Sim of first star formation (100 solar typical)

In summary, a new computer simulation study suggests that early stars were larger, around 100 solar masses, and had shorter lifespans. The James Webb telescope may be able to detect these stars' end-of-life explosions. Two articles in Science magazine further discuss this topic, with authors Volker Bromm, Naoki Yoshida, and Lars Hernquist. The simulation results show that primordial density fluctuations can drive the formation of a tiny protostar, which may eventually lead to the formation of a massive primordial star. This discovery is exciting and may have implications for our understanding of early galaxy formation.
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The new computer simulation study suggests that early stars tended to be quite large, order of 100 solar masses, implying short life.
The possibility is mentioned that the James Webb telescope may be able to see the life-end explosions of these stars.
End-of-life for one of these babies could be a supernova or a GRB. Either way we might be able to detect some of the first instances of such things, according to the article.

The NewSci article refers to articles in the current issue of Science magazine (see 1 August, pp 647-669 and 669-671)
I'll try to find the preprint.
author names are
Volker Bromm (the first, more interpretive, article: cosmic rosetta stone)
Naoki Yoshida and Lars Hernquist (the second, more technical, article)

Great! here is the preprint of the more technicl of the two Science articles:
Protostar Formation in the Early Universe
Naoki Yoshida (Nagoya University), Kazuyuki Omukai (NAOJ), Lars Hernquist (CfA-Harvard)
Science, August 1st issue. 13 pages, 3 figures. The SOM is found at ...
(Submitted on 30 Jul 2008)

"The nature of the first generation of stars in the Universe remains largely unknown. Observations imply the existence of massive primordial stars early in the history of the universe, and the standard theory for the growth of cosmic structure predicts that structures grow hierarchically through gravitational instability. We have developed an ab initio computer simulation of the formation of primordial stars that follows the relevant atomic and molecular processes in a primordial gas in an expanding universe. The results show that primeval density fluctuations left over from the Big Bang can drive the formation of a tiny protostar with a mass of just one percent that of the sun. The protostar is a seed for the subsequent formation of a massive primordial star."
Volker Bromm (Texas) seems to be a recognized expert on early stars and early structure formation in general. Here are some past writings
I don't see a preprint for this latest thing by him, interpreting or elaborating on the Yoshida simulation results.

Got to say, the whole thing is extremely fascinating. Those initial very large stars exploding would have caused turbulence and shock in the surrounding gas, triggering the formation of more stars in waves of chain reaction. Terrific show and the prospect of being able one day to see it is exciting.
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That would be incredible if the James Webb could detect Pop III supernovae. I'd hope it could discern the relative derth of metals in the spectra to give further confirmation that the progenitors of such supernovae are Population III stars. Also, these supernovae should be very efficient in seeding the interstellar medium with metals since we see early galaxies with metalicities not so different from what we see in the local universe.

I can't wait till the James Webb comes online!

FAQ: Sim of first star formation (100 solar typical)

1. What is a "Sim of first star formation (100 solar typical)"?

A "Sim of first star formation (100 solar typical)" is a simulation of the earliest stages of star formation in the universe, specifically focusing on stars that are around 100 times the mass of our Sun. These simulations use computer models to recreate the conditions and processes that led to the formation of the first stars in the universe.

2. Why is it important to study the first star formation?

Studying the first star formation is important because it can give us insights into the evolution of the universe and how galaxies formed. The first stars were much larger and more massive than stars formed today, and they played a crucial role in shaping the early universe. By studying these early stars, we can also learn about the formation of heavy elements and the conditions necessary for life to exist.

3. How do scientists create simulations of first star formation?

To create simulations of first star formation, scientists use complex computer programs that incorporate the laws of physics and known data about the early universe. These programs use algorithms to simulate the interactions between gas, dust, and dark matter in order to recreate the formation of the first stars.

4. What can simulations of first star formation tell us?

Simulations of first star formation can give us insights into the physical processes that led to the formation of the first stars, such as the collapse of gas clouds and the formation of protostars. They can also show us how these stars evolved and interacted with their surroundings, and how they influenced the formation of galaxies and the distribution of matter in the universe.

5. How do simulations of first star formation compare to observations?

Simulations of first star formation are constantly being refined and improved based on observations and data from telescopes and other instruments. While they cannot perfectly replicate the complex processes of star formation, they can provide valuable insights and help guide future observations. By comparing simulations to observations, scientists can gain a better understanding of the early universe and the formation of stars.
