Silver Nitrate/Copper Reaction

In summary, the individual is seeking assistance with a chemistry lab report, specifically in calculating the mass of copper used in an experiment. They provide relevant data and equation, and express a willingness to receive help but also acknowledge the importance of showing effort. They also mention the use of stoichiometry in the problem.
  • #1
I am currently typing up my lab report for Chemistry but I've come across a question that I'm stuck on.

2. Using the data obtained in the experiment and the equation you balanced above, calculate the mass of the copper you originally reacted. Show all steps clearly and include all units.

Equation: Balanced

Cu (s) + 2AgNO3 ---> 2Ag + Cu(NO3)2

Copper (before) .93 (g)
Silver (After) .17 (g)
Filter Paper (Alone) 1.47 (g)
Filter Paper and Silver 1.64 (g)

If you are able to help me in any way let me know or contact me please.
Physics news on
  • #2
Next time, use the Homework & Coursework subforums.

To help you, we need to first see some effort from you. What do you know about stoichiometry? If you translated the balanced equation into a regular English sentence, what would it look like?
  • #3

I would first like to commend you for seeking help and clarification on a question you are stuck on. This shows that you are dedicated to understanding the experiment and the data obtained.

To calculate the mass of copper originally reacted, we can use the law of conservation of mass, which states that in a chemical reaction, matter is neither created nor destroyed, only rearranged. This means that the mass of the reactants must equal the mass of the products.

In this reaction, we can see that the reactant copper (Cu) has a mass of 0.93 g and the product silver (Ag) has a mass of 0.17 g. This means that 0.76 g of copper must have reacted to form the 0.17 g of silver.

To calculate the mass of copper originally reacted, we can use the ratio of the coefficients in the balanced equation. In this case, for every 1 mole of copper reacted, 2 moles of silver are produced. Therefore, we can set up a proportion:

0.93 g Cu / 1 mole Cu = 0.76 g Cu / x moles Cu

Solving for x, we get x = 0.76 g Cu / 0.93 g Cu x 1 mole Cu = 0.817 moles Cu.

Now, to convert moles to grams, we can use the molar mass of copper, which is 63.55 g/mol.

0.817 moles Cu x 63.55 g Cu / 1 mole Cu = 51.93 g Cu

Therefore, the mass of copper originally reacted is 51.93 g.

I hope this explanation helps you complete your lab report. Remember to always show your work and include units in your calculations. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out for assistance.

FAQ: Silver Nitrate/Copper Reaction

1. What is the chemical equation for the reaction between silver nitrate and copper?

The chemical equation for the reaction between silver nitrate (AgNO3) and copper (Cu) is:
AgNO3 + Cu → Ag + Cu(NO3)2

2. What type of reaction is the reaction between silver nitrate and copper?

The reaction between silver nitrate and copper is a single displacement reaction, in which one element (copper) replaces another element (silver) in a compound (silver nitrate).

3. What are the products of the reaction between silver nitrate and copper?

The products of the reaction between silver nitrate and copper are silver metal and copper nitrate.

4. What are the physical changes that occur during the reaction between silver nitrate and copper?

During the reaction between silver nitrate and copper, the silver nitrate solution will turn blue as the copper reacts with the nitrate ions. As the reaction progresses, a brown solid (copper metal) will form and sink to the bottom of the solution.

5. How can the reaction between silver nitrate and copper be used in scientific experiments?

The reaction between silver nitrate and copper can be used to demonstrate single displacement reactions and to determine the reactivity series of metals. It can also be used to produce silver metal for various applications, such as in jewelry making or as a conductive material in electronics.
