Shutz's derivation of the Lie Derivative of a vector field

In summary: Shutz Taylor expands U*(Q) and then rearranges terms to get U*(P) in terms of U*(Q) since U*(Q)=U(Q) which makes sense.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
I have a question about Bernard Shutz's derivation of the Lie derivative of a vector field in his book Geometrical Methods for Mathematical Physics.

I will try to reproduce part of his argument here.
Essentially, we have 2 vector fields V and U which are represented by [itex]\frac{d}{d\lambda}[/itex] and [itex]\frac{d}{d\mu}[/itex] respectively. The Lie derivative [itex]L_{\vec{V}}\vec{U}[/itex] is defined so that we Lie drag the vector field U from a point Q with parameter [itex]\lambda_0+\Delta\lambda[/itex] back to a point P with parameter [itex]\lambda_0[/itex] on V, creating a new vector field U* and then "compare" it with U which is at the point [itex]\lambda_0[/itex] (by "compare" I of course mean the usual thing you do in calculus which is to take the delta lambda to 0).

To do this, Shutz Taylor expanded U*(Q) and then rearranged terms to get U*(P) in terms of U*(Q) since U*(Q)=U(Q) which makes sense. The part of his derivation that doesn't make sense to me is that in the Taylor expansion of U*(Q), you obviously get a term like
[tex]\Delta\lambda\frac{d}{d\lambda}\frac{d}{d\mu^*}[/tex] (evaluated at P)

Shutz uses the Lie dragging condition to say that the Lie bracket between U* and V is 0, so he just reverses the order of that derivative. In the end you get that the Lie derivative of U with respect to V is the Lie bracket [V,U]. What I don't get is, even though Shutz COULD reverse the order of the derivatives in the above expression (perfectly valid due to the Lie Bracket being 0), there's no obvious a priori reason to me that he SHOULD.

If he DIDN'T reverse the order, and you carry out the calculations, then at the end you don't get the Lie Bracket, you get 0 (it seems to me). This seems very weird to me. Can somebody shed some insight? Why did he HAVE TO switch the order?

I didn't want to type out the full derivation, so I may have bungled something somewhere...Hopefully this much information will be enough for you guys to help me.
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  • #2
I don't have this book, but I have looked at page 77 using Do you mean the following?
\lim_{\Delta \lambda \rightarrow 0}\left( \frac{d}{d\lambda }\frac{d}{d\mu }f-\frac{d}{d\mu ^{\ast }}\frac{d}{d\lambda }f\right)
Now, the difference between [itex]\mu^*[/itex] and [itex]\mu[/itex] is clearly a term of first order [itex]\Delta \lambda[/itex], which means we can replace [itex]\mu^*[/itex] by [itex]\mu[/itex]

If the order had not been reversed, then
\lim_{\Delta \lambda \rightarrow 0}\left( \frac{d}{d\lambda }\frac{d}{d\mu }f-\frac{d}{d\lambda }\frac{d}{d\mu ^{\ast }}f\right)
Now, the difference between [itex]\mu^*[/itex] and [itex]\mu[/itex] is clearly a term of first order [itex]\Delta \lambda[/itex], which means we can replace [itex]\mu^*[/itex] by [itex]\mu[/itex]

would give zero.

Because of differentiation by [itex]\lambda[/itex] after replacement, I don't think
Now, the difference between [itex]\mu^*[/itex] and [itex]\mu[/itex] is clearly a term of first order [itex]\Delta \lambda[/itex], which means we can replace [itex]\mu^*[/itex] by [itex]\mu[/itex]

applies in the second case.
  • #3
Ok, can you explain why that statement doesn't work if the order is reversed?

I guess I didn't quite understand that statement like I thought I did. Thanks. =]
  • #4
An example might help.

If [itex]U = x \frac{\partial}{\partial y}[/itex] and [itex]V = y \frac{\partial}{\partial x}[/itex], what is the vector field [itex]U^*[/itex]? I think I have worked this out (maybe not), but I don't how well I can explain what I have done.

First, find the congruence of curves to which [itex]V[/itex] is tangent. This, I can explain.
  • #5
Ok, so, for V we have the equation:

[tex]y\frac{\partial}{\partial x}x^i=\frac{dx^i}{d\lambda}[/tex]

Assuming we just have 2 directions,






For constants A and B. So, the congruence curve for V is simply the x-coordinate lines?
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  • #6
Yes, with caveat that the coordinate lines are the images of the curves. Different curves (which are maps) can have the same image, but can traverse the image at different "speeds", i.e., have different tangent vectors at the same points of the image.

I forgot to say that my example is for vector fields on [itex]\mathbb{R}^2[/itex].

What is the the vector field [itex]U^*[/itex]?
  • #7
Ok, so U has congruence curves, in analogy with V:


These are just the y-coordinate lines, and they "move" at speed "x".

So, dragging the x=const lines a parameter [itex]\Delta\lambda[/itex] along the congruence of V, should give me...lines of slope 1, right?

Congruence of U* being:


I did that last step intuitively...the math was making me confused...

How would I put it in a parametric form? That part is confusing me...>.>

Related to Shutz's derivation of the Lie Derivative of a vector field

1. What is the Lie Derivative of a vector field?

The Lie Derivative of a vector field is a mathematical operation that measures the change of a vector field along the flow of another vector field. It is used to study the behavior of vector fields on differentiable manifolds.

2. Who is Shutz and what is their derivation of the Lie Derivative?

Hermann Schutz was a German mathematician who developed a method for deriving the Lie Derivative of a vector field in the 19th century. His derivation is based on the concept of infinitesimal transformations and has become a fundamental tool in differential geometry and theoretical physics.

3. What is the significance of the Lie Derivative in mathematics and physics?

The Lie Derivative is a powerful tool in differential geometry and has numerous applications in physics, including classical mechanics, general relativity, and gauge theories. It is used to study the symmetries and transformations of vector fields on manifolds and is an important concept in modern mathematical physics.

4. How is Shutz's derivation of the Lie Derivative different from other methods?

Shutz's derivation is based on the concept of infinitesimal transformations, which allows for a more intuitive and geometric understanding of the Lie Derivative. It also provides a systematic way of computing the Lie Derivative of a vector field and has been widely adopted in the field of differential geometry.

5. Are there any practical applications of the Lie Derivative?

Yes, the Lie Derivative has many practical applications in physics, such as in the study of fluid dynamics, general relativity, and gauge theories. It is also used in engineering and control theory, where it is used to analyze the behavior of systems under certain transformations.

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