Show that a rotating (fluid) planet is an oblate spheroid

In summary, the idea is that the centrifugal and gravity forces must be perpendicular to the surface of a rotating planet in order for the planet to stay at rest. If the planet is not spherical, then the gravitational force may not be accurate.
  • #1
The idea is that, if we take the rotating frame of the fluid-planet so that it is at rest, then the sum of gravity and the centrifugal force must be perpendicular to the surface.

Take the planet to be rotating about the y-axis at a rate ω. By symmetry we only need to work in 2 dimensions. So what we get is that the surface’s normal is directed along N = <Nx, Ny> = <ω2x - GMx/(x2+y2)3/2, -GMy/(x2+y2)3/2>

So the goal is to find the surfaces which are everywhere perpendicular to N. Well N is curl-less and so can be written as the gradient of a scalar potential, and then the surfaces we wish to find will simply be equipotentials. The scalar field with gradient equal N is GM/√(x2+y2) + 0.5(ωx)2 but if we take this expression equal to a constant, we do not get the equation of an ellipse. (The 2D cross section of the surface should be an ellipse.) What went wrong?
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  • #2
Actually I just realized that my expression for gravitational force comes from assuming the planet is spherical. That’s one mistake.

If we properly accounted for the gravity would the answer actually come out as an exact ellipse? Or is the oblate spheroid just an approximation?

If it is exact (for fluid planets in the Newtonian analysis) then is there any simple derivation? (Integrating gravity of a spheroid doesn’t sound simple.)
  • #3
For small ω the spherical gravity should be appoximately correct. If you solve for y in the equipotential equation then take the lowest order Taylor-approximation about ω ≈ 0 then you actually do get an equation for an ellipse.

With that, I guess it is just an approximation for low rotational speeds. (I suppose it’s still possible that taking the exact gravity expression will make it an ellipse for any ω, but that seems quite unlikely.)

Guess I jumped the gun on creating this thread.
  • #4
Hiero said:
The idea is that, if we take the rotating frame of the fluid-planet so that it is at rest, then the sum of gravity and the centrifugal force must be perpendicular to the surface.
Is that 'obvious'? I think it needs justifying: There is another (hydrostatic) force, due to the pressure of the rest of the fluid? The hydrostatic force is always normal to the surface and, if there is equilibrium, that must mean the sum of the other two forces must also be normal to the surface and of same magnitude as the hydrostatic force.
I don't think there's another force involved?
  • #5
@sophiecentaur Right, I could’ve explained better. The real idea is that a fluid can’t withstand any shear stress, so that any component of force along the surface would just cause the fluid to redistribute until the perpendicular-condition is satisfied.

There are probably some other subtleties of a rotating fluid planet that I’m overlooking, but my concern was more about the math than the physics.
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FAQ: Show that a rotating (fluid) planet is an oblate spheroid

1. What is an oblate spheroid?

An oblate spheroid is a three-dimensional object that is flattened at the poles and bulging at the equator, resembling a squashed sphere. This shape is often seen in rotating planets due to the centrifugal force acting on them.

2. How does a rotating planet become an oblate spheroid?

A rotating planet is constantly spinning on its axis, causing the centrifugal force to act on it. This force pushes the planet's matter outwards, resulting in a bulging at the equator and flattening at the poles, thus forming an oblate spheroid shape.

3. What is the significance of a planet being an oblate spheroid?

The shape of a planet has a major impact on its rotation, gravitational pull, and overall structure. An oblate spheroid shape indicates that the planet is rotating and has a strong gravitational pull, as well as a dense core and a thinner atmosphere at the poles.

4. How do scientists measure the oblate spheroid shape of a planet?

Scientists use various methods to measure the oblate spheroid shape of a planet. One common method is using satellite imaging and topographic data to create a three-dimensional model of the planet's surface, which can then be used to calculate its oblateness.

5. Are all planets oblate spheroids?

No, not all planets are oblate spheroids. Each planet's shape is determined by its rotation, mass, and composition. Smaller planets with slower rotation may have a more spherical shape, while larger and faster rotating planets tend to have a more pronounced oblate spheroid shape.

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