Show that an integer is unique

  • Thread starter Mr Davis 97
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In summary, we showed that for two odd integers a and b, there exists a unique integer c such that |a - c| = |b - c|. The necessary and sufficient condition for this to be true is c = (a + b)/2, whether or not a and b are integers.
  • #1
Mr Davis 97

Homework Statement

Suppose that a and b are odd integers with a ≠ b. Show that there is a unique integer c such that
|a - c| = |b - c|

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

What I did was this: Using the definition of absolute value, we have that ##(a - c) = \pm (b - c)##. If we choose the plus sign , then we have that ##a = b##, which contradicts our original assumption. So ##a - c = -b + c \implies c = \frac{a + b}{2}##. Does this solve the original problem? I have shown that there exists an integer ##c##, but is this sufficient to show that this c is unique?
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  • #2
Yes. If you like, you can assume, that ##c'## is another solution. But the same argument gives you ##c'=\frac{a+b}{2}=c##.

However, this isn't necessary, because to be exact, you only showed, that ##c=\frac{a+b}{2}## is necessary to be a solution and this is unique. You haven't shown, that it actually is a solution.
  • #3
fresh_42 said:
Yes. If you like, you can assume, that ##c'## is another solution. But the same argument gives you ##c'=\frac{a+b}{2}=c##.

However, this isn't necessary, because to be exact, you only showed, that ##c=\frac{a+b}{2}## is necessary to be a solution and this is unique. You haven't shown, that it actually is a solution.
Are you saying that I have to plug it back into show that it is actually a solution? Why doesn't the algebra itself show that it is a solution?
  • #4
fresh_42 said:
Yes. If you like, you can assume, that ##c'## is another solution. But the same argument gives you ##c'=\frac{a+b}{2}=c##.

However, this isn't necessary, because to be exact, you only showed, that ##c=\frac{a+b}{2}## is necessary to be a solution and this is unique. You haven't shown, that it actually is a solution.

WLOG, let ##a < b##. Then there are three possible cases: (1) ##c < a##; (2) ##c > b##; or (3) ##a \leq c \leq b##. It is easy to show that cases (1) and (2) are impossible. In case (3) we MUST have ##c-a = b-c##, so ##c = (a+b)/2##. This is true whether or not ##a, b## are integers (odd or not), and whether or not we need ##c## to be an integer. Of course, when ##a,b## are odd integers, ##c## is an integer, and that is easily shown.
  • #5
fresh_42 I am also a bit puzzled by your response. Can you elaborate?
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  • #6
Mr Davis 97 said:
Are you saying that I have to plug it back into show that it is actually a solution? Why doesn't the algebra itself show that it is a solution?

You can check that your steps are reversible, or you can plug the solution you got into the initial equation.

One thing you did not do was to show that ##c## is an integer.
  • #7
Mr Davis 97 said:
Are you saying that I have to plug it back into show that it is actually a solution?
Why doesn't the algebra itself show that it is a solution?
Well, in this case, it is pretty much so, for it is easy to see. But not, if we want to be very rigorous.
David Reeves said:
fresh_42 I am also a bit puzzled by your response. Can you elaborate?
What @Mr Davis 97 has shown was:

If ##\mathcal{\, A}_1 := \left(\, |a-c| = |b-c| \,\text{ for integer } \; a,b,c \text{ is true } \right)## then ##\mathcal{A}_2 := \left(c = \frac{a+b}{2} \text{ is true }\right)##.

This means, for statement ##\mathcal{A}_1## to be true, it is necessary, that statement ##\mathcal{A}_2## is also true.
It does not say, that statement ##\mathcal{A}_2## implies ##\mathcal{A}_1##, because ##\mathcal{A}_2## could still be true, even if ##\mathcal{A}_1## wasn't.

Therefore, it remains to show, that statement ##\mathcal{A}_2## is also sufficient for statement ##\mathcal{A}_1## to hold.
(cp. @PeroK's remark above)

I admit, it can be done by simply looking at it and doing the calculations in mind, but there might be more difficult examples ahead, in which case it is not as obvious.
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  • #8
fresh_42 said:

Well, in this case, it is pretty much so, for it is easy to see. But not, if we want to be very rigorous.

What @Mr Davis 97 has shown was:

If ##\mathcal{\, A}_1 := \left(\, |a-c| = |b-c| \,\text{ for integer } \; a,b,c \text{ is true } \right)## then ##\mathcal{A}_2 := \left(c = \frac{a+b}{2} \text{ is true }\right)##.

This means, for statement ##\mathcal{A}_1## to be true, it is necessary, that statement ##\mathcal{A}_2## is also true.
It does not say, that statement ##\mathcal{A}_2## implies ##\mathcal{A}_1##, because ##\mathcal{A}_2## could still be true, even if ##\mathcal{A}_1## wasn't.

Therefore, it remains to show, that statement ##\mathcal{A}_2## is also sufficient for statement ##\mathcal{A}_1## to hold.
(cp. @PeroK's remark above)

I admit, it can be done by simply looking at it and doing the calculations in mind, but there might be more difficult examples ahead, in which case it is not as obvious.

Whether or not ##a## and ##b## are integers, the equation ##|c-a| = |c-b|## implies that ##c = (a+b)/2##, uniquely. That is true for all real numbers; see post #4.
  • #9
Ray Vickson said:
Whether or not ##a## and ##b## are integers, the equation ##|c-a| = |c-b|## implies that ##c = (a+b)/2##, uniquely. That is true for all real numbers; see post #4.
Of course. But my mistake hasn't been this, it was that I didn't formulate ##\mathcal{A}_2## in a correct way, for it should have been ##\mathcal{A}_2 = (\exists c := \frac{a+b}{2} \in \mathbb{Z}\text{ is true })##. But even this wasn't really important for I spoke of the general logic of implications and the difference between a necessary and a sufficient condition. And, yes, it's pretty easy in this case.
  • #10
fresh_42 said:

Well, in this case, it is pretty much so, for it is easy to see. But not, if we want to be very rigorous.

