Simon's Algorithm: Solving the Mystery of f(x+s)

In summary, Simon's algorithm is used to calculate a secret string s by using a black box that contains a function f. The function outputs f(x+s), where s is the mystery string and + is bit-wise modulo 2 addition. The algorithm requires n-1 equations to solve for the secret string, which may seem unnecessary since knowing one input-output pair already reveals the secret string. However, the function f can have many different forms, not just bitwise addition, making it necessary to use additional input-output pairs to determine the secret string.
  • #1
Aakash Lakshmanan
Hi all, I am sure some of you have heard of Simon's algorithm that calculates a secret string s when given a black box. Basically, let's say we have a qubit x that is n digits long. Now the black box contains a function f that outputs f(x+s) where s is the mystery string and + is bit-wise modulo 2 addition. For Simon's algorithm, you apparently need like n-1 equations and stuff but I don't understand why this is necessary. For example, let's say the secret string s=101.

Then if input was 000, we have 101

From here, we already know the secret string. What is the purpose of going any further, is it not trivial what this secret string is? Can someone please explain this to me?
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  • #2
At least according to the wikipedia description, the function can be much more general than just bitwise addition. As a subset (!), all n! permutations are possible.

Related to Simon's Algorithm: Solving the Mystery of f(x+s)

1. What is Simon's Algorithm?

Simon's Algorithm is a quantum algorithm designed to solve a specific type of problem known as "black box problems." It was proposed by Daniel Simon in 1994 and is an important breakthrough in the field of quantum computing.

2. How does Simon's Algorithm work?

Simon's Algorithm works by using a quantum computer to query a black box function. The function takes in two inputs, x and s, and returns either f(x) or f(x+s). By querying the function multiple times, the algorithm can determine the hidden structure of the function and find the value of s.

3. What is the purpose of Simon's Algorithm?

The purpose of Simon's Algorithm is to solve a specific type of problem known as a "black box problem." These types of problems are difficult to solve using classical computers, but can be solved efficiently using quantum algorithms like Simon's Algorithm.

4. What are the applications of Simon's Algorithm?

Simon's Algorithm has a variety of potential applications, including cryptography, optimization, and machine learning. It can also be used to solve problems related to databases and graph theory.

5. What are the limitations of Simon's Algorithm?

Simon's Algorithm is limited by the current capabilities of quantum computers. It also has a specific use case for solving black box problems and may not be applicable for other types of problems. Additionally, the algorithm requires a significant amount of prior knowledge about the black box function, which may not always be available.

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