Showing a linear operator is compact

In summary: But we know that \lambda_j \rightarrow 0 as j \rightarrow \infty. This means that (z_ni, e_j) converges as i \rightarrow \infty for all j. But this is just the inner product of z_ni with the orthonormal basis (e_j). By the continuity of the inner product, z_ni converges to some z in H as i \rightarrow \infty.But then, by the definition of the inner product, (z_ni, e_j) = (z, e_j) for all j. This means that for all j, \lambda_j (z, e_j) converges as
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Homework Statement

Let [itex][e_{j}:j\in N][/itex] be an orthonormal set in a Hilbert space H and [itex]\lambda_{k} \in R[/itex] with [itex]\lambda_{k} \rightarrow 0[/itex]

Then show that [itex]Ax=\sum_{j=1}^{\infty} \lambda_{j}(x,e_{j})e_{j}[/itex]

Defines a compact self adjoint operator [itex]H \rightarrow H[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I've proven that it's self adjoint by extending the orthonormal set to an orthonormal basis and taking an arbitrary y in H and taking the inner product of that y written as a summation using the basis with Ax and then comparing that with the inner product of x with Ay.

To show that it's compact I need to consider some bounded sequence [itex]x_{n}[/itex] and show that [itex]Ax_{n}=\sum_{j=1}^{\infty}\lambda_{j}(x_{n},e_{j})e_{j}[/itex] has some subsequence [itex]Ax_{n_{i}}[/itex] which is convergent.

I'm not sure what direction to take here. Perhaps use the definition that A is compact if the image of the unit ball under A is sequentially compact? Or perhaps taking some the restriction of the sequence [itex]x_n[/itex] to some subset ([itex]Ax_{n}>0[/itex], or if that is empty, [itex]Ax_{n} \leq 0[/itex]) and using that [itex]\lambda_{k} \rightarrow 0[/itex] and x_{n} is bounded to show that this subsequence is cauchy and therefore convergent.

I'm not confident with proving that linear operators are compact in general.
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Any help or guidance would be appreciated.First, let's recall the definition of a compact operator. A linear operator A: H -> H is compact if for any bounded sequence (x_n) in H, there exists a subsequence (x_ni) such that Ax_ni converges in H.

Now, let's consider a bounded sequence (x_n) in H. Since (x_n) is bounded, the sequence (Ax_n) is also bounded. This means that the image of the unit ball under A, denoted by B_A, is bounded in H.

Next, we want to show that B_A is sequentially compact, i.e. any sequence in B_A has a convergent subsequence. Let (y_n) be a sequence in B_A. This means that ||y_n|| \leq 1 for all n and hence, (y_n) is a bounded sequence in H. Since H is a Hilbert space, by the Riesz Representation Theorem, there exists a unique sequence (z_n) in H such that y_n = (z_n, e_j) for all n, where (e_j) is an orthonormal basis for H.

Now, let's consider the sequence (Az_n) in H. Since (Az_n) is a sequence in the image of A, it can be written as Az_n = \sum_{j=1}^{\infty} \lambda_j (z_n, e_j) e_j. But we know that \lambda_j \rightarrow 0 as j \rightarrow \infty. This means that for any \epsilon > 0, there exists N such that for all j > N, |\lambda_j| < \epsilon. Therefore, for all n and j > N, we have |\lambda_j (z_n, e_j)| < \epsilon ||z_n|| \leq \epsilon. This means that (Az_n) is a bounded sequence in H.

Since H is a Hilbert space, by the Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem, (Az_n) has a convergent subsequence (Az_ni) in H. But then, by the definition of A, (Az_ni) = \sum_{j=1}^{\infty} \lambda_j (z_ni, e_j) e_j. This means that for all j, \lambda_j (z_ni, e_j

FAQ: Showing a linear operator is compact

1. What is a linear operator?

A linear operator is a mathematical function that takes in one vector and outputs another vector. It follows the properties of linearity, meaning that it preserves addition and scalar multiplication.

2. How do you show that a linear operator is compact?

To show that a linear operator is compact, we need to prove that it maps bounded sets to relatively compact sets. This can be done by using the definition of compactness and analyzing the behavior of the operator on a bounded sequence.

3. What is the importance of proving compactness in linear operators?

Proving compactness is important in the study of linear operators because it allows us to determine if the operator has certain properties, such as being bounded or having a finite dimensional range, which can be useful in solving problems in functional analysis and other areas of mathematics.

4. Can a linear operator be compact without being bounded?

No, a linear operator cannot be compact if it is not bounded. This is because compactness relies on the operator mapping bounded sets to relatively compact sets. If the operator is not bounded, then it can potentially map a bounded set to an unbounded set, which violates the definition of compactness.

5. Are there any alternative ways to show that a linear operator is compact?

Yes, there are alternative ways to show that a linear operator is compact, such as using the Arzelà-Ascoli theorem or the Riesz lemma. These methods may be more efficient or applicable in certain situations, but they ultimately rely on the same concept of mapping bounded sets to relatively compact sets.

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