Simple 4 bus Newton-Raphson matlab not converging

In summary, the conversation was about the effectiveness of different study methods. One person argued that taking handwritten notes is the best way to retain information, while the other person believed that visual aids and diagrams are more helpful. They both acknowledged the importance of finding the right method for individual learning styles.
  • #1

Homework Statement

All the necessary data is in the code, I'm just trying to converge NR, I decided to use the equation S = V^2 / Z since I had the admittance matrix and powers (needed voltages)

I think my simple algorithm has a slight issue I can't find.

Homework Equations

Thank you!

The Attempt at a Solution

bus_num = 4 % FOR A N = 4 BUS NETWORK
initial_guess = 1 % Guess voltage in P.U.
slack_bus = 1 % Which bus number is the slack bus
convergence_criterion = input('What do you want the convergence criteria to be? (difference < 1): '); %assignment spec was 0.0001
Imax = input('What do you want the maximum iteration to be? ');
volts = [1; 1; 1; 1]; % Known P.U. bus voltages (inc slack bus Estimation)
real_powers = [0; 0.2; 0.02; 0.2]; % Known P.U. bus P
reactive_powers = [0; 0.15; 0.15; 0.15];% Known P.U. bus Q
Conj_power = conj(complex(real_powers, reactive_powers)); % *** Add Power to create Conjugate Apparent Power ***

bus_row1 = [0, 0.5882-j*2.3529, 0, 1.1765-j*4.7059]; % ENTER THE
bus_row2 = [0.5882-j*2.3529, 0, 0.3846-j*1.9231, 0.5882-j*2.3529]; % ADMITTANCES
bus_row3 = [0, 0.3846-j*1.9231, 0, 1.1765-j*4.7059]; % BETWEEN BUSES
bus_row4 = [1.1765-j*4.7059, 0.5882-j*2.3529, 1.1765-j*4.7059, 0]; % FOR MATRIX BELOW

The above variables represent admittances
corresponding to the following matrix:
[Y11 Y12 Y13 Y14]
|Y21 Y22 Y23 Y24|
Y_mat = |Y31 Y32 Y33 Y34|
[Y41 Y42 Y43 Y44]
User will need define more 'bus_row' variables
as above and add them to the Y_mat below if there
is more than 4 buses:
Y_mat = [bus_row1; bus_row2; bus_row3; bus_row4];

% *** Make the appropreate Admittance matrix for the network: ***
for r = 1 : bus_num,
for c = 1 : bus_num,
if (r ~= c)
Y_mat(r,r) = Y_mat(r,r) + Y_mat(r,c);
% *** Turn the Admittances that arn't on
% the diagonal negative: ***
for I = 1 : bus_num,
for k = 1 : bus_num,
if (I ~= k)
Y_mat(I,k) = -1*Y_mat(I,k);

% ** Newton-Raphson Method ***
volts = [1; 1; 1; 1]; % P.U. bus voltages (inc slack bus Estimation)
last_guess = [0; 0; 0; 0];
itterations = 0;
tol = max(abs(volts - last_guess)); % (volts)^2)*Y_mat = Conj_power(I)
% so:
% function = (volts)^2)*Y_mat
% constant is Conj_power(I)
% Jacobian is (2*volts*Y_mat)
while (tol > convergence_criterion) & itterations < Imax

last_guess = volts; % FOR TESTING CONVERGENCE

for I = 1 : bus_num,
if (I ~= slack_bus)
for k = 1 : bus_num,
C3 = 0;
if (I ~= k)

C3 = (Conj_power(I) - ((volts(k))^2)*Y_mat(I,k))/(2*volts(k)*Y_mat(I,k));

volts(I) = last_guess(I) + C3; % Residual I believe
tol = max(abs(volts - last_guess));

itterations = itterations + 1;
% *** Display converged result ***
if itterations >= Imax,
disp('Did not converge Newton-Raphson within itteration limit');
fprintf('\nBonus: The number of itterations required for Newton-Raphson was: %d.\n\n', itterations)
for I = 1 : bus_num,
fprintf('The voltage for bus %d is %0.4f V real and %0.4f V reactive, with angle %0.2f degrees \n', I, real(volts2(I, 1)), imag(volts2(I, 1)), angle(volts2(I, 1))*180/pi)
if (angle(volts2(I, 1))*180/pi >= 45),
disp('\n This solution seems dodgy, might be wrong convergence answer, try a new initial guess sunshine!')
Physics news on
  • #2

