Showing a binary operation is injective

In summary, a classmate came up with the following operation, but had trouble showing it was injective:##a*b=a^3+b^4##.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The objective was to think of a binary operation ##*:\mathbb{N}\times\mathbb{N}\to\mathbb{N}## that is injective. A classmate came up with the following operation, but had trouble showing it was injective:


Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Here's my thought process. I denote ##a*b## and ##c*d## by ##f(a,b)## and ##f(c,d)##, respectively. The usual procedure to show a function is injective is by using the definition:

A function ##f## is injective if ##f(a,b)=f(c,d)~\Rightarrow~(a,b)=(c,d)##. Alternatively, ##f## is injective if ##(a,b)\not=(c,d)~\Rightarrow~f(a,b)\not=f(c,d)##.

I figure the second (contrapositive) statement would be easier to prove. I assume ##(a,b)\not=(c,d)##; that is, I assume ##a\not=c## OR ##b\not=d##.

Suppose ##a\not=c,b=d##.

Suppose ##a=c,b\not=d##.

Now, I'm under the impression that this is all I have to show in order to conclude that ##*## is injective. Am I right in thinking this way?
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  • #2
SithsNGiggles said:

Homework Statement

The objective was to think of a binary operation ##*:\mathbb{N}\times\mathbb{N}\to\mathbb{N}## that is injective. A classmate came up with the following operation, but had trouble showing it was injective:


Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Here's my thought process. I denote ##a*b## and ##c*d## by ##f(a,b)## and ##f(c,d)##, respectively. The usual procedure to show a function is injective is by using the definition:

A function ##f## is injective if ##f(a,b)=f(c,d)~\Rightarrow~(a,b)=(c,d)##. Alternatively, ##f## is injective if ##(a,b)\not=(c,d)~\Rightarrow~f(a,b)\not=f(c,d)##.

I figure the second (contrapositive) statement would be easier to prove. I assume ##(a,b)\not=(c,d)##; that is, I assume ##a\not=c## OR ##b\not=d##.

Suppose ##a\not=c,b=d##.

Suppose ##a=c,b\not=d##.

Now, I'm under the impression that this is all I have to show in order to conclude that ##*## is injective. Am I right in thinking this way?

No, you have to also show a≠c and b≠d. That's the hard case, and I'm not sure how you would show it, if it's even true. You could pick a much easier example to try to show. Try to think of one using unique prime factorization.
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  • #3
Hmm, unfortunately I'm not familiar with that technique. So what you're saying is, my reasoning stands, but it does not (and would be hard to) prove anything?

Thanks for the reply.
  • #4
SithsNGiggles said:
Hmm, unfortunately I'm not familiar with that technique. So what you're saying is, my reasoning stands, but it does not (and would be hard to) prove anything?

Thanks for the reply.

What you have is correct, but you are only doing completely trivial cases. I'm suggesting you try thinking about things like a*b=(n^a)(m^b). Can you think of some choices for m and n that would make it easy to prove '*' is an injection?
  • #5
To prove that f(x,y) is injective, you have to prove that "if f(a,b)= f(c,d) then a= c and b= d".

Here, f(x,y)= x3+ y4.

if f(a,b)= f(c,d) means that a3+ b4= c3+ d4
That leads to a3- c3= d4- b4
(a- c)(a2+ ac+ c2= (d- b)(d3+ bd2+ b2d+ b3).
  • #6
@HallsofIvy, how do I use that to show a = c and b = d? I see if they are equal, then I get the identity 0 = 0, but I don't think that proves anything. Could it be that ##(a-c)(a^2+ac+c^2)\not=(d-b)(d^3+bd^2+b^2d+b^3)## if ##a\not=c## and ##b\not=d##?

  • #7
Dick said:
What you have is correct, but you are only doing completely trivial cases. I'm suggesting you try thinking about things like a*b=(n^a)(m^b). Can you think of some choices for m and n that would make it easy to prove '*' is an injection?

##n=1## and ##m>1## come to mind. Beyond that, I'm not sure. I'll put some more thought into it.
  • #8
SithsNGiggles said:
##n=1## and ##m>1## come to mind. Beyond that, I'm not sure. I'll put some more thought into it.

n=1 wouldn't be injective, would it? f(1,1)=f(2,1)=f(3,1)=...=m. Yes, think about it a little more.
  • #9
SithsNGiggles said:

Homework Statement

The objective was to think of a binary operation ##*:\mathbb{N}\times\mathbb{N}\to\mathbb{N}## that is injective. A classmate came up with the following operation, but had trouble showing it was injective:


Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Here's my thought process. I denote ##a*b## and ##c*d## by ##f(a,b)## and ##f(c,d)##, respectively. The usual procedure to show a function is injective is by using the definition:

A function ##f## is injective if ##f(a,b)=f(c,d)~\Rightarrow~(a,b)=(c,d)##. Alternatively, ##f## is injective if ##(a,b)\not=(c,d)~\Rightarrow~f(a,b)\not=f(c,d)##.

