Show injectivity, surjectivity and kernel of groups

In summary, the problem involves two group homomorphisms, α: G → G' and β: G' → G, where β(α(x)) = x for all x in G. The task is to show that β is a surjection, α is an injection, and that the kernel of β is equal to the kernel of the composition of α and β. To prove this, we use the definitions of homomorphisms and the properties of injectivity and surjectivity. We also use the fact that α(x) = 1 implies β(α(x)) = x.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I am translating so bear with me.
We have two group homomorphisms:
α : G → G'
β : G' → G

Let β(α(x)) = x ∀x ∈ G

Show that
1)β is a surjection
2)α an injection
3) ker(β) = ker(α ο β) (Here ο is the composition of functions.)

Homework Equations

This is from a introductory Group Theory course.
I know:
the definition of homomorphisms
Let f: G → G' and e and e' are the two neutral elements.
f is injective if and only if Ker(f) = e
f is surjective if and only if image(f) = G'

The Attempt at a Solution

My initial reflex would have been writing α = β-1 but I know that we don't know that yet.

I started with let x,y ∈ G so that α(x) = x' and α(y) = y'

Showing β as a surjection means that image(β) = G. I am unsure of where to start proving that.
Showing that α is injective means I need to show that α-1(e') = e
Again I am unsure of where to start.

Thank you
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  • #2
AllRelative said:

Homework Statement

I am translating so bear with me.
We have two group homomorphisms:
α : G → G'
β : G' → G

Let β(α(x)) = x ∀x ∈ G

Show that
1)β is a surjection
2)α an injection
3) ker(β) = ker(α ο β) (Here ο is the composition of functions.)

Homework Equations

This is from a introductory Group Theory course.
I know:
the definition of homomorphisms
Let f: G → G' and e and e' are the two neutral elements.
f is injective if and only if Ker(f) = e
f is surjective if and only if image(f) = G'

The Attempt at a Solution

My initial reflex would have been writing α = β-1 but I know that we don't know that yet.

I started with let x,y ∈ G so that α(x) = x' and α(y) = y'

Showing β as a surjection means that image(β) = G. I am unsure of where to start proving that.
Showing that α is injective means I need to show that α-1(e') = e
Again I am unsure of where to start.

Thank you
a) Let's assume we have an ##x\in G##. Then ##\beta (\alpha (x)) = x.## Does this ##x## have a pre-image under ##\beta\,##?
b) Let's assume an ##x\in G## with ##\alpha(x)=1.## What does ##\beta \circ \alpha = \operatorname{id}_G## tell you?
c) Show both inclusions: ##\operatorname{ker}\beta \subseteq \operatorname{ker}(\alpha \beta)## and ##\operatorname{ker}(\alpha \beta) \subseteq \operatorname{ker}\beta ## by first assuming an element ##y \in \operatorname{ker}\beta## and next an element ##x \in \operatorname{ker}(\alpha \beta)\,.##

FAQ: Show injectivity, surjectivity and kernel of groups

What is injectivity in groups?

Injectivity in groups refers to a function or map that maps one element to another unique element in the group. In other words, no two elements in the group can be mapped to the same element. This is also known as the one-to-one property.

What is surjectivity in groups?

Surjectivity in groups refers to a function or map that maps an element from the group's range to every element in the group's domain. In other words, every element in the group can be mapped to by at least one element in the range. This is also known as the onto property.

How do you show injectivity of a group?

To show injectivity in a group, you must show that for every two elements in the group's domain, they map to different elements in the range. This can be done by using a proof or by showing that the function or map is invertible.

How do you show surjectivity of a group?

To show surjectivity in a group, you must show that every element in the group's range has at least one preimage in the domain. This can also be done using a proof or by showing that the function or map is onto.

What is the kernel of a group?

The kernel of a group is the set of elements in the group's domain that map to the identity element in the range. In other words, the kernel is the set of elements that get mapped to the neutral element by the function or map.