How about putting ##[##Code = MATLAB ##]## and ##[##/Code##]## around your source text ?
  • #3
BvU said:

How about putting ##[##Code = MATLAB ##]## and ##[##/Code##]## around your source text ?
Sorry, I should have, I'ven't ever posted code on here. It's too late for me to edit the post now, but I did say it in the title of the thread.
  • #4
bus_num = 4 % FOR A N = 4 BUS NETWORK
initial_guess = 1 % Guess voltage in P.U.
slack_bus = 1 % Which bus number is the slack bus
convergence_criterion = input('What do you want the convergence criteria to be? (difference < 1): '); %assignment spec was 0.0001
Imax = input('What do you want the maximum iteration to be? ');
volts = [1; 1; 1; 1]; % Known P.U. bus voltages (inc slack bus Estimation)
real_powers = [0; 0.2; 0.02; 0.2]; % Known P.U. bus P
reactive_powers = [0; 0.15; 0.15; 0.15];% Known P.U. bus Q
Conj_power = conj(complex(real_powers, reactive_powers)); % *** Add Power to create Conjugate Apparent Power ***

bus_row1 = [0, 0.5882-j*2.3529, 0, 1.1765-j*4.7059]; % ENTER THE
bus_row2 = [0.5882-j*2.3529, 0, 0.3846-j*1.9231, 0.5882-j*2.3529]; % ADMITTANCES
bus_row3 = [0, 0.3846-j*1.9231, 0, 1.1765-j*4.7059]; % BETWEEN BUSES
bus_row4 = [1.1765-j*4.7059, 0.5882-j*2.3529, 1.1765-j*4.7059, 0]; % FOR MATRIX BELOW

The above variables represent admittances
corresponding to the following matrix:
[Y11 Y12 Y13 Y14]
|Y21 Y22 Y23 Y24|
Y_mat = |Y31 Y32 Y33 Y34|
[Y41 Y42 Y43 Y44]
User will need define more 'bus_row' variables
as above and add them to the Y_mat below if there
is more than 4 buses:
Y_mat = [bus_row1; bus_row2; bus_row3; bus_row4];

% *** Make the appropreate Admittance matrix for the network: ***
for r = 1 : bus_num,
for c = 1 : bus_num,
if (r ~= c)
Y_mat(r,r) = Y_mat(r,r) + Y_mat(r,c);
% *** Turn the Admittances that arn't on
% the diagonal negative: ***
for I = 1 : bus_num,
for k = 1 : bus_num,
if (I ~= k)
Y_mat(I,k) = -1*Y_mat(I,k);

% ** Newton-Raphson Method ***
volts = [1; 1; 1; 1]; % P.U. bus voltages (inc slack bus Estimation)
last_guess = [0; 0; 0; 0];
itterations = 0;
tol = max(abs(volts - last_guess));% (volts)^2)*Y_mat = Conj_power(I)
% so:
% function = (volts)^2)*Y_mat
% constant is Conj_power(I)
% Jacobian is (2*volts*Y_mat)
while (tol > convergence_criterion) & itterations < Imax

last_guess = volts; % FOR TESTING CONVERGENCE

for I = 1 : bus_num,
if (I ~= slack_bus)
for k = 1 : bus_num,
C3 = 0;
if (I ~= k)

C3 = (Conj_power(I) - ((volts(k))^2)*Y_mat(I,k))/(2*volts(k)*Y_mat(I,k));end
volts(I) = last_guess(I) + C3; % Residual I believe
tol = max(abs(volts - last_guess));

itterations = itterations + 1;
% *** Display converged result ***
if itterations >= Imax,
disp('Did not converge Newton-Raphson within itteration limit');
fprintf('\nBonus: The number of itterations required for Newton-Raphson was: %d.\n\n', itterations)
for I = 1 : bus_num,
fprintf('The voltage for bus %d is %0.4f V real and %0.4f V reactive, with angle %0.2f degrees \n', I, real(volts2(I, 1)), imag(volts2(I, 1)), angle(volts2(I, 1))*180/pi)
if (angle(volts2(I, 1))*180/pi >= 45),
disp('\n This solution seems dodgy, might be wrong convergence answer, try a new initial guess sunshine!')
Makes a difference eh ?
  • #5
BvU said:
Makes a difference eh ?

