Show that Odd Euler Numbers are 0

In summary: Euler's numbers?In summary, the euler numbers are a sequence of numbers that are defined by 1/cosh(z) = the sum from n=0 to n=infinity of E_n/n! z^n (|z|<pi/2). The derivative of this summation with respect to z is sum from n=0 to n=infinity of E_n/n! n*z^(n-1). Sin(x) is odd. d/dx of sin(x) is cos(x) which is even. -sin(x) is even. -cos(x) is odd. Sin(x) is even. Cos(x
  • #1
Gold Member

Homework Statement

Complex Analysis Problem:

The euler Numbers E_n, n=0, 1, 2,..., are defined by 1/cosh(z) = the sum from n=0 to n=infinity of E_n/n! z^n (|z|<pi/2).

show that E_n=0 for n odd. Calculus E_0, E_2, E_4, E_6

Homework Equations

Not entirely sure what to put here for this one.

The Attempt at a Solution

I've been stuck on this one for a little while now.

I started out by just writing out the terms.
E_0+E_1*z+E_2/2! z^2+...

I know that the coshz is an even function, I know the first x amount of terms of Euler's Numbers, but I'm struggling on how to 'prove' that Odd Euler Numbers are = 0.

Any guidance on getting me going here?
Thank you kindly.
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  • #2
What can you say about odd/evenness of the derivative of both sides?
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  • #3
Interesting, let's check it out.

Well, we know that the derivative of 1/cosh(z) is 1/((sqrt(z+1))sqrt(z-1))
My first thought was that it would be an odd function. But I'm not sure how to tell here.

The derivative of the summation with respect to z is
sum from n=0 to n=infinity of E_n/n! n*z^(n-1)

so by taking the derivatives of both sides we are left with that equality.

Since cosh^-1(z) is even function, the derivative here is odd?
  • #4
RJLiberator said:
Well, we know that the derivative of 1/cosh(z) is 1/((sqrt(z+1))sqrt(z-1))
My first thought was that it would be an odd function. But I'm not sure how to tell here.

Do it in general. Let ##f## be an arbitrary even function (that is differentiable of course), prove that ##f^\prime## is odd. Do this over and over again to make a statement about odd/even of ##f^{(k)}##.
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  • #5

Sin(x) is odd.
d/dx of sin(x) is cos(x) which is even
-sin(x) is even
-cos(x) is odd
sin(x) is even
cos(x) is odd

Here, we see the statement being that they switch off based on derivatives.
Since 1/cosh(z) is odd, we take the derivative to get an even function. Is this the correct strategy?
  • #6
RJLiberator said:

Sin(x) is odd.
d/dx of sin(x) is cos(x) which is even
-sin(x) is even
-cos(x) is odd
sin(x) is even
cos(x) is odd

Here, we see the statement being that they switch off based on derivatives.
Since 1/cosh(z) is odd, we take the derivative to get an even function. Is this the correct strategy?

Yes. But can you prove that the derivative of an arbitrary odd function is even, and that the derivative of an arbitrary even function is odd? Write down the defining equation for odd/even and differentiate.
  • #7
But can you prove that the derivative of an arbitrary odd function is even, and that the derivative of an arbitrary even function is odd?

This makes some sense to me for sure:

So now that we know this, I can attack with a strategy in mind.

So now, I have taking the first few terms of the derivative summation to see

[0+E_1+E_2*z+E_3/2 z^2+E_4/6 z^3+...]

Let's see what to do with this.
  • #8
Ugh, just not sure on how to 'show that E_n=0 for n odd.

I have written out a few terms from both series.

1/cosh(z) = [E_0+E_1z+E_2/2! z^2+E_3/3! z^3+...] EVEN
d/dz 1/cosh(z) = [0+E_1+E_2z+E_3/2 z^2+...] ODD
  • #9
What is ##f(0)## for an odd function?
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  • #10
f(0)=0 for an odd function
So we see that in the series representation of the odd function d/dz 1/cosh(z) the first term is 0.
  • #11
So, by just showing that fact that f(0) =0 for the derivative there, that is not enough to then say E_1, E_3, E_5, and so on must be 0 then. Correct?
  • #12
But you can use it to show ##E_1 = 0##, right? Now mimic the same argument for the other ##E_n##.
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  • #13
Hm. We can use that to show that E_1 = 0?

I'm not entirely sure how that follows.
Does the argument go as follows:
"Since 1/cosh(z) is an even function, it's derivative must be an odd function and therefore we see in the series representation : [0+E_1+E_2*x+...] that E_1 must be = 0 as f(0)=0 ?
  • #14
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  • #15
From here, is it safe to make the jump:
Since this is an odd function, we know that E_3=0 and E_n for all n odd = 0?

This seemingly long question has been broken down to taking the derivative of an even function, using properties of odd/even functions to evaluate the series to show that hte euler numbers odd must be = 0?

It was that simple, eh?
  • #16
Yep, it appears you got it. Congratulations!
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  • #17
Thanks to your help here. I do understand the concept now rather well.
The key was the odd/even distinction.

Now I am trying to finish it off by calculating the values of E_0, E_2, E_4, E_6.
I know what they equal as that is 1, -1, 5, -61 respectively. I'm trying to figure out how to 'calculate' that.
Does it have to do with the coefficient values in front of the z's?
  • #18
Yes, you need to find the coefficients in front of the ##z##'s. So you need to decompose ##1/\text{cosh}(z)## into a Taylor series.
  • #19
The taylor series of cosh^-1(z) is ln(2z)-1/(4z^2)-3/(32z^4)-15/(288z^6)-...

It doesn't seem to add up to what my series presented of:
1/cosh(z) = [E_0+E_1z+E_2/2! z^2+E_3/3! z^3+...] EVEN

Here, E_0 = ln(2z)
E_2 = 2z^-4

That doesn't seem to work. :|
Perhaps I made a mistake in my series expansion initially.
  • #20
How do you get an ln in a series expansion?
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  • #21
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FAQ: Show that Odd Euler Numbers are 0

What are Odd Euler Numbers?

Odd Euler Numbers are a sequence of numbers that follow the pattern of 1, -1, 5, -61, 1385, -50521, and so on. They are named after the famous mathematician Leonhard Euler who discovered this sequence.

Why do we need to show that Odd Euler Numbers are 0?

Proving that Odd Euler Numbers are 0 is important because it helps us understand the properties and patterns of this sequence. It also has applications in number theory and can lead to new discoveries in mathematics.

How can we show that Odd Euler Numbers are 0?

To show that Odd Euler Numbers are 0, we can use the formula: En = 1n + (-1)n * n2. By plugging in odd values for n, we can see that the result is always 0. This proves that all Odd Euler Numbers are 0.

Are there any other methods to show that Odd Euler Numbers are 0?

Yes, there are other methods to prove that Odd Euler Numbers are 0. One method is using the generating function for the sequence, which involves manipulating infinite series. Another method is using properties of modular arithmetic.

What are the implications of showing that Odd Euler Numbers are 0?

Showing that Odd Euler Numbers are 0 can have significant implications in mathematics. It can lead to new discoveries and theories in number theory and can also be applied in other fields such as physics and engineering. Furthermore, it helps us better understand the behavior and patterns of this interesting sequence.
