Show that an open connected subset of R^2 is path-connected

  • Thread starter adam512
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In summary: Hi!I have a question regarding my solution to a problem in topology. Problem: Show that if U is an open connected subset of ℝ2, then U is also path-connected.Hint: Show that given any x0 in U, show that the set of points that can be joined to x0 by a path in U is both open and closed.In summary, U is an open connected subset of ℝ2, and to show that it is also path-connected, one must show that the set of points which can be joined to any x0 in U by a path in U is both open and closed. This can be done by first showing that an open ball in ℝ2 is path-connected, and then using the fact that
  • #1

I have a question regarding my solution to a problem in topology.

Problem: Show that if U is an open connected subset of ℝ2, then U is also path-connected.

Hint: Show that given any x0 in U, show that the set of points that can be joined to x0 by a path in U is both open and closed.

First of all, I know that since U is connected, the only sets which are both open and closed are ∅ and U itself. Therefore, if I can show that the set of points which can be joined to x0 by a path is indeed open and closed, and non-empty, it is U. But I am stuck, and think I found an alternative solution to this problem, not using the hint, and was wondering if it is correct or not.

My idea is this. Since U is an open subset of ℝ2, U can be written as a (possibly infinite) union of open balls Bn(x,ε), centered at x and with radius ε, positive, where x lies in U. And U is connected, which implies that given any ball, there is another ball with nonempty intersection. If it was empty, then U could be separated and hence not connected.

Now there is a path between any two pair of balls, which can be shown to imply that there is a path between any two points in the union of open balls.

It is very informal but do you guys think it could work? If not, any tips on how I find the set of all points in U connected to x0 by a path in U as the hint suggests?

Thanks in advance!
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  • #2
"And U is connected, which implies that the intersection of any two balls, can not be empty"; this is not true I'm afraid. Certainly two open balls in the union can be disjoint even if the set is connected; the set being connected just means that it cannot be written as the disjoint union of specifically two open sets.

Go with the given hint. Let ##S_{0}## be the set defined in the hint and let ##x\in S_0##. ##U## is open so there exists an open ball ##B_{\epsilon}(x)## contained entirely in ##U##. Use the fact that ##B_{\epsilon}(x)## is convex to show ##S_0## must be open. Then all you have to do is show that ##S_0## is closed as well (use a similar argument).
  • #3
adam512 said:

I have a question regarding my solution to a problem in topology.

Problem: Show that if U is an open connected subset of ℝ2, then U is also path-connected.

Hint: Show that given any x0 in U, show that the set of points that can be joined to x0 by a path in U is both open and closed.

First of all, I know that since U is connected, the only sets which are both open and closed are ∅ and U itself. Therefore, if I can show that the set of points which can be joined to x0 by a path is indeed open and closed, and non-empty, it is U. But I am stuck

First show that an open ball in [itex]\mathbb{R}^2[/itex] is path connected.

Let [itex]x_0 \in U[/itex], and let [itex]A \subset U[/itex] be the set of points in U which can be joined to [itex]x_0[/itex] by a path in U.

Given that U is open, and that open balls are path connected, why does it follow that:
(1) A is not empty.
(2) A is open.
(3) A is closed, ie. the complement of A in U is open.
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  • #4
Thanks for the replies!

Before I post my reply, how do I write math? To the right it says "Click the sigma symbol in the toolbar for complex equations" but I can't find the sigma-symbol.
  • #6
Thank you micromass.

WannabeNewton: I found my error and changed it from "And U is connected, which implies that the intersection of any two balls, can not be empty" to "And U is connected, which implies that given any ball, there is another ball with nonempty intersection"

But I just realized why this is wrong too. Just to illustrate the error, one can have three open balls in a "chain" (the audi logo) and three other open balls in a "chain" (another audi logo), with the chains disjoint, but yet every ball intersects some other ball.


Open balls in [itex] \mathbb{R}^2 [/itex] are path connected since they are convex.

1) [itex] A [/itex] is nonempty, since [itex] x_0 \in A [/itex], and also some open ball containing [itex] x_0 [/itex].

2) It is open since it is a union of open sets (all the balls)?

