Similar Matrices Minimal Polynomial of A^3

  • Thread starter talolard
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In summary, the minimal polynomial of A^3 is g(x) = (1-x)(8-x)(27-x)(64-x), which is also the characteristic polynomial of B^3. This can be seen by considering the diagonal matrix B, which is similar to A, and has eigenvalues 1, 2, 3, and 4. Thus, B^3 is a diagonalizable matrix with eigenvalues 1, 8, 27, and 64, and therefore its characteristic polynomial is the same as its minimal polynomial. This means that g(x) is also the minimal polynomial of A^3. This can also be shown by considering the action of A^3 on an eigenvector u,
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let F(x)=(x-1)(x-2)(x-3)(x-4) be the charecteristic polynomial of A. Find the minimal polynomial of A^3

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

A is similar to a diagnol matrix with 1,2,3,4 on the diagnol, let's call it B.
We know that A is diagnizable because The degree of the charecteristic polynomial of a matrix is always equal to its size, and if a matrix of size n has n eigenvalues then it si diagnizable
So [tex] A=P^{-1}BP [/tex]
[tex] A^2=P^{-1}BPP^{-1}BP=P^{-1}B^2P [/tex]
[tex] A^3=P^{-1}B^2PP^{-1}BP=P^{-1}B^3P [/tex]

And so B^3 is a diagnizable amtrix with 1, 8, 27, 64 on its diagnol, which means that its charecteristic polynomial is g(x)=(1-x)(8-x)(27-x)(64-x) and because each value in the charecteristic polynomial must apear in the minimal polynomial g(x) si also the minimal polynomial of A^3.
Is that correct?

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  • #2
that sounds reasonable to me, to see it another way, assume u is an eiegnevector of A with e-val lambda, and consider the action of A^3
[tex] A^3u = AAAu = AA\lambda u= A\lambda^2 u= \lambda^3 u[/tex]

so lambda^3 is an eigenvalue of A^3, wth eignevector u

FAQ: Similar Matrices Minimal Polynomial of A^3

1. What are similar matrices?

Similar matrices are matrices that have the same size and shape and can be transformed into each other by elementary row and column operations.

2. How do you determine if two matrices are similar?

Two matrices A and B are similar if there exists an invertible matrix P such that P-1AP = B.

3. What is the minimal polynomial of a matrix?

The minimal polynomial of a matrix is the monic polynomial of lowest degree that has the matrix as a root.

4. How do you find the minimal polynomial of a matrix?

To find the minimal polynomial of a matrix A, we first find the characteristic polynomial of A. Then, we factor the characteristic polynomial to find the distinct eigenvalues of A. Finally, the minimal polynomial is the product of the linear factors (x - eigenvalue) for each distinct eigenvalue.

5. What is the significance of the minimal polynomial of A^3?

The minimal polynomial of A^3 provides important information about the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of A. It also helps in determining the Jordan canonical form of A and can be used for solving systems of linear differential equations.
