Show that ##f(x)=2',1',2'## in the irreducible Polynomial

  • Thread starter chwala
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In summary: If a given polynomial has ##f(x)=0##, then it would imply existence of zero divisors- hence no integral domain...correct?If a given polynomial, say with two variables, ##x## and ##y## has ##f(x)=0##,...What do you mean? You say two variables but write only one.
  • #1
Gold Member
Homework Statement
See attached
Relevant Equations
Ring Theory

My interest is on the highlighted; my understanding is that,




##f(1^{'})=1{'}+1{'}+2^{'}=4^{'} ##

we know that in ##\mathbb{z_3} ## that ##\dfrac{4}{3}=1^{'}##

##f(2^{'})=8^{'}+4^{'}+2^{'}=14{'} ##

we know that in ##\dfrac{14^{'}}{3}=1^{'}##...

I hope that is the correct reasoning for the highlighted part indicated in red.
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  • #2
chwala said:
Homework Statement:: See attached
Relevant Equations:: Ring Theory

View attachment 323813

My interest is on the highlighted; my understanding is that,



chwala said:
##f(1^{'})=1{'}+1{'}+2^{'}=4^{'} ##

we know that in ##\mathbb{z_3} ## that ##\dfrac{4}{3}=1^{'}##
No fractions, please. We have ##4'=1' ## in ##\mathbb{Z}_3##.
chwala said:
##f(2^{'})=8^{'}+4^{'}+2^{'}=14{'} ##

we know that in ##\dfrac{14^{'}}{3}=1^{'}##...

Same here, only that ##14'=2'##

chwala said:
I hope that is the correct reasoning for the highlighted part indicated in red.
These three equations show that the polynomial has no zero. If it was reducible, say ##f(x)=g(x)\cdot h(x)##, then either ##g(x)## or ##h(x)## had to be linear, say ##g(x)=x-c'.## But this means ##g(c')=0## and ##f(c')=g(c')\cdot h(c')=0## which we excluded.
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  • #3
fresh_42 said:

No fractions, please. We have ##4'=1' ## in ##\mathbb{Z}_3##.Same here, only that ##14'=2'##These three equations show that the polynomial has no zero. If it was reducible, say ##f(x)=g(x)\cdot h(x)##, then either ##g(x)## or ##h(x)## had to be linear, say ##g(x)=x-c'.## But this means ##g(c')=0## and ##f(c')=g(c')\cdot h(c')=0## which we excluded.
Noted @fresh_42 ...on the fraction bit. Cheers...
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  • #4
fresh_42 said:

No fractions, please. We have ##4'=1' ## in ##\mathbb{Z}_3##.Same here, only that ##14'=2'##These three equations show that the polynomial has no zero. If it was reducible, say ##f(x)=g(x)\cdot h(x)##, then either ##g(x)## or ##h(x)## had to be linear, say ##g(x)=x-c'.## But this means ##g(c')=0## and ##f(c')=g(c')\cdot h(c')=0## which we excluded.
If a given polynomial has ##f(x)=0##, then it would imply existence of zero divisors- hence no integral domain...correct?
  • #5
chwala said:
If a given polynomial, say with two variables, ##x## and ##y## has ##f(x)=0##,...
What do you mean? You say two variables but write only one.
chwala said:
then it would imply existence of zero divisors- hence no integral domain...correct?

like in this case, we are having ##x^{s}## and ##2## as our ##y##...
The definition of an integral domain is simple. It means that no non-zero elements can be multiplied to zero.
In formulas: ##(a\cdot b= 0 \Longrightarrow a=0 \text{ or }b=0) \Longleftrightarrow (a\neq 0 \text{ and }b\neq 0 \Longrightarrow a\cdot b\neq 0).##

E.g., the 12 hour marks on a clock's face ##\{0,1,2,3,\ldots,10,11\}## has zero divisors: ##3\cdot 4 = 12 = 0## or ##2\cdot 6 = 0.## The light switch ##\{0,1\}## has no zero-divisors. Although we have ##1+1=0## we do not have ##1\cdot 1=0,## and ##2## does not exist (or equals ##0##, depending on how we define it).

##\mathbb{Z}_n## is an integral domain if and only if ##n## is prime. In this case, it is even a field.
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  • #6
Note that in [itex]\mathbb{Z}_3[/itex], [itex]2' = -1'[/itex] and [itex](-1')^n[/itex] is [itex]1'[/itex] if [itex]n[/itex] is even and [itex]-1'[/itex] if [itex]n[/itex] is odd. Therefore [itex](2')^3 + (2')^2 = 0'[/itex].
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  • #7
Well, strictly speaking, ##\frac{a}{b}= ab^{-1}##. Though ##b^{-1}## may not exist in ##\mathbb Z_n## if ##n## is not a prime.
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  • #8
chwala said:
Homework Statement: See attached
Relevant Equations: Ring Theory

View attachment 323813

My interest is on the highlighted; my understanding is that,




##f(1^{'})=1{'}+1{'}+2^{'}=4^{'} ##

we know that in ##\mathbb{z_3} ## that ##\dfrac{4}{3}=1^{'}##

##f(2^{'})=8^{'}+4^{'}+2^{'}=14{'} ##

we know that in ##\dfrac{14^{'}}{3}=1^{'}##...

I hope that is the correct reasoning for the highlighted part indicated in red.
Just to point out something in Fresh_44 comment. The method used by the author is a common technique used for ℤn , when n is prime.

ie., exhaust all the possible cases {1,2,..., n-1}. If f does not qual zero for any of these elements, then f is irreducible over ℤn. If f does equal zero for one of these elements, say an element a, then f is reducible, since this value is a zero (root) which is equivalent to saying x-a is a factor.

These problems become more interesting, when we are not working with finite integral domains.
  • Informative
Likes chwala
  • #9
Thanks @MidgetDwarf ...noted, I will look at this/get back on forum in a few weeks...trying to check on the health of a family member at moment. Cheers man!
  • Care
Likes malawi_glenn

FAQ: Show that ##f(x)=2',1',2'## in the irreducible Polynomial

What does it mean for a polynomial to be irreducible?

An irreducible polynomial is a polynomial that cannot be factored into the product of two or more non-constant polynomials over a given field. In other words, it has no divisors other than itself and 1 (up to multiplication by a unit).

How can we determine if a polynomial is irreducible?

To determine if a polynomial is irreducible, we can use various tests depending on the degree of the polynomial and the field over which it is defined. For polynomials over the integers or rationals, Eisenstein's criterion is a common test. For polynomials over finite fields, we can use factorization algorithms or check if it has any roots in the field.

What is the significance of the notation ##f(x)=2',1',2'##?

The notation ##f(x)=2',1',2'## is unclear without additional context, but it may refer to a specific form or sequence related to the polynomial in question. It could be indicating coefficients, roots, or some other property. Clarification from the source of the notation would be necessary to provide a precise interpretation.

Can you provide an example of an irreducible polynomial?

Yes, an example of an irreducible polynomial over the field of rational numbers is \( f(x) = x^2 + 1 \). This polynomial cannot be factored into the product of two non-constant polynomials with rational coefficients.

Why is the concept of irreducibility important in mathematics?

The concept of irreducibility is fundamental in various areas of mathematics, including algebra and number theory. Irreducible polynomials play a key role in constructing field extensions, understanding the structure of polynomial rings, and in applications such as coding theory and cryptography.

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