Showing that a supremum is a maximum

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving a positive integrable continuous function on ℝ and a measurable set E. The goal is to show that the supremum of a certain expression involving the function is actually a maximum, meaning that there exists at least one value of β which gives the supremum. The conversation includes a previous attempt at solving the problem and a request for guidance on how to approach the problem.
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Homework Statement

Let f be a positive integrable continuous function on ℝ. Fix a measurable set E such that E [itex]\subset[/itex] [0,1]. Let

[itex] s = sup_{β \subset ℝ} [\int_{E} f_{β}(x)dx] [/itex]


[itex]f_{β}(x) = f(x + β). [/itex]

Show that s is actually a maximum (not just a supremum) that is, there is at least one β which gives the supremum.

Homework Equations

(I think they're included in the problem statement...)

The Attempt at a Solution

This was an old exam problem from when I took an intro analysis course (Royden) a couple of years ago (2010). I remember I missed something on this exam, but a solution was never posted and the professor never offered one in office hours when I asked. I came across this again and remained puzzled at what exactly had made my proof incorrect... so I'd welcome any thoughts. I know this isn't an attempt per se, but any guidance to start would be great.
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  • #2
This is what I had written: Let E be a measurable subset of [0,1]. Let f be a continuous and integrable function. Let s = supβ[∫Efβdx] We note that fβ(x) = f(x + β). Let {βn} be any sequence such that ∫Efβndx → s as n → ∞. We must show that there exists at least one β which gives the supremum. We consider the set of all β for which ∫Efβdx ≥ s – 1/n. This set is non-empty since it contains βn. Next, this set is bounded above by some β*, since f is continuous on ℝ. Thus, the sequence {βn} is bounded above by β*. By the Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem, there exists a subsequence {βkn} of {βn} which converges to some β**. Then, by continuity of f, we have ∫Efβ**dx → ∫Efβkn dx as k → ∞. But since {βkn} converges to β**, we have ∫Efβkn dx → ∫Efβ**dx as k → ∞. Thus, ∫Efβ**dx = limk→∞∫Efβkn dx = limn→∞∫Efβndx = s. Therefore, β** gives the supremum.

FAQ: Showing that a supremum is a maximum

1. What is a supremum?

A supremum, also known as the least upper bound, is the smallest number that is greater than or equal to all numbers in a set. It is a mathematical concept used to describe the maximum value of a set.

2. How do you show that a supremum is a maximum?

In order to show that a supremum is a maximum, you must first prove that it is an upper bound of the set. This means that it is greater than or equal to all numbers in the set. Then, you must also show that there is no other number that is greater than the supremum and also an upper bound of the set. This will prove that the supremum is the maximum of the set.

3. Can the supremum be equal to one of the numbers in the set?

Yes, the supremum can be equal to one of the numbers in the set. This will only happen if that number is the largest number in the set and is also an upper bound. In this case, the supremum is also the maximum of the set.

4. Is the supremum always unique?

Yes, the supremum is always unique. This means that there is only one number in the set that is the supremum, and there is no other number that can take its place.

5. Can a set have a supremum but no maximum?

Yes, a set can have a supremum but no maximum. This can happen if the supremum is equal to one of the numbers in the set, but there is another number in the set that is larger. In this case, the supremum is not the maximum because it is not strictly greater than all other numbers in the set.
