Show smaller circle lie inside bigger circle

  • Thread starter goldfish9776
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In summary, the problem involves showing that the circle with equation $x^2 + y^2 +6x -10y +9=0$ is entirely inside the circle with equation $x^2 + y^2 +4x -6y -48=0$. The center and radius of the first circle are (3,5) and 5, respectively, while the center and radius of the second circle are (2,3) and $\sqrt{61}$, respectively. To solve the problem, one could find points of intersection or use the radius of the larger circle to determine if the distance between the centers and the radius of the smaller circle is less than the radius of the larger circle. Additionally, drawing the
  • #1

Homework Statement

I was asked to show the circle $x^2$ + $y^2$ +6$x$ -10$y$ +9=0 lies entirely inside circle $x^2$ + $y^2$ +4$x$ -6$y$-48=0...
For circle $x^2$ + $y^2$ +6$x$ -10$y$ +9=0
I managed to get the centre = (3,5) r=5

For circle $x^2$ + $y^2$ +4$x$ -6$y$-48=0
i gt centre = (2,3) r= sqrt 61How to proceed from here ??

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
Draw them on a piece of graph paper.
  • #3
If you are looking to show it analytically, you could look for points of intersection by solving both equations for one variable and setting them equal. That seems like too much work for this problem though.
Also you could use the radius of the larger circle. Find the radius that passes through the center of the smaller circle. If the sum of the distance between the centers and the radius of the smaller circle is less than the radius of the larger, then you know it will be entirely inside the larger circle.
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  • #4
RUber said:
If you are looking to show it analytically, you could look for points of intersection ... That seems like too much work for this problem though.
Are you sure? I think it might be the easiest way, but not by solving either in isolation. You can get a linear equation very quickly.
  • #5
It doesn't matter for this exercise, but your center points are (-3,5) and (-2,3)...

Also, if you draw two circles, one inside the other (and preferably not concentric :smile: ), you quickly see that the points of closest approach are on a line through the centers. And you can comfortably see what RUber means. (Comfortably meaning: it's easier to see than to describe in words)
  • #6
See picture. If you shrink both circles by the radius of the smaller one, the small circle becomes a point and you need to figure out if it is inside the shrunk big circle.

FAQ: Show smaller circle lie inside bigger circle

What is the concept of a smaller circle lying inside a bigger circle?

The concept of a smaller circle lying inside a bigger circle is a common geometric problem where a smaller circle is completely contained within a larger circle. This can also be referred to as a circle inscribed inside another circle.

What is the relationship between the radii of the two circles?

The relationship between the radii of the two circles is that the radius of the smaller circle is always less than the radius of the larger circle. This is because the smaller circle must fit inside the larger circle without touching the sides.

What is the formula for finding the radius of the smaller circle?

The formula for finding the radius of the smaller circle is r2 = (r1/2) * √2, where r1 is the radius of the larger circle and r2 is the radius of the smaller circle.

How can this concept be used in real-life situations?

This concept can be used in various real-life situations, such as designing round objects that fit within another object, like a bicycle wheel within a frame, or creating concentric circles in art or graphic design.

What is the significance of a smaller circle lying inside a bigger circle?

The significance of a smaller circle lying inside a bigger circle lies in the relationship between the two circles. This concept can help understand the principles of geometry and is often used in problem-solving and designing. It also has practical applications in fields such as engineering, architecture, and art.

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