Show that a linear map is linearly independent

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving linear independence and a linear map. The participants suggest using properties of the map to show that certain terms in the equation must be equal to zero, ultimately proving that the terms v, f(v),...,f^(n-1)(v) are linearly independent. They also discuss the importance of picking the right value for m and p in the proof.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let f:V[tex]\rightarrow[/tex] V be a linear map and let v[tex]\in[/tex]V be such that
f^n(v)[tex]\neq[/tex]0 and f^(n+1)(v)=0. Show that v,f(v),...,f^(n-1)(v) are linearly independent.

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm really stuck with this one. I know the definition of linear independence and I can see why this might be the case but I don't know how to go about showing this. If anyone could point me in the right direction I should be okay.

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  • #2
Can you show that for m<n fm(v)≠0 and that for p>n fp(v)=0. I.e. that fn+1 has to be the first mapping that sends v to 0?

If so could you then apply some fb to both sides of this equation: 0 = α0v +α1f(v) + α2f2(v) + ... + αnfn-1(v) that would show α0 = 0 (hint pick the right b). Could you do something similar for α1 = 0, etc?
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  • #3
JonF said:
Can you show that for m<n fm(v)≠0 and that for p>n fp(v)=0. I.e. that fn+1 has to be the first mapping that sends v to 0?

If so could you then apply some fb to both sides of this equation: 0 = α0v +α1f(v) + α2f2(v) + ... + αnfn-1(v) that would show α0 = 0 (hint pick the right b). Could you do something similar for α1 = 0, etc?

Ok I think I get you. So how would I go about picking an m and p? Or can I prove that arbitrarily? and for the fb would that be so fb(v) = 1?
  • #4
Prove it arbitrarily :

The p is pretty easy. Play around with fn+2(v) = f(fn+1(v)). That should show you why p > n goes to zero.

The m<n goes isn't zero is a bit trickier. I don’t want to give away the answer, so let’s consider a nice case where n+1 = 5. So f5(v) = 0, f4(v) ≠ 0, could f3(v) = 0 if f(f3(v)) = f4(v) ≠ 0

Using these properties see what happens if you let b=n and apply it to that equation I gave you.

Mitch_C said:
and for the fb would that be so fb(v) = 1?
No, you need to show that the only way that equation can =0 is if all of the αn terms are 0. That’s what it means to be linearly independent. With this method we're going to pick them off one at a time. starting with α0 all the way to αn-1

EXTRA HINT: fn(0) = 0 for any n
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  • #5
Ok that's great thanks a lot! Not only do I now have the question done but I understand it all too! I'm a happy bunny :)

So to make sure I did it right, I took fn the first time to show a0=0 and then fn-1 to show a1=0 and so on until you get fn-n which just gives you the equation back. And because all of the other ais are zero and fn-1(v) is different from zero then the final one an=0. So they're linearly independent and they all lived happily ever after!

Thanks a lot!
  • #6
exactly! did you get the p and m part? that's a key step.
  • #7
Yeah I got that part too. I also see why it's a key part :)

FAQ: Show that a linear map is linearly independent

1. What is a linear map?

A linear map is a mathematical function that maps between vector spaces in a way that preserves the operations of addition and scalar multiplication. In other words, it is a function that takes in vectors and outputs other vectors while maintaining the properties of linearity.

2. How do you show that a linear map is linearly independent?

To show that a linear map is linearly independent, you need to prove that the only way for the map to equal the zero map is if all of its coefficients are equal to zero. This can be done through various methods such as using the definition of linear independence or using the determinant of the matrix representation of the map.

3. Can a linear map be linearly dependent?

No, a linear map cannot be linearly dependent because by definition, a linear map is linearly independent. If a map was linearly dependent, it would mean that there exists a non-trivial linear combination of its coefficients that equals the zero map, which goes against the definition of linear independence.

4. What are some real-life applications of linear maps?

Linear maps have many real-life applications in fields such as physics, engineering, economics, and computer graphics. Some examples include representing the motion of objects in physics, modeling financial data in economics, and creating 3D graphics in computer graphics.

5. How does the concept of linear independence relate to linear maps?

The concept of linear independence is closely related to linear maps because it is one of the key properties that defines a linear map. In order for a map to be considered linear, it must be linearly independent. Additionally, the concept of linear independence is often used to prove the properties of linear maps, such as invertibility and isomorphism.