What @Mr Davis 97 has shown was:

If ##\mathcal{\, A}_1 := \left(\, |a-c| = |b-c| \,\text{ for integer } \; a,b,c \text{ is true } \right)## then ##\mathcal{A}_2 := \left(c = \frac{a+b}{2} \text{ is true }\right)##.

This means, for statement ##\mathcal{A}_1## to be true, it is necessary, that statement ##\mathcal{A}_2## is also true.
It does not say, that statement ##\mathcal{A}_2## implies ##\mathcal{A}_1##, because ##\mathcal{A}_2## could still be true, even if ##\mathcal{A}_1## wasn't.

Therefore, it remains to show, that statement ##\mathcal{A}_2## is also sufficient for statement ##\mathcal{A}_1## to hold.
(cp. @PeroK's remark above)

I admit, it can be done by simply looking at it and doing the calculations in mind, but there might be more difficult examples ahead, in which case it is not as obvious.
So just to clarify, this is a problem of uniqueness, right? Thus, to prove that there is a unique solution, do we just have to prove ##\forall a \forall b \exists c(P(a,b,c) \land \forall r(P(a,b,r) \implies r = c))##, where ##P(a,b,c)## is the predicate that ##|a - c| = |b - c|##. So to show that ##P(a,b,c)## is true for some c, are you saying that I must show that ##|a - c| = |b - c| \Longleftrightarrow c = \frac{a+b}{2}## is true? Would it just be sufficient to show that ##c = \frac{a+b}{2} \implies |a - c| = |b - c| ##?
  • #11
Mr Davis 97 said:
So just to clarify, this is a problem of uniqueness, right? Thus, to prove that there is a unique solution, do we just have to prove ##\forall a \forall b \exists c(P(a,b,c) \land \forall r(P(a,b,r) \implies r = c))##, where ##P(a,b,c)## is the predicate that ##|a - c| = |b - c|##.
No, and it is a bit of an overkill here. Formally ##\forall a \forall b \exists c(P(a,b,c)## is your goal. You showed ##P(a,b,c) \Longrightarrow c=f(a,b)##. And as @Ray Vickson pointed out, the uniqueness of expression and the way of deduction already prevents the existence of another solution, or formally: You have shown ##P(a,b,c) \Longrightarrow c=f(a,b)##, so any ##c'## with ##P(a,b,c')## also implies ##c'=f(a,b)=c##.
The missing step is ##P(a,b,f(a,b))##. Does ##f(a,b)## actually fulfill the predicate?

So to show that ##P(a,b,c)## is true for some c, are you saying that I must show that ##|a - c| = |b - c| \Longleftrightarrow c = \frac{a+b}{2}## is true? Would it just be sufficient to show that ##c = \frac{a+b}{2} \implies |a - c| = |b - c| ##?
Yes, this would be sufficient. You don't actually need equivalence, only that ##c = \frac{a+b}{2}## is actually a solution (and that it is an integer!).

Let me illustrate the principle with another example:

##\{ x \cdot (x-2) = 0 \Longrightarrow \text{ case 1: } x=2n \ldots \text{ case 2: } x=2n+1 \ldots \Longrightarrow x \text{ is even } \}## is a true statement, but it doesn't guarantee, that any even number solves the equation.
Of course one would write ## x \cdot (x-2) = 0 \Longrightarrow x \in \{0,2\}## and nobody would ask to check, whether ##0 \cdot (0-2) = 0## and ##2\cdot (2-2)=0## because everybody sees it. That's similar to your example: one can see it.

But imagine you solved a system of differential equations and found a function ##f## as a result. In such a case, one should make sure, that the derived function actually solves the problem. To say it over the top: ##x = 0 \Rightarrow 1 \in \mathbb{R}## is always true, but doesn't solve the equation for ##x##. However, as I said, this is only a principle issue and can often be done by simply mentioning it, because it's obvious or easy done.
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FAQ: Show that an integer is unique

1. How do you show that an integer is unique?

To show that an integer is unique, you must demonstrate that it is the only integer with its specific value. This can be done by providing evidence or logical reasoning that supports the fact that no other integer can have the same value as the one in question.

2. Why is it important to prove that an integer is unique?

Proving that an integer is unique is important in various fields of science, such as mathematics, computer science, and physics. It ensures that the value of the integer is not mistaken for another value, which could lead to errors in calculations or experiments.

3. What methods can be used to show that an integer is unique?

There are several methods that can be used to show that an integer is unique. One way is to use a proof by contradiction, where you assume that there exists another integer with the same value and then demonstrate that this leads to a contradiction. Another method is to use a proof by induction, where you show that the integer is unique for a specific value and then generalize it for all possible values.

4. Can an integer be proven to be unique without using mathematical proofs?

Yes, an integer can be proven to be unique without using mathematical proofs. This can be done by providing empirical evidence, such as through experiments or observations, that show that the integer is the only one with its specific value.

5. What are some real-life examples of proving the uniqueness of an integer?

Real-life examples of proving the uniqueness of an integer include proving the uniqueness of a social security number, a credit card number, or a phone number. In these cases, it is important to show that the number is not shared by any other individual or entity, and therefore, is unique.
