Show that Isospin operators satisfy the SU(2) algebra

In summary, we are trying to show that the 3 isospin operators satisfy the SU(2) algebra. To do this, we need to calculate the commutators between these operators. We have successfully calculated the first one, but are having difficulty with the others. Using the formula for the commutator, we can calculate the remaining commutators involving T_3.
  • #1
Hi there! Doesn't seem like a hard problem..

Homework Statement

Show that the 3 isospin operators, defined by [tex]T_{+}\left\vert p\right\rangle =0[/tex], [tex]T_{-}\left\vert n\right\rangle =0[/tex], [tex]T_{+}\left\vert n\right\rangle =\left\vert p\right\rangle[/tex], [tex]T_{-}\left\vert p\right\rangle =\left\vert n\right\rangle[/tex], [tex]T_{3}\left\vert p\right\rangle =\frac{1}{2}\left\vert p\right\rangle[/tex] and [tex]T_{3}\left\vert n\right\rangle =-\frac{1}{2}\left\vert n\right\rangle[/tex], satisfy the SU(2) algebra.

Homework Equations

I believe that's all we need.

The Attempt at a Solution

First of all, I'm havig a little difficulty using the general form of the SU(2) algebra [tex]\left[ A_{ij},A_{kl}\right] =\delta _{jk}A_{il}-\delta _{il}A_{kj}[/tex] (found this in wikipedia) But at least I know I have to calculate the commutators between these 3 operators!
I managed to calculate the first one:
[tex]\left[ T_{+},T_{-}\right] \left\vert p\right\rangle =\left(T_{+}T_{-}-T_{-}T_{+}\right) \left\vert p\right\rangle =\left\vert p\right\rangle =\frac{1}{2}T_{3}[/tex]
The same result can be achieved using [tex]\left\vert n\right\rangle[/tex]
Any suggestions as how to calculate the other commutators? (Involving the [tex]T_{3}[/tex])
Physics news on
  • #2

Hi there! It's great that you are tackling this problem. The SU(2) algebra can be a bit tricky to work with, but I'm sure you'll get the hang of it. To calculate the other commutators, you can use the same approach you used for the first one. Remember that the commutator is defined as \left[ A,B\right] =AB-BA, so you can use this formula to calculate the remaining commutators involving T_3. Good luck!

Related to Show that Isospin operators satisfy the SU(2) algebra

1. What is the significance of showing that Isospin operators satisfy the SU(2) algebra?

The SU(2) algebra is important in quantum mechanics as it describes the symmetries of particles and their interactions. Isospin operators are used to describe the symmetries of particles with the same mass and spin but different electric charge, such as protons and neutrons. Showing that Isospin operators satisfy the SU(2) algebra allows us to understand and predict the behavior of these particles in a consistent mathematical framework.

2. How do you show that Isospin operators satisfy the SU(2) algebra?

This can be done by explicitly calculating the commutation relations between the Isospin operators, which involves using the properties of matrices and vector spaces. Alternatively, it can also be shown by using the ladder operator method, which involves using creation and annihilation operators to generate the Isospin operators and their commutation relations.

3. What is the physical interpretation of the SU(2) algebra in relation to Isospin operators?

The SU(2) algebra is physically interpreted as the rotation of particles in isospin space. Isospin operators represent the generators of these rotations, and the commutation relations between them describe the properties of these rotations. This allows us to understand how particles with different isospin values transform under these rotations.

4. How does the SU(2) algebra relate to other symmetries in physics?

The SU(2) algebra is a specific case of the more general SU(N) algebra, which is used to describe other symmetries in particle physics, such as flavor symmetry and color symmetry. It is also related to other symmetries, such as rotational symmetry and gauge symmetry, through the concept of Lie groups and Lie algebras.

5. What are some applications of the SU(2) algebra and Isospin operators in physics?

The SU(2) algebra and Isospin operators are used in various areas of physics, such as nuclear physics, particle physics, and quantum field theory. They are particularly useful in describing the properties and interactions of hadrons (particles made up of quarks) and in predicting the behavior of particles in strong interactions. They are also important in understanding the symmetries of the strong nuclear force and in developing theories of the fundamental forces of nature.