I figure the second (contrapositive) statement would be easier to prove. I assume ##(a,b)\not=(c,d)##; that is, I assume ##a\not=c## OR ##b\not=d##.

Suppose ##a\not=c,b=d##.

Suppose ##a=c,b\not=d##.

Now, I'm under the impression that this is all I have to show in order to conclude that ##*## is injective. Am I right in thinking this way?

One way of seeing your relation is not injective in your domain-codomain is that you can find

x,y , so that ##x^3=y^4 ## . Say ##x=2^4 ,y=2^3 ## . Then take (x,y)=(##2^4,1 ##)

and (x',y')= ##(1,2^3)## we then get , for (x,y) , ## x^3 + y^4=2^{12}+1 ## ;

for (x',y') , we get ##(1+2^{12}) ##. You can see that there are infinitely-many

values where your function is not 1-1.
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  • #10
Bacle2 said:
One way of seeing your relation is not injective in your domain-codomain is that you can find

x,y , so that ##x^3=y^4 ## . Say ##x=2^4 ,y=2^3 ## . Then take (x,y)=(##2^4,1 ##)

and (x',y')= ##(1,2^3)## we then get , for (x,y) , ## x^3 + y^4=2^{12}+1 ## ;

for (x',y') , we get ##(1+2^{12}) ##. You can see that there are infinitely-many

values where your function is not 1-1.

Hey, that's a pretty neat observation! It got me wondering: perhaps if the powers of a and b were odd, then the operation might be injective? I'll see if that gets me anywhere.

Thanks again to everyone else as well for the replies.
  • #11
SithsNGiggles said:
Hey, that's a pretty neat observation! It got me wondering: perhaps if the powers of a and b were odd, then the operation might be injective? I'll see if that gets me anywhere.

Thanks again to everyone else as well for the replies.

Hint. Think prime numbers in f(n,m)=a^n*b^m.
  • #12
Dick said:
Hint. Think prime numbers in f(n,m)=a^n*b^m.

Thanks, I noticed my mistake a few moments ago.

For this particular operation (a*b = a^3 + b^4), would it suffice to say something along the lines of:

Noting that, ##\forall~n\in\mathbb{N}\backslash\{1\},~(n^3)^4=(n^4)^3=n^{12}##, we can choose ##a=n^4,b=1,c=1,d=n^3## such that ##a*b=c*d##. It is thus apparent that ##*## fails to be injective for an infinite number of pairs ##(a,b)##.
(as per Bacle2's observation)

If there's anything wrong with the syntax, please let me know. Thanks
  • #13
SithsNGiggles said:
Hey, that's a pretty neat observation! It got me wondering: perhaps if the powers of a and b were odd, then the operation might be injective? I'll see if that gets me anywhere.

Thanks again to everyone else as well for the replies.

Well, no, the problem is that, if the powers are both integers, they will have an LCM
(least common multiple) so that , given a^n and b^m :

(b^m)^n +(a^n)^m =(b^n)^m+ (a^m)^n .

Unless you want to spend a lot of time with this approach --nothing wrong with it; just

pretty time-consuming -- Dick's idea is your best bet. It is an interesting problem to try

to figure out necessary --let alone sufficient -- conditions for a map from R^n into R^m

(m>1 ) to be onto. Please let me know if you find them!

If you get are interested, look up Gelfond-Schneider:–Schneider_theorem
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FAQ: Showing a binary operation is injective

1. What is a binary operation?

A binary operation is a mathematical operation that takes two inputs and produces a single output. Examples of binary operations include addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

2. What does it mean for a binary operation to be injective?

A binary operation is injective if each element in the output set has a unique element in the input set that produces it. In other words, no two elements in the output set can be produced by the same element in the input set.

3. How do you show that a binary operation is injective?

To show that a binary operation is injective, you must prove that for every pair of input elements, the resulting output elements are unique. This can be done by using algebraic manipulation or by using a proof by contradiction.

4. What is the difference between injective and bijective?

A bijective binary operation is both injective and surjective. This means that not only does each element in the output set have a unique preimage in the input set, but also that every element in the output set has at least one preimage in the input set. In other words, every element in the output set is mapped to by exactly one element in the input set.

5. Why is it important to show that a binary operation is injective?

Showing that a binary operation is injective is important because it ensures that each output element has a unique preimage, which can help with solving equations and performing operations. It is also a crucial step in showing that a binary operation is invertible, which is necessary for some mathematical processes.
