Show that H_0^1(R) is an algebra.

  • Thread starter christoff
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In summary: But if not, let me know and I'll try to help you out.In summary, the density of functions with compact support is not helpful in solving this problem because the space is also dense in L2.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let [itex]u,v\in H_0^1(\mathbb{R})[/itex], the closure of smooth [itex]\mathbb{R}[/itex]-valued functions with compact support with respect to the norm defined by [tex]||v||_{1}^2=||v||^2+||v'||^2,[/tex] where [itex]||\cdot||[/itex] is the standard L2 norm. Show that [itex]uv\in H_0^1(\mathbb{R})[/itex].

The Attempt at a Solution

Pretty much stuck on this one. Density of smooth functions with compact support likely won't be super helpful since they're also dense in L2, and as far as I know, that space isn't closed under multiplication (if it is, then this exercise is trivial, since then we can just apply Cauchy-Schwartz and use the multiplication in L2 to bound [itex] ||uv|| [/itex]).

I would appreciate a starting point... :smile:
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  • #2
I expect it to be very easy to show that the set of smooth functions with compact support is closed under multiplication. The problem here is that ##H_0^1(\mathbb R)##, as you have defined it, also contains all the functions that are limits of sequences of such functions. So if u and v are such limits, can you show that uv is too?
  • #3
I think I'm close... By density, let [itex]u_n\rightarrow u, v_n\rightarrow v[/itex] in [itex]H^1(\mathbb{R})[/itex]. We can write [itex] u_nv_n-uv=v_n(u_n-u)+u(v_n-v)[/itex]. Then, to show that [itex]uv\in H_0^1(\mathbb{R})[/itex], it suffices to show
[tex]||v_n(u_n-u)+u(v_n-v)||_1\leq ||v_n(u_n-u)||_1+||u(v_n-v)||_1 \rightarrow 0. [/tex] The first expression to the right of the inequality reads, after expanding,
[tex] \left [\int (v_n^2+v_n'^2)(u_n-u)^2 + 2v_n'v_n(u_n-u)(u_n'-u')+v_n^2(u_n'-u')^2dx \right]^{1/2}[/tex] By the Sobolev imbedding theorem, we have that [itex]v_n[/itex] is uniformly bounded, so we can bound the above integral by
[tex]\int (A+v_n'^2)(u_n-u)^2dx +\int 2Bv_n' |(u_n-u)(u_n'-u')| dx + \int A(u_n'-u')^2dx \\
= A||u_n-u||+\int v_n'^2(u_n-u)^2dx+2B\int |v_n' (u_n-u)(u_n'-u')| dx +A||u_n'-u'||[/tex]for some constants [itex]A,B[/itex]. The problem is now the two terms in the middle. The left and right-most terms converge to zero because [itex]u_n\rightarrow u[/itex] in H1. If we knew that [itex]v_n'[/itex] was uniformly bounded, then we would be done. Unfortunately, this does not hold (as far as I know); all we know is that [itex]v_n'\rightarrow v'[/itex] in L2.

What next?
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  • #4
christoff said:
By density, let [itex]u_n\rightarrow u, v_n\rightarrow v[/itex] in [itex]H^1(\mathbb{R})[/itex]. We can write [itex] u_nv_n-uv=v_n(u_n-u)+u(v_n-v)[/itex]. Then, to show that [itex]uv\in H_0^1(\mathbb{R})[/itex], it suffices to show
[tex]||v_n(u_n-u)+u(v_n-v)||_1\leq ||v_n(u_n-u)||_1+||u(v_n-v)||_1 \rightarrow 0. [/tex] The first expression to the right of the inequality reads, after expanding,
[tex] \left [\int (v_n^2+v_n'^2)(u_n-u)^2 + 2v_n'v_n(u_n-u)(u_n'-u')+v_n^2(u_n'-u')^2dx \right]^{1/2}[/tex] By the Sobolev imbedding theorem, we have that [itex]v_n[/itex] is uniformly bounded, so we can bound the above integral by
[tex]\int (A+v_n'^2)(u_n-u)^2dx +\int 2Bv_n' |(u_n-u)(u_n'-u')| dx + \int A(u_n'-u')^2dx \\
= A||u_n-u||+\int v_n'^2(u_n-u)^2dx+2B\int |v_n' (u_n-u)(u_n'-u')| dx +A||u_n'-u'||[/tex]for some constants [itex]A,B[/itex].

OK, think I got it.

The left and right-most quantities converge to zero since [itex]u_n\rightarrow u[/itex] in H1. By Cauchy-Schwartz and the uniform boundedness of [itex](u_n-u)[/itex] (by Sovolev imbedding), [tex]2B\int |v_n' (u_n-u)(u_n'-u')| dx \leq 2B'||v_n'||\cdot||u_n'-u'||\rightarrow 0[/tex] since [itex]v_n'\rightarrow v'[/itex] in L2 and [itex]||u_n'-u'||\rightarrow 0[/itex]. We also have that since [itex]u_n-u[/itex] is continuous and uniformly bounded (Sobolev imbedding theorem), there exists [itex]C(n)\rightarrow 0[/itex] with [itex]||u_n-u||_{∞}\leq C(n)[/itex]. Hence, [tex]\int v_n'^2(u_n-u)^2dx\leq \int v_n'^2\cdot C(n)^2dx = C(n)^2||v_n'||\rightarrow 0\cdot ||v'||=0.[/tex] Therefore, [itex]||v_n(u_n-u)||_1\rightarrow 0[/itex]. Similar computations show that [itex]||u(v_n-v)||_1 \rightarrow 0.[/itex] The result follows.

Is this correct?
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  • #5
The strategy I had in mind starts exactly the way you did it. I was thinking that if the L_2 norm satisfies ##\|fg\|\leq\|f\|\|g\|## for all f,g, then we might be able to use that to show that the other norm satisfies this condition too. This is either impossible, or a significant simplification. (I haven't thought about it enough to know which).

I don't have time to look at the details of your proof right now. If you think you have solved it, you probably have.

FAQ: Show that H_0^1(R) is an algebra.

What is H_0^1(R)?

H_0^1(R) is a function space known as the Sobolev space, which consists of functions that have a square integrable first order derivative.

What does it mean for H_0^1(R) to be an algebra?

An algebra is a set of elements that can be combined together using certain operations to create new elements within the set. In the case of H_0^1(R), the operations are addition, multiplication, and scalar multiplication, and the resulting functions are still within H_0^1(R).

How is H_0^1(R) different from other function spaces?

H_0^1(R) is unique in that it not only contains functions with square integrable first order derivatives, but also includes the condition that the functions must be zero at infinity. This allows for a more well-behaved space with a more complete set of functions.

What are the applications of H_0^1(R) in mathematics?

H_0^1(R) has many applications in mathematical analysis, particularly in the study of partial differential equations. It is also used in the theory of elasticity, where functions in this space can represent deformations of elastic bodies.

What is the significance of showing that H_0^1(R) is an algebra?

Proving that H_0^1(R) is an algebra is important because it allows for the use of algebraic techniques in the study of this function space. This can simplify calculations and allow for a deeper understanding of the properties and behavior of functions in H_0^1(R).