I'd no idea it could do that, pitty it doesn't keep the tabs though.

So did you have any opinion on why it's not converging within the limit?
Or any issue with my:
% (volts)^2)*Y_mat = Conj_power(I)
% so:
% function = (volts)^2)*Y_mat
% constant is Conj_power(I)
% Jacobian is (2*volts*Y_mat)C3 = (Conj_power(I) - ((volts(k))^2)*Y_mat(I,k))/(2*volts(k)*Y_mat(I,k));?
  • #6
What about the location of C3 = 0 ? Do you want it inside the loop ?

Note: I'm looking at this as an "interested party". No idea what this is about - but I can guess a little. And, alas, also no MatLab expert
  • #7
BvU said:
What about the location of C3 = 0 ? Do you want it inside the loop ?

Note: I'm looking at this as an "interested party". No idea what this is about - but I can guess a little. And, alas, also no MatLab expert
No, didn't work, but you still might have made a good point, cheers.
  • #8
(after moving C3 outside the k loop) I think one thing that might still be wrong is my jacobian.
From what I remember NR uses the form y = f(x)
where y is a constant (in this case the powers) and x is the voltages ('volts' matrix), so my function is

so the jabobian is:

? Or have I not differentiated that properly?

I'd like to use Complex power = complex voltage * complex admittance
like P + Q = V^2 / (R + X)
but I'm not sure if that relation is true just for apparent power and absolute voltages and impedances?
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  • #9
NR does ##\vec x_{n+1} = \vec x_n + ( \vec {\vec J_n})^{-1} \, \vec r_n## where ##\vec r_n## is the residual vector. Can you distinguish those in your routine ?
  • #10
BvU said:
NR does ##\vec x_{n+1} = \vec x_n + ( \vec {\vec J_n})^{-1} \, \vec r_n## where ##\vec r_n## is the residual vector. Can you distinguish those in your routine ?
Hey BvU,
yeah sure:
so volts is \vec x_{n+1} (sorry the maths scrip I copied from you didn't work, volts is xn+1)
last_guess is \vec x_n (xn)
the residual vector is something like:
conj(Conj_power(I)) - ((volts(k))^2)*Y_mat(I,k)

and the Jacobian is: (2*volts*Y_mat)

But I'm not confindent in those, especially the jacobian, and if the power has to be absolute or not. In what I just said then, I un-conjugated the power to be the original power.
When I did gauss-seidal I had the power negative because they were loads.
  • #11
You use Latex by writing ##\#\# ## in front and closing off with ##\#\# ## :

##\#\# ## \vec x_{n+1} ##\#\# ## thus becomes ## \vec x_{n+1} ##

Alternatively you can open and close with ##$$## to get centered displayed equations (more room for fractions and such);
##$$## \vec x_{n+1} ##$$ ## thus becomes $$ \vec x_{n+1} $$

With ##(\vec {\vec J}_n)^{-1}## I mean the inverse of the Jacobian. I don't see you inverting anywhere ?

For NR, you normally first evaluate the residual and then apply the inverse of the Jacobian. You can't do it in one loop !

Also: Volts is a vector, but C3 ?
  • #12
BvU said:
You use Latex by writing ##\#\# ## in front and closing off with ##\#\# ## :

##\#\# ## \vec x_{n+1} ##\#\# ## thus becomes ## \vec x_{n+1} ##

Alternatively you can open and close with ##$$## to get centered displayed equations (more room for fractions and such);
##$$## \vec x_{n+1} ##$$ ## thus becomes $$ \vec x_{n+1} $$

With ##(\vec {\vec J}_n)^{-1}## I mean the inverse of the Jacobian. I don't see you inverting anywhere ?

For NR, you normally first evaluate the residual and then apply the inverse of the Jacobian. You can't do it in one loop !

Also: Volts is a vector, but C3 ?
Thanks for the Latex pointer.

I take your point, but doesn't C3 only need to be one complex value because it's going into volts(I) ? (one element)
Similarly, isn't the derivative: 2*volts*Y_mat
only one element big, so it can't be inverted?

Hmm, Is there a better way to do this, rather than evaluating one element at a time?
It's just that I'm confused because the voltage and powers are both 4x1 matrixes, whereas the admittances are 4x4.

