Show that E must exceed ##V_{min}##

  • Thread starter gfd43tg
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In summary, the differential equation can be rewritten as the one in the problem statement, and the solution is given by solving for ##\psi## using equation 1.20. Additionally, if ##V - E## is positive, then the second derivative will have the same sign as ##\psi## and the solution will be positive as ##x \rightarrow \pm\infty##.
  • #1
Gold Member

Homework Statement


Homework Equations

Equation 2.5
$$ - \frac {\hbar^{2}}{2m} \frac {d^{2} \psi}{dx^{2}} + V \psi = E \psi $$

Equation 1.20
$$ \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \mid \Psi (x,t) \mid^{2} dx = 1 $$

The Attempt at a Solution

So it is easy enough to do the algebra to show that equation 2.5 can be rewritten as the one in the problem statement.

So if I assume ##E < V_{min}##, then ##\frac {d^{2} \psi}{dx^{2}}## will be positive. If I have a positive second derivative, how do I know that ##\psi## will also be positive?

For a function to be normalized

$$ \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \mid \Psi (x,t) \mid^{2} = 1 $$

But I have not figured out how to connect the dots to know how the hint will mean that this function cannot be normalized (i.e. the integral cannot be true).
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  • #2
Just solve the differential equation :) Assume E is smaller than every possible value of V, then you have a differential equation of the form


where a is a positive number. While previously a was negative the solution was a complex exponential (periodic) and now the solutions are real exponentials. Try to normalize that.

edit: I know you are not solving the exact same equation, since V is a function of x, but the behavior should be similar. When the coefficient is positive you have exponential, when it is negative you have complex exponential.
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  • #3
Alrighty then, I will solve the differential equation

$$ \frac {d^{2} \psi}{dx^{2}} - \frac {2m}{\hbar^{2}} \Big (V(x) - E \Big ) \psi = 0 $$
$$ r^{2} - \frac {2m}{\hbar^{2}} \Big (V(x) - E \Big ) = 0 $$
Therefore, ##r_{1} = \sqrt { \frac {2m(V-E)}{\hbar^{2}}}## and ##r_{2} = - \sqrt { \frac {2m(V-E)}{\hbar^{2}}}##
So the solution to the differential equation is
$$ \psi = c_{1}e^{\sqrt { \frac {2m(V-E)}{\hbar^{2}}}} + c_{2}e^{- \sqrt { \frac {2m(V-E)}{\hbar^{2}}}} $$

To normalize, I use equation 1.20
$$ \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \mid c_{1}e^{\sqrt { \frac {2m(V-E)}{\hbar^{2}}}} + c_{2}e^{- \sqrt { \frac {2m(V-E)}{\hbar^{2}}}} \mid^{2} dx $$

Well, I don't exactly know what ##V(x)## is, so I can't really integrate this.
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  • #4
Maylis said:
So if I assume ##E < V_{min}##, then ##\frac {d^{2} \psi}{dx^{2}}## will be positive.
That's not true. Read the hint again. :wink:

If I have a positive second derivative, how do I know that ##\psi## will also be positive?
Wait... let's take a little detour...

Let ##z## be a real variable, and let ##\alpha## be a real constant. If I tell you that ##\alpha z > 0##, and that ##\alpha## is positive, what can you tell me about the sign of ##z##? Similarly, if I told you that ##\alpha## is negative, what could you tell me about the sign of ##z## in that case?

Then look at your Schrodinger equation again. I think you've already figured out that ##(V-E)>0##, so... can you now see that ##\psi## and its 2nd derivative must have the same sign? (If that's not obvious, just consider the cases ##\psi>0## and ##\psi<0## separately.)

For a function to be normalized
$$ \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \mid \Psi (x,t) \mid^{2} = 1 $$
But I have not figured out how to connect the dots to know how the hint will mean that this function cannot be normalized (i.e. the integral cannot be true).
Consider the case where ##\psi>0## and ##d^2\psi/dx^2 > 0##. What, therefore, do you know about the curve ##\psi(x)## in the neighbourhood of any (arbitrary) point ##x##.

Hint: remember the stuff about concave-up, and concave-down in relation to 2nd derivatives? If a function ##\psi(x)## is positive for all ##x##, and its graph is concave-up everywhere, what can you deduce about the behaviour of ##\psi(x)## as ##x \to \pm\infty## ?
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  • #5
Okay, now I understand the hint, so really since ##V - E## is positive, then the second derivative will of course have the same sign as ##\psi##. And with that said, then ##\psi(x) \rightarrow \pm \infty## as ##x \rightarrow \pm \infty##, assuming ##\psi(x) < 0## or ##\psi(x) > 0##. Then of course ##\mid \psi(x) \mid^{2}## will also approach infinity. Thus it is not normalizable.
  • #6
That's the idea.

(Strictly speaking, one must also assume that ##\psi(x)## is continuous -- with a well-behaved 1st derivative. But that's a standard assumption when working with the Schrodinger eqn in QM.)

FAQ: Show that E must exceed ##V_{min}##

What does it mean to show that E must exceed ##V_{min}##?

To show that E must exceed ##V_{min}## means to prove that the energy of a system (E) must be greater than the minimum potential energy (##V_{min}##) in order for the system to be stable or in a state of equilibrium.

Why is it important to demonstrate that E is greater than ##V_{min}##?

It is important to demonstrate that E is greater than ##V_{min}## because it ensures that the system is in a stable state and will not collapse or become unstable. This is crucial in understanding the behavior and properties of various systems in science, such as chemical reactions, physical systems, and biological processes.

How do you show that E must exceed ##V_{min}## mathematically?

To show that E must exceed ##V_{min}## mathematically, one can use the formula E > ##V_{min}## to represent the inequality between the two values. This can then be further expanded and manipulated using relevant equations and principles depending on the specific system being analyzed.

What are some real-life examples of demonstrating E > ##V_{min}##?

One example is in chemical reactions, where the energy of the reactants must exceed the activation energy (equivalent to ##V_{min}##) in order for the reaction to proceed. Another example is in physical systems, such as a pendulum, where the energy of the pendulum at its lowest point must exceed the gravitational potential energy (equivalent to ##V_{min}##) for it to swing back up.

What happens if E is not greater than ##V_{min}##?

If E is not greater than ##V_{min}##, the system will not be in a stable state and can potentially collapse or become unstable. This can lead to various consequences, such as failed chemical reactions, unpredictable physical behavior, and malfunctioning biological processes. Understanding the relationship between E and ##V_{min}## is crucial in predicting and controlling the behavior of systems in science.

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