3) Now the closedness of A is where I get stuck. I already know that A's complement is the empty set, but I still need to show it is open. Where do I start? By assuming the complement is the set of all numbers with no path between them? By the way, if I did not know that this in fact was the empty set, could this complement ever contain anything else than a finite number of points? Is this what I need to use? It would at least be a closed set.

Thanks again for the replies!
  • #7
Your argument for ##(2)## doesn't really prove anything. Why should it be a union of open balls? This is what you have to actually show. See what I said above in post #2. ##(3)## will become clear if you can show ##(2)##.
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  • #8
Thank you again.

I believe I have got it right now.

Let [itex] S_0 [/itex] be the set of points which can be joined to [itex] x_0 \in U [/itex] by a path in [itex] U [/itex]. Now for any [itex] y \in S_0 [/itex] there is some open ball [itex] B_{\epsilon}(y) [/itex] fully contained in [itex] S_0 [/itex]. This is true because by our definition of [itex] S_0 [/itex], there is path between [itex] x_0 [/itex] and [itex] y [/itex], and we can find a path between [itex]x_0 [/itex] and any point in the ball too, since the ball is convex (putting the path between [itex] x_0 [/itex] and [itex] y [/itex] together with the straight line segment between [itex] y [/itex] and any point in the ball). So for every point [itex] y \in S_0 [/itex], there is an open set (the ball) fully contained in [itex]S_0 [/itex], hence it is open.

We use a similir argument to show that the complement is open. Take some [itex]y \in U\setminus S_0 [/itex]. Now there is some open ball [itex] B_{\epsilon}(y) [/itex] fully contained in [itex] U \setminus S_0 [/itex]. By the definition of the complement, there is no path between [itex]x_0 [/itex] and [itex]y [/itex], and therefore no path between the points in the ball (if there were, we could find a path between [itex]x_0 [/itex] and [itex] y[/itex] too). So the complement is open too!

Thanks for all the replies.

I believe my next problem is a generalization of this problem, instead of [itex]\mathbb{R}^2 [/itex] the space is just locally path connected.
  • #10
On reflection, there is another proof which doesn't require showing expressly that [itex]U \setminus S_0[/itex] is open:

"Can be joined by a path lying wholly in U to" is an equivalence relation on U (the proof of this is straightforward). To show that U is path connected, one must show that there is exactly one equivalence class.

Since U is open, by definition for all [itex]x \in U[/itex] there exists [itex]r > 0[/itex] such that [itex]B_r(x) \subset U[/itex], and because [itex]B_r(x)[/itex] is path connected we have [itex]B_r(x) \subset [x][/itex]. Thus every equivalence class is open.

Since U is open, if there are at least two equivalence classes then U is the union of at least two disjoint non-empty open sets, and so by definition U is disconnected. But by assumption U is connected. Thus there is exactly one equivalence class, as required.

Related to Show that an open connected subset of R^2 is path-connected

1. What does it mean for a subset of R^2 to be open and connected?

Being open means that every point in the subset has an open neighborhood contained within the subset. Being connected means that the subset cannot be divided into two disjoint nonempty open sets. In other words, there are no "gaps" in the subset.

2. How do you prove that an open subset of R^2 is path-connected?

One way to prove this is to show that for any two points in the subset, there exists a continuous function mapping a closed interval onto the subset, with the starting point mapping to one point and the ending point mapping to the other. This would demonstrate that there is a path connecting the two points within the subset.

3. Can you provide an example of an open connected subset of R^2 that is not path-connected?

Yes, the subset {(x,y) | 0 < x < 1, 0 < y < 1} is open and connected, but not path-connected. This is because there is no continuous function that can map a closed interval onto this subset, as there is a "gap" between the points (0,0) and (1,1).

4. How does the concept of path-connectedness relate to the concept of connectedness?

The concept of path-connectedness is a stronger version of connectedness. While connectedness only requires that there are no gaps in a subset, path-connectedness requires that there is a specific path connecting any two points in the subset. Therefore, all path-connected subsets are connected, but the reverse is not true.

5. Why is it important to study path-connectedness in open subsets of R^2?

Path-connectedness is a fundamental concept in topology and has many applications in various fields of mathematics and science. In particular, it allows for the study of continuous functions and helps to establish important properties of open subsets. Additionally, many real-world phenomena can be modeled using path-connectedness, making it a valuable tool for understanding and analyzing real-world data and systems.

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