Anyway, isn't dividing by it the same as multiplying by the inverse?
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  • #13
To help you further, I suppose it would be relevant to know what this is about. I found this (JD McCalley, Iowa State) with a lot of stuff like yours, but for your case I still can't spell out what exactly is being solved for. In short: the problem statement, all variables and given/known data and the relevant equations from the template :smile:.

I see you putting together matrix Y somewhat as in eq (6) in the link, but you keep the diagonal elements at zero. Why ?

His (9) ##\vec I = \vec{\vec Y} \vec V## and the power vector is (10), ##\ \ S_k = V_k I_k^*\ ##;

## \vec S^*## could well be your conj_power which is a known vector of 4 complex values.
(why take the conjugate ? It complicates unnecessarily ?).​

I get the impression you want to solve his eq (12) using NR: $$ \vec S - \vec V \left ( {\vec{\vec Y}} \,\vec V \right )^* = \vec 0 $$
[edit] I had an inner product ##\vec V\cdot \vec I^*## here, but it should have been ##\ \ S_k = V_k I_k^*\ ## -- so I removed the ## \cdot ## (the dot).​
NR is about solving N equations in N unknowns, with N = 4 here,
written in the form ##\vec{\vec f} (\vec x) = \vec 0##

NR starts with an intial guess ##{\vec x}_0 ## and calculates an initial residual ##{\vec r}_0##.

and iterates according to ##{\vec x}_{n+1} = {\vec x}_{n} - ({\vec{\vec J}}_n)^{-1} \, \vec r_n ##

where ## {\vec{\vec J} }## is the Jacobian -- ## J_{ij} = {\partial f_i \over \partial x_j} ## and J sure isn't a number !

Also for you, all variables and f elements are complex, so you need the complex derivative ! And still run the risk of the associated convergence problems.

Perhaps you want to consider using his (15) instead ?


C3 only need to be one complex value because it's going into volts(I) ? (one element)
I missed that C3 is used four times, yes. But first you need a residue vector, then you can apply the inverse of the Jacobian on it. At least, that's what I'm used to.
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  • #14
Thanks for your continued support.

BvU said:
could well be your conj_power which is a known vector of 4 complex values.
(why take the conjugate ? It complicates unnecessarily ?).
I had it as a conjugate for when I had to work out the Gauss-seidal, yeah it is an extra complication, but I just keep it in mind.

BvU said:
I see you putting together matrix Y somewhat as in eq (6) in the link, but you keep the diagonal elements at zero. Why ?
Are you sure? In't it:
My final Y_mat =
1.7647 - 7.0588i -0.5882 + 2.3529i 0.0000 + 0.0000i -1.1765 + 4.7059i
-0.5882 + 2.3529i 1.5610 - 6.6289i -0.3846 + 1.9231i -0.5882 + 2.3529i
0.0000 + 0.0000i -0.3846 + 1.9231i 1.5611 - 6.6290i -1.1765 + 4.7059i
-1.1765 + 4.7059i -0.5882 + 2.3529i -1.1765 + 4.7059i 2.9412 -11.7647i

Because I used these: [Code = matlab]
% *** Make the appropreate Admittance matrix for the network: ***
for r = 1 : bus_num,
for c = 1 : bus_num,
if (r ~= c)
Y_mat(r,r) = Y_mat(r,r) + Y_mat(r,c);
% *** Turn the Admittances that arn't on
% the diagonal negative: ***
for I = 1 : bus_num,
for k = 1 : bus_num,
if (I ~= k)
Y_mat(I,k) = -1*Y_mat(I,k);
[Code = matlab]

BvU said:
the problem statement, all variables and given/known data
I'm trying to find the bus voltages (the right complex values for the volts matrix) hence why I treated it as the variable.
real_powers = [0; 0.2; 0.02; 0.2]; % Known P.U. bus P
reactive_powers = [0; 0.15; 0.15; 0.15];% Known P.U. bus Q
You have seen the admittance matrix.

BvU said:
I get the impression you want to solve his eq (12) using NR:
I've tried:
BvU said:
S⃗ −V⃗ ⋅(Y⃗ ⃗ V⃗ )∗=0⃗
C3 = (conj(Conj_power(I)) - ((volts(k)))*conj(volts(k)*(Y_mat(I,k)))) / conj((2*(volts(k))*(Y_mat(I,k))));

and I've also tried S - V2 / Z*
C3 = (conj(Conj_power(I)) - ((volts(k))^2)*conj(Y_mat(I,k))) / ((2*(volts(k))*conj(Y_mat(I,k))));

I've also tried making the denominator (prime of function) negative.
BvU said:
where J⃗ ⃗ {\vec{\vec J} } is the Jacobian -- Jij=∂fixj J_{ij} = {\partial f_i \over \partial x_j} and J sure isn't a number !
But surely if the function is volts(I)^2 then the derivitive of that is 2*volts(I) ?
BvU said:
Perhaps you want to consider using his (15) instead ?
But I alreay know the powers?

