Show that the radiation field is transverse

In summary, to prove that the radiation field is transverse and obeys the wave equation, one can start from the expansion of the quantum Electromagnetic field in terms of modes of a cavity. This leads to a quantized version of the field that satisfies both conditions.
  • #1
It's me

Homework Statement

Show that the radiation field is transverse, ##\vec{\nabla}\cdot\vec{A}=0## and obeys the wave equation ##\nabla^2\vec{A}-\frac{1}{c^2}\partial_t^2\vec{A}=0##. You should start from the expansion of the quantum Electromagnetic field.

Homework Equations

##H=\frac{1}{2}\int d^3x(E^2+B^2)##

The Attempt at a Solution

I know that the transverse vector potential gives rise to the EM radiation from moving charges. In this case the Coulomb gauge can be used and both mathematical conditions are met. However, I don't understand what the expansion of the quantum Electromagnetic field or how I could get the answer from it.
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  • #2
Strange excersize. Your initial words are about the radiation field (IMHO electric/magnetic fields), but your equations are about the vector potential. Also, you don't need to go to quantum optics to prove the transversality of EM-fields in the abscence of sources.

If we focus at the first part, expanding field here probably means that you have to define a cavity of some sort and expand your fields in terms of the modes of that cavity. See Loudon's The Quantum Theory of Light, for example. When you do that, you will end up with

##H=\sum modes\, of\, the\, cavity##

i.e. your integral over fields, will become a sum over modes.
  • #3
At that point, you can quantize the electromagnetic field

FAQ: Show that the radiation field is transverse

1. What do you mean by "radiation field"?

The radiation field refers to the electromagnetic field created by an oscillating charge or an accelerated charge. It is also known as the electromagnetic wave or electromagnetic radiation.

2. How can you show that the radiation field is transverse?

The transverse nature of the radiation field can be demonstrated by examining the direction of the electric and magnetic fields. In an electromagnetic wave, the electric and magnetic fields are perpendicular to each other and to the direction of propagation, thus making it a transverse wave.

3. What is the significance of the radiation field being transverse?

The transverse nature of the radiation field allows it to travel through space and propagate energy without requiring a medium for propagation. This property is crucial in various applications, such as wireless communication and satellite transmissions.

4. Can you provide a real-life example of a transverse radiation field?

An example of a transverse radiation field is visible light. It is an electromagnetic wave that can travel through a vacuum and can be observed as a transverse wave. This property allows light to travel through space and reach our eyes, making it possible for us to see objects.

5. Are there any other types of radiation fields besides transverse ones?

Yes, there are also longitudinal radiation fields, where the electric and magnetic fields are in the same direction as the propagation of the wave. An example of a longitudinal radiation field is sound waves, where the particles vibrate in the same direction as the wave travels.
