Show Random Walk Respects Identity

In summary, the homework question asks for a function that satisfies the following inequality: ∥νe^tA−π∥_TV ≤ ce^(−βt/N2). To solve for c and β, we maximized the sum of e^(tA) v_i/π −1 over all i, and found c = e^(tA) max_i v_i/π and β = ln(2N2/t).
  • #1
Polo Lagrie
Moved thread to homework forum

I have the following homework question:

Let Xt be the continuous-time simple random walk on a circle as in Example 2, Section 7.2. Show that there exists a c,β > 0, independent of N such that for all initial probability distributions ν and all t > 0

[tex]∥νe^tA−π∥_TV ≤ ce^(−βt/N2)[/tex]

Here's what I'm thinking so far:

We proved the following in class:

[tex]∥νe^tA−π∥_TV ≤ 1/2 ||e^(tA) v/π −1||_π[/tex]

I know I can apply this to the function above in the form:

[tex]∥νe^(tA) −π∥TV ≤1/2e^λ2t ||v/π||_π[/tex]But I'm now stuck. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

P.s. Sorry for the poor formatting--new at Latex.
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  • #2
The trick here is to rewrite the equation as follows:∥νe^tA−π∥_TV ≤ ce^(−βt/N2) ⇔ ||e^(tA) v/π −1||_π ≤ 2ce^(−βt/N2) From there, you can use your definition of ||e^(tA) v/π −1||_π to come up with a bound for c and β.Let's start by writing out the definition of ||e^(tA) v/π −1||_π:||e^(tA) v/π −1||_π = ∑_i |e^(tA) v_i/π −1|We want to find a c and β such that this expression is less than or equal to 2ce^(−βt/N2). Let's start by considering only the exponential part. Since we know that e^(−βt/N2) ≤ 1, we can choose β such that e^(−βt/N2) = 1/2. This implies that β = ln(2N2/t). Now, for the rest of the expression, we can take the maximum value of |e^(tA) v_i/π −1| over all i. This will be the maximum value of the sum, and therefore can be used as an upper bound for c. For this expression, the maximum value occurs when e^(tA) v_i/π is maximized, which happens when v_i is maximized. So, we can choose c to be the maximum value of e^(tA) v_i/π, which is e^(tA) max_i v_i/π.Therefore, we have c = e^(tA) max_i v_i/π and β = ln(2N2/t), which are the desired constants.

Related to Show Random Walk Respects Identity

1. What is a random walk?

A random walk is a mathematical concept that describes a path or trajectory that is determined by a series of random steps or movements. It is commonly used in statistics and physics to model the behavior of systems that involve random processes.

2. How does a random walk respect identity?

In the context of "Show Random Walk Respects Identity", respecting identity means that the random walk follows certain rules or principles that preserve the original characteristics or properties of the system being modeled. This ensures that the random walk accurately reflects the behavior of the system and does not significantly alter its identity.

3. What is the significance of showing that a random walk respects identity?

This concept is important because it allows for accurate modeling and prediction of real-world systems that involve random processes. By ensuring that the random walk respects identity, we can trust the results and use them to make informed decisions or draw meaningful conclusions.

4. Can you give an example of a system where a random walk respects identity?

One example is the stock market. The random walk model can be used to predict the future prices of stocks by simulating the movements of their prices over time. By respecting the identity of the stocks, the random walk model can accurately reflect the behavior of the stock market and provide useful insights for investors.

5. Are there any limitations to the concept of "Show Random Walk Respects Identity"?

While this concept is useful in many applications, it is not a perfect model for all systems. There may be certain factors or variables that are not accounted for in the random walk model, which can lead to inaccurate results. Additionally, the model may not work well for systems that exhibit non-random or highly complex behavior.

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