BvU said:
I missed that C3 is used four times, yes. But first you need a residue vector, then you can apply the inverse of the Jacobian on it. At least, that's what I'm used to.
But isn't my residual vector just like (conj(Conj_power(I)) - ((volts(k))^2)*conj(Y_mat(I,k))) ?

Thanks for your assistance!
  • #15
But surely if the function is volts(I)^2 then the derivitive of that is 2*volts(I) ?

But the function is not so simple. There is a whole matrix Y in there. See his eq (12)​

##[##\code##]## should be at the end of the code section and = MATLAB probably without spaces

But I alreay know the powers?

I mean: use his (15) as the equations to solve for

Sory, short on time; have to run.

  • #16
BvU said:
But surely if the function is volts(I)^2 then the derivitive of that is 2*volts(I) ?

But the function is not so simple. There is a whole matrix Y in there. See his eq (12)​

##[##\code##]## should be at the end of the code section and = MATLAB probably without spaces

But I alreay know the powers?

I mean: use his (15) as the equations to solve for

Sory, short on time; have to run.


Oh boy this is driving me crazy.

Well I can interpret his (12) to make my function:

(conj(Conj_power(I)) - (volts(I)*conj(volts(k))*conj(Y_mat(I,k)))) = 0

where I is the outer loop and K is the inner loop. But I don't know what the Jacobian would be for that?

I'm unfortunately still at a loss as to how I could use his equation (15) to solve for the voltages though.

  • #17
After Y_mat = [bus_row1; bus_row2; bus_row3; bus_row4], doesn't Y look like $$
0 & 0.5882-j*2.3529 & 0 & 1.1765-j*4.7059\\
0.5882-j*2.3529 & 0 & 0.3846-j*1.9231 & 0.5882-j*2.3529\\
0 & 0.3846-j*1.9231 & 0 & 1.1765-j*4.7059\\
1.1765-j*4.7059 & 0.5882-j*2.3529 & 1.1765-j*4.7059 & 0
\end{pmatrix} $$
[edit]don't understand. Latex preview looks reasonable, browser doesn't do the TeX for some reason.
Anyway, diagonal elements are zero. Then you have two loops, one that skips r=c and one that skips I=k, so how can the diagonal elements change ?
  • #18
BvU said:
After Y_mat = [bus_row1; bus_row2; bus_row3; bus_row4], doesn't Y look like $$
0 & 0.5882-j*2.3529 & 0 & 1.1765-j*4.7059\\
0.5882-j*2.3529 & 0 & 0.3846-j*1.9231 & 0.5882-j*2.3529\\
0 & 0.3846-j*1.9231 & 0 & 1.1765-j*4.7059\\
1.1765-j*4.7059 & 0.5882-j*2.3529 & 1.1765-j*4.7059 & 0
\end{pmatrix} $$
[edit]don't understand. Latex preview looks reasonable, browser doesn't do the TeX for some reason.
Anyway, diagonal elements are zero. Then you have two loops, one that skips r=c and one that skips I=k, so how can the diagonal elements change ?
But when I ran it I got:
tim9000 said:
Y_mat =
1.7647 - 7.0588i -0.5882 + 2.3529i 0.0000 + 0.0000i -1.1765 + 4.7059i
-0.5882 + 2.3529i 1.5610 - 6.6289i -0.3846 + 1.9231i -0.5882 + 2.3529i
0.0000 + 0.0000i -0.3846 + 1.9231i 1.5611 - 6.6290i -1.1765 + 4.7059i
-1.1765 + 4.7059i -0.5882 + 2.3529i -1.1765 + 4.7059i 2.9412 -11.7647i
  • #19
Then: the residue calculation is still not right. There four Conj_power (your S conjugated ?). You want to find four elements of C3
\vec C3_i = \vec S_i - \vec V_i \,\left ( {\vec{\vec Y}} \,\vec V \right )^*_i =
$$to find ##\left ( {\vec{\vec Y}} \,\vec V \right )^*_i## your inner loop is over j: ##\displaystyle \sum_j Y_{ij}^* V_j^*##
  • #20
But when I ran it I got:
Yes, you posted that in #14 too. But that doesn't make me understand it. So you have to help me there. How can the diagonal elements be nonzero ?
  • #21
tim9000 said:
where I is the outer loop and K is the inner loop. But I don't know what the Jacobian would be for that?

