an example of a function f:X->A where the equality f(Y&Z)=f(Y)&f(Z) does not hold. The participants suggest trying different examples with finite sets and defining the function in various ways. One example presented is f: (x,y)->{x+1,y-1}. The participants also discuss the difference between the sets X&Y and XnY, and how constructing the function can eliminate the issue. The conversation ends with a suggestion to consider the sets {1,2} and {2,3} and a possible map for f.
  • #1
Hi there I'm having trouble with this question, any tips would be great.

Show the following is false, by giving an example of a function(s) f:X->A for which the equalities fail:


thanks for your help.
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  • #2
try some examples and let us see what you come up with.

remember a function can be any way at all of mapping the elements of one set to the elements of another set. so start with some real simple finite sets and define the maps in various ways.
  • #3
I came up with something like this but it doesn't seem right.

f: (x,y)->{x+1,y-1}

then i had something like

f(X) gives us (2,1)
f(Y) gives us (1,-1)
so f(X) & f(Y) is just (1)

But f(X&Y) I'm confused because X&Y = 0
I'm not sure if I'm on the right track or not, thanks again for the help.
  • #4
XnY is empty not zero, they are different.
You're constructing the function so you can make it so that this problem goes away.

Suppose that X and Y are sets of two elements that have one element in common, say

{1,2} and {2,3}

what about it f were the map that takes 1 and 3 to 'a', and 2 to 'b' what happens there?

FAQ: Show function equality is false

1. What is the definition of "Show function equality is false"?

"Show function equality is false" refers to a method of demonstrating that two functions are not equal, meaning they do not produce the same output for all possible inputs.

2. How is "Show function equality is false" different from "Show function equality is true"?

"Show function equality is false" and "Show function equality is true" are opposite approaches used to prove the equality or inequality of two functions. While the former aims to demonstrate that the functions are not equal, the latter aims to show that they are indeed equal.

3. What are some common techniques for showing function equality is false?

There are several techniques that can be used to show function equality is false, including counterexamples, proof by contradiction, and comparing the limiting behavior of the functions.

4. Why is it important to prove function equality is false?

Proving function equality is false is important because it allows us to identify differences between functions and understand their behavior. This can be useful in troubleshooting errors in code, identifying optimization opportunities, and understanding the limitations of different functions.

5. How can we use "Show function equality is false" in scientific research?

In scientific research, "Show function equality is false" can be used to compare different models or theories and determine which one better fits the observed data. It can also be used to identify areas of improvement or discrepancies in experimental procedures. Additionally, showing function equality is false can help to validate the results of a study and ensure the accuracy and reliability of the findings.

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