Significant figures in seconds to hours calculation

In summary, when converting minutes and seconds to hours, the number of significant figures should be considered. In this case, since there are 29 minutes and 57 seconds, the converted value should have four significant figures, with the last digit being +/- 3. This is because the original value is accurate to +/- 1 second and the conversion from seconds to hours is precise to 1/1000 hours.
  • #1
SOLVED: Significant figures in seconds to hours calculation

Homework Statement

Not exactly a problem, but if I have minutes/seconds and am changing to hours, how many significant figures are there? For example: 29 minutes 57 seconds =0.499166667 hours needs ? significant figures.

The Attempt at a Solution

Well, a second to 1/3600 hours. Therefore, I think I might want to measure to a precision of one ten-thousandth of an hour, or possibly 1/1000 hours. I'm not sure which. I know that the minutes doesn't affect the calculation, and I know that the unit conversion is considered to have infinite sig figs.
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  • #2
The implication is that the original value is accurate to +/- 1 second. If the converted value is to have a similar level of precision, and 1s = 0.00028 hr, then it looks like you'll want four decimal places and the last place will be taken as +/- 3.
  • #3
gneill said:
The implication is that the original value is accurate to +/- 1 second. If the converted value is to have a similar level of precision, and 1s = 0.00028 hr, then it looks like you'll want four decimal places and the last place will be taken as +/- 3.

  • #4
I agree the value is accurate to the nearest 1 second, but would approach it differently. If you convert the 29 minutes 57 seconds to seconds, that's 60·29+57 seconds or 1767 seconds. That's 4 significant figures -- which for this problem (0.4991... hours) means to the 4th decimal place in agreement with what gneill said.
  • #5

Your thinking is on the right track. When converting between units, the conversion factor is considered to have infinite significant figures. In this case, the conversion factor is 1/3600 hours. Therefore, the significant figures in the final answer will be determined by the number of significant figures in the original value of 29 minutes 57 seconds. Since this value has 4 significant figures, the final answer should also be reported with 4 significant figures, giving an answer of 0.4992 hours.

Related to Significant figures in seconds to hours calculation

1. How do I determine the number of significant figures in a seconds to hours calculation?

The number of significant figures in a calculation is determined by the number with the least amount of significant figures. For example, if you are converting 5 seconds to hours, the number 5 only has one significant figure, so your answer should also have one significant figure.

2. Can I round my answer to the nearest whole number when dealing with significant figures in seconds to hours calculations?

Yes, you can round your answer to the nearest whole number. However, you must make sure to round to the correct number of significant figures. For example, if your answer is 4.6 hours, you should round to 5 hours because 4.6 has two significant figures.

3. What should I do if the number of seconds or hours in my calculation has more significant figures than the other?

In this case, you should use scientific notation to express your answer. For example, if you are converting 367 seconds to hours, your answer would be 0.102 hours. To express this in scientific notation, it would be 1.02 x 10^-1 hours, or 1.02 x 10^-1 hours.

4. Can I use zeros as significant figures in a seconds to hours calculation?

Yes, zeros can be significant figures in certain cases. For example, if you are converting 800 seconds to hours, your answer would be 0.222 hours. In this case, all three zeros are significant figures.

5. Why is it important to consider significant figures in seconds to hours calculations?

Significant figures help to ensure that your answer is accurate and reflects the precision of the given numbers. Without considering significant figures, your answer could be misleading or incorrect. It is important to use the correct number of significant figures to maintain the integrity of your calculations.

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