I'm unfortunately still at a loss as to how I could use his equation (15) to solve for the voltages though.
Not that you don't want to count conj_power 4 times, so it has to stay outside the inner loop !

conj(Conj_power(I)) - volts(I)* SUM ( conj(volts(k)) * conj(Y_mat(I,k)) ) = 0

And if you can't do the Jacobian analytically (and I don't blame you -- I sure can't do complex derivatives) you might want to do it numerically -- but even there I wouldn't know offhand how to tackle that. That's why I look at his (15) where there are 8 real equations in 8 real variables. Somewhat less elegant perhaps, but eperhaps asier to grasp ?
  • #22
BvU said:
Yes, you posted that in #14 too. But that doesn't make me understand it. So you have to help me there. How can the diagonal elements be nonzero ?
So we're atleast on the same page about that matrix being correct, you just doubt the algorithm yeilds it.
according to:
for r = 1 : bus_num,
for c = 1 : bus_num,
if (r ~= c)
Y_mat(r,r) = Y_mat(r,r) + Y_mat(r,c);

Isn't it saying that when it's not a double up (self admittance) add the that row with that column number?

I"m going to have to have a longer think about what he's doing in (15).

You may be interested in my attempted progress towards a better derivative:

dx = [0; 0; 0; 0];
J = [0; 0; 0; 0];
C1 = [0; 0; 0; 0]; %C1, 2 and 3 are the function, volts is the 'x'
C2 = [1; 1; 1; 1];
while (tol > convergence_criterion) & itterations < Imax

dx = volts - last_guess;
last_guess = volts; % FOR TESTING CONVERGENCE

for I = 1 : bus_num,
if (I ~= slack_bus)
C3 = 0;
for k = 1 : bus_num,

%if (I ~= k)

C1(k) = (conj(Conj_power(k)) - (volts(k)*conj(volts(k))*conj(Y_mat(I,k))));
J(k) = (C1(k) - C2(k))/dx(k)
C2(k) = C1(k); %update after calculation of gradient
C3 = (conj(Conj_power(k)) - (volts(k)*conj(volts(k))*conj(Y_mat(I,k))))/(J(k));


volts(I) = last_guess(I) + C3 % Residual I believe

tol = max((abs(volts - last_guess) ));

itterations = itterations + 1;

FAQ: Simple 4 bus Newton-Raphson matlab not converging

1. Why is my Newton-Raphson matlab not converging?

There are a few possible reasons for this. Firstly, it could be due to an incorrect implementation of the algorithm. Double-check your code and make sure you are using the correct formulas. Secondly, the algorithm may not converge if the initial guess is too far from the solution. Try using a different initial guess closer to the solution. Finally, it could also be caused by a singularity in the Jacobian matrix, which would require a different approach.

2. How can I improve the convergence of my Newton-Raphson matlab code?

One way to improve the convergence is by using a more accurate initial guess. You can also try using a different solver or adjusting the tolerance levels in your code. Additionally, making sure the system of equations is well-conditioned can also help with convergence.

3. Can the number of iterations affect the convergence of my Newton-Raphson matlab code?

Yes, the number of iterations can affect the convergence. If the number of iterations is too low, the solution may not have enough time to converge. On the other hand, if the number of iterations is too high, it could lead to excessive computation and slow down the convergence process.

4. Is it possible for my Newton-Raphson matlab code to converge to a wrong solution?

Yes, it is possible for the algorithm to converge to a wrong solution. This could happen if the initial guess is not close enough to the true solution, or if the system of equations is not well-conditioned. It is important to check the solution and make sure it is reasonable and accurate.

5. How can I debug my Newton-Raphson matlab code if it is not converging?

If your code is not converging, you can use debugging tools such as printing out the values of the variables at each iteration or plotting the residuals to see if they are decreasing. You can also use MATLAB's built-in debugging functions to step through your code and identify any errors. It may also be helpful to consult with other colleagues or refer to online resources for troubleshooting tips.

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