Similar to Collatz Problem (Please Read)

  • Thread starter NightFury
  • Start date
In summary: Thanks for your reply.In summary, Wolfram and Google searches yielded no results for equations that behaved similarly to the Collatz conjecture. However, after some experimentation, John Smith discovered that all three of the equations he tried behaved similarly. He is not the first person to discover this, but he is the first person to publish it in a journal.
  • #1
Of course everyone seem to be very knowledgeable still i would like to show them
Collatz conjecture

its a function =
3n+1 if n odd
n/2 if n even
it always ends in 1
What ever you start from

Have anyone found out a function like collatz problem which always ends up in 2 or 3 or 4 instead of one
i am talking about three different Functions

I think i discovered all three of them and some associated properties
but i am not sure that i am the first person or not
So i am asking for help here to know that did anyone else already did it or not

If you did not understand my question post here and i will try to make you understand

PS i am a student
Physics news on
  • #2
Since you discovered them ,please post there and announce to the world this great discovery
  • #3
But i don't know that i am the first one to discover them or someone else has already done them ?
How do i know that ?

And where do you want me to post ?

Please Help

Who do i contact to get credit of this discovery ?

I am from INDIA
  • #4
NightFury said:
But i don't know that i am the first one to discover them or someone else has already done them ?
How do i know that ?

And where do you want me to post ?

Please Help

Who do i contact to get credit of this discovery ?

I am from INDIA

Search google for similar equations to Collatz. You can either post right here or write a paper and send it to a math journal if you think your results are original. If you post here, you can always sign the post with your real name.
  • #5
yes post here... and may be put your real name to it...
  • #6
epsi00 said:
Search google for similar equations to Collatz. You can either post right here or write a paper and send it to a math journal if you think your results are original. If you post here, you can always sign the post with your real name.

I searched in Google , Wolfram , and Many Online Mathematical Resources
I did not found any thing like them and

and about posting , i am worried about security and someone else taking credit ,
So i wanted to first be sure about this thing
and it is not a Private forum its posts could be scene even if you don't register here

What is signing a post ? i don't know about it !

and suggest the name of a journal to which i can send it
i live in INDIA

Thanks for your reply

About Posting Is there any where i can post so that Only IssacNewton and epsi00 can see and discuss but you guys have to promise not to make that public
  • #7
If you google "mathematical journals", I am sure google will oblige and return 1000's of entries for you to look at and decide which journal is the lucky one you will be sending your groundbreaking research to.

And no, this being a public forum, you can't prevent people from reading your posts. If you want privacy, you only have two options:
1- don't post in a forum
2- send people a write up of your research in a private message ( please don't send me your research, I have been known to steal people's research in the past )

Lastly, signing your name is just that, adding your real name at the end of your past, not your pseudo.
I like to call myself John Smith so here's a simple way for me to sign this post

John Smith
  • #8
The reason it was suggested to place the paper here with your signature, is it is time stamped and with signature.
It then is proof if new that you did it and when.
without seeing what you ae saying, it is hard to say if it has been done before. I suspect it has.

Related to Similar to Collatz Problem (Please Read)

1. What is the Collatz Problem?

The Collatz Problem is a mathematical conjecture that states that no matter what positive integer you start with, if you repeatedly apply a specific set of operations, you will always eventually reach the number 1.

2. What are the specific operations in the Collatz Problem?

The operations are as follows: if the number is even, divide it by 2. If the number is odd, multiply it by 3 and add 1.

3. Has the Collatz Problem been proven?

No, the Collatz Problem is still an open problem in mathematics and has not been proven yet. However, it has been verified by computer calculations for all numbers up to 268, which is a very large number.

4. Why is the Collatz Problem important?

The Collatz Problem has been studied for decades and has attracted the interest of mathematicians because of its simplicity and the fact that it remains unsolved. It also has connections to other areas of mathematics, such as number theory and dynamics.

5. Are there any patterns or trends in the Collatz Problem?

There are some patterns and trends that have been observed in the Collatz Problem, such as numbers that take longer to reach 1 and numbers that create cycles instead of reaching 1. However, these patterns have not been proven and remain a subject of research.

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