Silica Gel observation for RH & Temperature

In summary, the data shows that the MBT guitar case, which is leaky, has a different trend in RH compared to the Hiscox Pro case. This could be due to the external environment entering the case, changes in room humidity, and/or weaker seal on the MBT case. Further testing and analysis may be needed to determine the exact cause.
  • #1
Hello Folks,

In the attached graph, I have data logged relative humidity (RH) and temperature within my Hiscox and MBT guitar cases, over a couple of days. Both cases have 50g of standard Silica Gel within them, the room they are kept in is maintained at approximately 60%RH.

The Hiscox Pro case are the blue and red colour grpah lines and the MBT are green and orange. The Hiscox case is expensive and has a good seal, the MBT not so much and is leaky w.r.t the environment.

Q. I am puzzled why the (green) MBT relative humidity rises with temperature?

So far during testing, any rise in temperature incurs an observable drop in RH, as expected to be the situation. However, the graph results for the leaky guitar case is not showing this. I can surmise that the leakage of external environment (the room) is somehow entering the guitar case and we are observing that...


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  • #2
but I am not sure.Any ideas? It is possible that the external environment is entering the case, and that when the temperature goes up, the air is being replaced by more humid air from the room. The humidity in the room could also be changing over time, resulting in the observed trend. Additionally, the seal on the MBT case may be weaker than the Hiscox Pro case, allowing more air to enter and exit, which could explain why the RH is not dropping as much as expected with temperature.

Related to Silica Gel observation for RH & Temperature

1. What is silica gel and how does it work?

Silica gel is a granular, porous form of silicon dioxide. It works by absorbing moisture from its surroundings, which makes it useful for controlling humidity levels in certain environments.

2. How is silica gel used for RH and temperature observation?

Silica gel can be used to monitor relative humidity (RH) and temperature in a closed environment by changing color. When exposed to high levels of humidity, the gel will absorb moisture and turn from orange to green. This color change is reversible and can be used to indicate the RH level. Additionally, the rate of color change can also be used to estimate the temperature in the environment.

3. What are the benefits of using silica gel for RH and temperature observation?

Silica gel is a cost-effective and low-maintenance method for monitoring RH and temperature. It is also non-toxic and can be easily disposed of after use. Additionally, the color change is visible to the naked eye, making it a simple and reliable method for observation.

4. Are there any limitations to using silica gel for RH and temperature observation?

Yes, there are a few limitations to using silica gel for RH and temperature observation. It is not suitable for continuous monitoring as it can only give an estimate of the temperature and RH level at a specific point in time. It also has a limited range of accuracy and may not be suitable for extreme temperature or humidity levels.

5. Where can silica gel be used for RH and temperature observation?

Silica gel can be used in a variety of environments such as storage units, museums, electronic equipment, and food packaging. It is also commonly used in shipping and packaging to protect sensitive items from moisture damage.

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