Significant figures and rounding

In summary: However, during computations, always keep more digits than the significant figure count that you want, and just round off the final answer. For example, if you are solving a pair of linear equations such as$$\begin{array}{rrcl}1.51 x & +\; 2.263 y &=& 1743\\-2.82 x &+\;1.74 y &=& 763.2\end{array}$$do NOT round off to 3 significant figures during the computational work. If you are doing it by hand, keep all intermediate quantities to full calculator accuracy. If you want to round off to three significant figures during the computation, you can do so
  • #1

Homework Statement

This isn't a specific HW problem, its just something I keep tripping over for some reason so I guess it qualifies as HW. OK so, for example the number 1.5 has 2 sig fig . But if you compare that to another number with 3 sigfigs, like 1.58, then arent they actually equal? What is confusing me, is what exactly does 1.5 imply about tenths and the the hundredths places? They are insignificant, but how do you determine if 1.58 is greater or lessor than 1.5?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I think the numbers are equal but I am not seeing the reasoning. thanks
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  • #2
sp3sp2sp said:
OK so, for example the number 1.5 has 2 sig fig . But if you compare that to another number with 3 sigfigs, like 1.58, then arent they actually equal? What is confusing me, is what exactly does 1.5 imply about tenths and the the hundredths places? They are insignificant, but how do you determine if 1.58 is greater or lessor than 1.5?

In order to compare ##1.5## and ##1.58## you have to write ##1.5## with three significant digits i.e. as ##1.50##. Obviously ##1.58## is bigger. If you are just interested in two significant digits e.g. for the needs of a problem, then you may clip ##1.58## to ##1.5## but then there is no point to compare it to a three significant digits number.
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  • #3
thanks is it wrong to say that for two significant figures, it implies that the 3rd digit , fourth digit etc are all zero? What I mean is, if it means that we don't know about the 3rd digit, and that's why we're not including it, then couldn't the third digit in a 2 digit number be a 9 just as easily as it could be a 1?
  • #4
sp3sp2sp said:
... so is it wrong to say that for two significant figures, it implies that the 3rd digit , fourth digit etc are all zero? What I mean is, if it means that we don't know about the 3rd digit, and that's why we're not including it, then couldn't the third digit in a 2 digit number be a 9 just as easily as it could be a 1?

Yes, if you have a result of a calculation for instance and you are only interested in, say, two significant figures then you chop off the rest digits - the ones after the second significant digit and taking care of the rounding that takes place, and you have a two significant figures number. From this point on, we don't talk about a three, four etc. significant digits number anymore. On the other hand, if you are given a number with, say, two significant figures and there is a need to compare it to a three significant digits number for example (with the first two significant digits the same as in the first number) then you have to add a zero in the third significant digit place of the first number and compare it to the second number.
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  • #5
sp3sp2sp said:
But if you compare that to another number with 3 sigfigs, like 1.58, then arent they actually equal?
Given measured values of 1.5 (with an implicit uncertainty of plus or minus 0.05) and 1.58 (with an implicit uncertainty of plus or minus 0.005), the true value for the first could be greater, less than or equal to the true value for the second. There is no way to tell from the information at hand.
  • #6
sp3sp2sp said:

Homework Statement

This isn't a specific HW problem, its just something I keep tripping over for some reason so I guess it qualifies as HW. OK so, for example the number 1.5 has 2 sig fig . But if you compare that to another number with 3 sigfigs, like 1.58, then arent they actually equal? What is confusing me, is what exactly does 1.5 imply about tenths and the the hundredths places? They are insignificant, but how do you determine if 1.58 is greater or lessor than 1.5?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I think the numbers are equal but I am not seeing the reasoning. thanks

To two significant figures you would round 1.51, 1.52, 1.53 and 1.54 down to 1.5, and you would round up 1.56, 1.57, 1.58 and 1.59 up to 1.6. The case 1.550000... presents issues, and different methods have been suggested for dealing with such a case.

However, during computations, always keep more digits than the significant figure count that you want, and just round off the final answer. For example, if you are solving a pair of linear equations such as
1.51 x & +\; 2.263 y &=& 1743\\
-2.82 x &+\;1.74 y &=& 763.2
do NOT round off to 3 significant figures during the computational work. If you are doing it by hand, keep all intermediate quantities to full calculator accuracy. If you are doing it using a computer package, that package will handle all the accuracy issues for you. You can always round off the final solution.
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  • #7
jbriggs444 said:
the true value for the first could be greater, less than or equal to the true value for the second.
Not in this case. 1.5+0.05 is still less than 1.58-0.005.
1.5 versus 1.53 would be a more interesting example. If these represent measurements then all you could say is that the true value of the second is probably greater than the true value of the first.
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FAQ: Significant figures and rounding

1. What are significant figures and why are they important?

Significant figures are the digits in a number that represent the precision or accuracy of the measurement. They are important because they allow us to communicate the precision of our measurements and avoid misleading others with a false sense of accuracy.

2. How do I determine the number of significant figures in a measurement?

The general rule for determining significant figures is to count all non-zero digits and any zeros that are in between non-zero digits. Zeros at the beginning of a number or at the end after a decimal point may or may not be significant, depending on the context.

3. What is the purpose of rounding numbers with significant figures?

Rounding numbers with significant figures helps us maintain consistency in the precision of our measurements. It also allows us to report values that are easier to interpret and compare with other measurements.

4. How do I round a number to the correct number of significant figures?

To round to the correct number of significant figures, start by identifying the last significant digit. Then, if the next digit is 5 or above, round the last significant digit up by one. If the next digit is 4 or below, leave the last significant digit as it is. Finally, remove all digits after the desired number of significant figures.

5. Can significant figures be used in calculations?

Yes, significant figures can be used in calculations, but it is important to follow the rules for determining the number of significant figures in the result. The result should have the same number of significant figures as the measurement with the fewest significant figures used in the calculation.
