Showing reciprocol lattice is perpenducular to a plane

In summary, the reciprocal lattice is a set of wave vectors that have a translation symmetry of the Bravais lattice. The reciprocal lattice vectors, denoted as b1, b2, and b3, form a reciprocal lattice and have a form of G=k1*b1 + k2*b2 + k3*b3. It can be shown that for any set of lattice planes separated by a distance d, there are reciprocal vectors perpendicular to them, with the shortest vector having a length of 2*pi/d. Additionally, for any reciprocal lattice vector G, there is a set of planes perpendicular to G with a distance of 2*pi/|G|, and the shortest reciprocal vector parallel to G has a length of 2
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Homework Statement

If [tex] a_1 a_2 a_3[/tex] are the unit vectors of a real space lattice, then the so-called “reciprocal lattice” is defined by the unit vectors [tex]b_1 b_2 b_3[/tex] where:

[tex] b_1 = \frac{2\pi a_2 \times a_3}{a_1 \cdot a_2 \times a_3} [/tex]

[tex] b_2 = \frac{2\pi a_3 \times a_1}{a_1 \cdot a_2 \times a_3} [/tex]

[tex] b_3 = \frac{2\pi a_1 \times a_2}{a_1 \cdot a_2 \times a_3} [/tex]

Consider a plane hkl in a crystal lattice.

(a) Prove that the reciprocal lattice vector [tex]G = hb_1 + kb_2 + lb_3[/tex] is perpendicular to this plane.

(b) Prove that the distance between two adjacent parallel planes of the lattice is

[tex] d(hkl) = \frac{2\pi}{|G|} [/tex]

Homework Equations

[tex] a \cdot b = |A||B| cos \theta [/tex]
[tex] a \times b = |A||B| sin \theta [/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

So far I have subsituted in the values of a1/2/3 into the given equation to give:

[tex]G = h\frac{2\pi a_2 \times a_3}{a_1 \cdot a_2 \times a_3} + k\frac{2\pi a_3 \times a_1}{a_1 \cdot a_2 \times a_3} + l\frac{2\pi a_1 \times a_2}{a_1 \cdot a_2 \times a_3}[/tex]

but I am not quite sure how to show that this is perpendicular.

I have added the dot and cross product as I feel these may be useful?
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Think of reciprocal lattice as a set of wave vectors [tex]\mathbf{G}[/tex] such that the plane wave [tex]e^{i \mathbf{k}\mathbf{r}}[/tex] with [tex]\mathbf{k = G}[/tex] has a translation symmetry of Bravais lattice.
So, for any vector [tex]\mathbf{R}[/tex] of Bravais lattice ([tex]\mathbf{R}= n_1 \mathbf{a_1} + n_2 \mathbf{a_2} + n_3 \mathbf{a_3}[/tex]) you should have:
[tex]e^{i \mathbf{G} \mathbf{r}} = e^{i \mathbf{G (r + R)}}[/tex]
[tex]e^{i \mathbf {GR}}=1[/tex]
This is far more physical definition of the reciprocal lattice (RL). From this, you can easily show that three vectors [tex]\math{b_1}, \math{b_2}, \math{b_3}[/tex] as you defined them form a reciprocal lattice and every vector of RL has a form [tex]G=k_1 \mathbf{b_1} + k_2 \mathbf{b_2} + k_3 \mathbf{b_3}[/tex] where [tex]k_1, k_2, k_3 \in Z[/tex].
Now you can proof that:
1) for any set of lattice planes separated by the distance d, there are reciprocal vectors perpendicular to them and the shortest vector has a length [tex]2 \pi/d[/tex].
2) for any reciprocal lattice vector [tex]\mathbf{G}[/tex] there is a set of planes normal to [tex]\mathbf{G}[/tex] separated by the distance d and the the shortest reciprocal vector parallel to [tex]\mathbf{G}[/tex] has a length [tex]2 \pi/d[/tex].
To do this just use the fact that [tex]e^{i\mathbf{G r}}[/tex] is constant value in lattice planes perpendicular to [tex]\mathbf{G}[/tex] and separated by the distance [tex]\lambda = 2 \pi/K[/tex], so given
[tex]\mathbf{K}=\frac{2 \pi \mathbf{s}}{d}[/tex]
where [tex]\mathbf{s}[/tex] is a unit vector perpendicular to the planes
you have [tex]\lambda = d[/tex].

Related to Showing reciprocol lattice is perpenducular to a plane

1. What is a reciprocal lattice?

A reciprocal lattice is a mathematical construct used to describe the periodicity of a crystal lattice in reciprocal space. It is the Fourier transform of the direct lattice and is used to study the diffraction patterns of crystals.

2. Why is it important to show that the reciprocal lattice is perpendicular to a plane?

This is important because it helps us understand the symmetry of a crystal. If the reciprocal lattice is perpendicular to a plane, it means that the plane is a symmetry plane and has a specific orientation in the crystal lattice.

3. How do you determine if the reciprocal lattice is perpendicular to a plane?

To determine if the reciprocal lattice is perpendicular to a plane, we use the Miller indices of the plane. If the Miller indices of the plane are perpendicular to the Miller indices of the reciprocal lattice, then the reciprocal lattice is perpendicular to the plane.

4. What is the relationship between the direct lattice and the reciprocal lattice?

The reciprocal lattice is the Fourier transform of the direct lattice. This means that the vectors of the reciprocal lattice are perpendicular to the vectors of the direct lattice and have a magnitude inversely proportional to the direct lattice vectors.

5. Can you show an example of how to demonstrate that the reciprocal lattice is perpendicular to a plane?

Yes, for example, if we have a direct lattice with lattice vectors a, b, and c, and we want to show that the (100) plane is perpendicular to the reciprocal lattice, we can use the following formula: a*100 + b*100 + c*100 = 0. If this equation holds, then the reciprocal lattice is perpendicular to the (100) plane.
