Sigma notation for only even index iterations

In summary, the conversation discusses various ways to write sigma notation for only even index interation, with some suggestions including using criteria such as even numbers, prime numbers, or prime divisors. There is also a debate on using text in place of symbols for clarity, with some arguing for more traditional use of sigma notation and others advocating for clearer explanations using words. However, it is acknowledged that not everyone understands sigma notation, and it is important for educators to find a balance between using symbols and providing clear explanations.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
How can i write sigma sum, for only even index interation ?
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  • #2
hquang001 said:
Summary:: How can i write sigma sum, for only even index interation ?

##f(2)+f(4)+f(6)+\ldots + f(2n)= \sum_{k=1}^{n} f(2k).##
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Likes sysprog and hquang001
  • #3
$$\sum_{k=2,\,k~even}^{n} k$$ or similar if you need it for consistency with other sums.

$$\sum_{k=1}^{n} k = \sum_{k=2,\,k~even}^{n} k + \sum_{k=1,\,k~odd}^{n} k$$

This is more commonly done with criteria that can't be resolved by simple relabeling.

$$\sum_{k=2,\,k~prime}^{n} k$$
  • #4
What an ugly solution! If you really want to restrict the index of the sum, then it should be
\sum_{k=1}^n f(k)=\sum_{\stackrel{k=1}{k\equiv 0 (2)}}^n f(k) + \sum_{\stackrel{k=1}{k\equiv 1 (2)}}^n f(k)
and for primes only
\sum_{p\in \mathbb{P}} f(p)
and for prime divisors
\sum_{p|n} f(p)
Additional text is in my opinion worse than dots.
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Likes sysprog
  • #5
Like most people (I presume), I use Newton's dot notation ##only## in responses to things that include expressions that use it ##-## I think that I see it more often with Physics guys than with math guys ##-## otherwise for single variable derivatives it's LaGrange's ##f', f''##, etc. (for me, only up to ##f''''## ('jounce/snap') so far ##-## I haven't had a reason for ##f'''''## ( 'crackle') or ##f''''''## ('pop')), and for multivariable or integrations, Leibniz' ##\dfrac {dy} {dx}##.
  • #6
Some text is appropriate, provided it is typeset as text. If I don't know in advance that [itex]n[/itex] is even. I would prefer [itex]
\displaystyle\sum_{0 \leq k \leq n,\atop\text{$k$ even}} f(k)
[/itex] produced with
\displaystyle\sum_{0 \leq k \leq n,\atop\text{$k$ even}} f(k)
rather than [itex]
\sum_{k=0}^{\lfloor n/2 \rfloor} f(2k)[/itex] or any other notation which means "[itex]k[/itex] is even".
  • #7
pasmith said:
Some text is appropriate, provided it is typeset as text. If I don't know in advance that [itex]n[/itex] is even. I would prefer [itex]
\displaystyle\sum_{0 \leq k \leq n,\atop\text{$k$ even}} f(k)
[/itex] produced with
\displaystyle\sum_{0 \leq k \leq n,\atop\text{$k$ even}} f(k)
rather than [itex]
\sum_{k=0}^{\lfloor n/2 \rfloor} f(2k)[/itex] or any other notation which means "[itex]k[/itex] is even".
I find that to be rather jarringly inconsistent with normal conventions of mathematical expression ##-## I've seen more use of 'where . . . is . . .' in the immediately proximate text rather than text in the expression. I would anticipate seeing a variable or a mathematical subexpression in that position rather than an English-language descriptor. How 'simple' does the 'property' have to be? This seems to me like egregious notational abuse. Would you write ##\displaystyle\sum_{0 \leq k \leq n,\atop\text{$k$ perfect_square}} f(k)##?
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  • #8
Yeah, I would prefer that to be written as ##\displaystyle \sum_{k\in P(n)} f(k)## where ##P(n)## is the set of perfect squares less than or equal to n. If you only use this once in a paper, it's wordier, but you're going to hate yourself for not simplifying the notation by the third or fourth time you write the sum.
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Likes sysprog
  • #9
apologies for the flip remark, but it may not matter much, as in my experience most people do not understand sigma notation anyway, even when it is both correct and succinct. Hence after some years teaching class, if I wished to be understood, I always wrote out whatever I wanted to say, without using it. verbum sapienti (apologies again). If really needed of course, I could easily live with either the solution by mfb or that of fresh_42, but to me personally words are often clearer than symbols.
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  • #10
@mathwonk, it seems to me that for the most part, the professor writes things in symbols and uses words when reading them aloud or explaining them ##-## the words provide perspicuity, and the symbols avoid ambiguity.
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  • #11
mathwonk said:
apologies for the flip remark, but it may not matter much, as in my experience most people do not understand sigma notation anyway, even when it is both correct and succinct. Hence after some years teaching class, if I wished to be understood, I always wrote out whatever I wanted to say, without using it. verbum sapienti (apologies again). If really needed of course, I could easily live with either the solution by mfb or that of fresh_42, but to me personally words are often clearer than symbols.

I think it depends a lot on what the class is. If you're trying to teach honors analysis, skipping the sigma notation is doing the students a great disservice.
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Likes sysprog
  • #12
touche'. But i presume you do not argue that writing something on the board that students do not understand is doing them a service. in that spirit, i agree, and suggest that when writing sigma notation, one should also write out what it means, or else take the very real chance that you are teaching only to about 5% of the audience. but, in all fairness, you may not have encountered the audiences to which i spent my life teaching! At least I hope not!

FAQ: Sigma notation for only even index iterations

1. What is sigma notation for only even index iterations?

Sigma notation for only even index iterations is a mathematical notation used to represent the sum of a sequence of terms where the index of the terms only includes even numbers. It is represented by the Greek letter sigma (∑) followed by the starting value of the index, the ending value of the index, and the expression to be summed.

2. How is sigma notation for only even index iterations written?

Sigma notation for only even index iterations is written as ∑i=2n f(i), where i is the index and n is the ending value of the index. The expression f(i) represents the terms to be summed, and i=2 indicates that the index starts at 2 and only includes even numbers.

3. What is the purpose of using sigma notation for only even index iterations?

The purpose of using sigma notation for only even index iterations is to simplify the representation of a sum of terms where the index only includes even numbers. It also allows for easier calculation and manipulation of the sum.

4. How can sigma notation for only even index iterations be used in real-world applications?

Sigma notation for only even index iterations can be used in real-world applications such as calculating the total cost of items purchased in even quantities, finding the sum of even numbered days in a month for a specific event, or determining the total distance traveled in even numbered time intervals.

5. Are there any special rules or properties for sigma notation for only even index iterations?

Yes, there are a few special rules and properties for sigma notation for only even index iterations. These include the fact that the starting index must be an even number, the ending index must be an even number, and the number of terms in the sum must be even. Additionally, the starting and ending values of the index can be changed as long as they remain even numbers.

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