- #1
- 123
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Homework Statement
Let [itex]u,v\in H_0^1(\mathbb{R})[/itex], the closure of smooth [itex]\mathbb{R}[/itex]-valued functions with compact support with respect to the norm defined by [tex]||v||_{1}^2=||v||^2+||v'||^2,[/tex] where [itex]||\cdot||[/itex] is the standard L2 norm. Show that [itex]uv\in H_0^1(\mathbb{R})[/itex].
The Attempt at a Solution
Pretty much stuck on this one. Density of smooth functions with compact support likely won't be super helpful since they're also dense in L2, and as far as I know, that space isn't closed under multiplication (if it is, then this exercise is trivial, since then we can just apply Cauchy-Schwartz and use the multiplication in L2 to bound [itex] ||uv|| [/itex]).
I would appreciate a starting point...