Show that if T^2 = 0 then I - T is one-to-one and onto

  • Thread starter AzwinAwin
  • Start date
In summary: I think I understand now. So basically, the fact that T^2 = 0 means that T is not invertible, so we can't use the fact that the product of two invertible linear maps is invertible. Instead, we have to show that T is injective and surjective directly.
  • #1
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Let V be a vector space and T:V->V a linear transformation. Show that if T^2 = 0 then I - T is one-to-one and onto. As I denoted as the identity transformation.

can i relate it with (1-t)(1+t)=(1-t^2) when i do the proving ? how?
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  • #2
You've found the basic idea behind it. But is it also true, that (A-B)^2 = A^2 - 2AB +B^2 for any linear A,B : V → V? When and why can you apply the binomial formula?
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  • #3
Try using this with what you have: If the product of two linear maps is invertible, then each of those maps is invertible.

  • #4
your hints re very helpful. thanks a lot.
  • #5
I'm sorry.
I don't think so the hint help me to solve the question.
Can someone explain more clearly?
  • #6
Abhineshwary said:
I'm sorry.
I don't think so the hint help me to solve the question.
Can someone explain more clearly?
and now use @Bipolarity 's remark.
  • #7
fresh_42 said:
You've found the basic idea behind it. But is it also true, that (A-B)^2 = A^2 - 2AB +B^2 for any linear A,B : V → V?
(A- B)^2= (A- B)(A- B)= A^2- AB- BA+ B^2. That is NOT generally A^2- 2AB+ B^2 because, for linear transformations, it is NOT general y true that AB= BA.

When and why can you apply the binomial formula?
The binomial formula assumes that the values are commutative under multiplication so that the product of the same number of terms in any order can be combined.
  • #8
HallsofIvy said:
The binomial formula assumes that the values are commutative under multiplication so that the product of the same number of terms in any order can be combined.
... which for linear functions in general is only true to multiples of 1.
  • #9
a function is 1-1 and onto iff it has an inverse. you have proved that 1-t has as inverse 1+t. qed. what can you say if T^3 =0? or if T^n = 0?
  • #10
I am kind of interested in what the answer to this would be.

I would have said that because T^2 = 0, T must also equal 0. Therefore, 1 - T = 1 - 0 = 1.

x/y = x:y
1/1 = 1:1

Is this process a valid proof for this kind of question? Or am I completely off?
  • #11
Bill_Nye_Fan said:
I am kind of interested in what the answer to this would be.

I would have said that because T^2 = 0, T must also equal 0. Therefore, 1 - T = 1 - 0 = 1.

x/y = x:y
1/1 = 1:1

Is this process a valid proof for this kind of question? Or am I completely off?
No, for operators, T^2 = 0 doesn't imply that T must also equal 0

An example, take the following operator ##T: \mathbb R² \to \mathbb R²: (x,y) \mapsto (0,x)##
##T(x,y)=(0,x)##, ##T²(x,y)=T(0,x)=(0,0)##
So ##T \neq 0##, but ##T²=0##.

Also note: ##(I-T)(x,y)=I(x,y)-T(x,y)=(x,y)-(0,x)=(x,y-x) \neq I(x,y)##
  • #12
Samy_A said:
No, for operators, T^2 = 0 doesn't imply that T must also equal 0

An example, take the following operator ##T: \mathbb R² \to \mathbb R²: (x,y) \mapsto (0,x)##
##T(x,y)=(0,x)##, ##T²(x,y)=T(0,x)=(0,0)##
So ##T \neq 0##, but ##T²=0##.

Also note: ##(I-T)(x,y)=I(x,y)-T(x,y)=(x,y)-(0,x)=(x,y-x) \neq I(x,y)##

Okay, thank you. I am unfamiliar with what operators are or how they work, so I sort of just tried to solve it as a regular equation. I suppose I will need to go a research these operators further now.
  • #13
Okay, thanks a lot everyone!

Related to Show that if T^2 = 0 then I - T is one-to-one and onto

1. What does the equation T^2 = 0 mean in this context?

The equation T^2 = 0 means that the linear transformation T, when applied twice, results in the zero vector.

2. How do you prove that I - T is one-to-one?

To prove that I - T is one-to-one, we need to show that for any two vectors x and y in the domain of T, if (I - T)x = (I - T)y, then x = y. This can be done by assuming that (I - T)x = (I - T)y and then using algebraic manipulations to show that x = y.

3. How do you prove that I - T is onto?

To prove that I - T is onto, we need to show that for any vector y in the codomain of T, there exists a vector x in the domain of T such that (I - T)x = y. This can be done by solving the equation (I - T)x = y for x, which will show that for every y, there exists an x that maps to it.

4. Are there any special conditions for this proof to hold?

Yes, for this proof to hold, the linear transformation T must be a square matrix, meaning that it has the same number of rows and columns. This is because T^2 = 0 only makes sense for square matrices.

5. Why is it important to show that I - T is one-to-one and onto?

Showing that I - T is one-to-one and onto is important because it proves that T has an inverse, which is a crucial concept in linear algebra. It also allows us to find the inverse of T by using the formula (I - T)^-1 = I + T + T^2 + ... + T^n-1, where n is the dimension of the matrix. This inverse can be used to solve systems of linear equations and perform other important calculations.

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