Simple BCS theory: question about the internal energy

In summary: Is this a typo?In summary, the two energies are equal at the critical temperature, but this does not result in the vanishing of the integral of the specific heats.
  • #1
Hi all,

I'm am reading chapter 3 of Tinkham's "Introduction to superconductivity".
At some point several thermodynamic quantities are considered (sec. 3.6.3).

In particular fig. 3 compares the internal energies of the superconducting and normal states,
showing that they are different below the critical temperature whereas they overlap above it.
Of course this makes definitely sense, but |'m puzzled by the calculations.

The internal energies are evaluated as integrals of the relevant specific heats. Since
the specific heats are different below Tc and overlap above Tc I would expect that for T > Tc

[tex]U_{es}(T) = U_{en}(T) + \int_0^{T_c} [C_{es}(T)-C_{en}(T)] dT[/tex]

where "es" and "en" refer to the superconductive and normal states, respectively.
Hence the integral should vanish for the two quantities to coincide, right?

Now it seems to me that this hardly applies for the curves in fig. 3b, but this could
very well a be graphical problem, like a poor choice of the curves.

The above condition is somehow enforced in the calculations just before eq. (3.60), where,
if I get it right, the author sets

[TEX]U_{es}(T_c) = U_{en}(T_c)[/TEX]

"since the specific heat remains finite there". I'm not sure I get this argument. The finiteness of the "es" specific heat ensures that the "es" internal energy is continuous, but not that it has a particular value (the same as the "en" internal energy).
So this feature of the specific heat does not seem to me a sufficient reason for equalling
the two internal energies at the critical temperature.
Am I missing something?

Thanks a lot for your help

FPS the equation I'm seeing in my preview of this post are altogether different from what
I've typed. I hope that the submitted version of this post is ok. If this is not the case, placing the mouse pointer on the equations seems to correctly give the equation I've typed, although in latex format.

PPS unfortunately the equations are not displayed correctly... I do not understand what the problem is... I've always used this syntax... I've tried to modify my post, but I can't manage to have the equations display properly.
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  • #2
LaTex function isn't working properly yet since the recent server upgrade. This problem is being worked on.

  • #3
Oh, I see...

well, luckily my equations are not very complex. I hope they can be understood from
their latex syntax, which appears correctly when the mouse pointer is placed on the
equation image.

Using a "mixed style" they are:

Ues(T) = Uen(T) + S0Tc (Ces-Cen) dT

(where the big S stands for the integral symbol) and

Ues(Tc) = Uen(Tc)

  • #4
It's me again...

Actually the first equation in my previous message(s) is not correct. It should be:

Ues(T) = Uen(T) + S0Tc (Ces-Cen) dT - Uen(0) + Ues(0)

(T>Tc) which means that the equality of the two energies does not yield the vanishing of the integral.
So much for my first observation.

I still do not completely understand why Ues(Tc) = Uen(Tc).

FAQ: Simple BCS theory: question about the internal energy

1. What is the Simple BCS theory?

The Simple BCS theory is a theoretical model in condensed matter physics that explains the behavior of superconductors at low temperatures. It was proposed by John Bardeen, Leon Cooper, and John Schrieffer in 1957 and is based on the concept of electron pairing due to the attractive interactions between electrons and lattice vibrations.

2. How does the Simple BCS theory explain superconductivity?

The Simple BCS theory proposes that at low temperatures, electrons in a superconductor form pairs due to the attractive interactions with lattice vibrations. These paired electrons, called Cooper pairs, are able to move through the material without any resistance, leading to zero electrical resistance and perfect conductivity.

3. What is the role of internal energy in the Simple BCS theory?

Internal energy is an important concept in the Simple BCS theory as it is directly related to the energy gap between the paired and unpaired electrons. At low temperatures, the internal energy decreases as the electrons form pairs and the energy gap increases, leading to superconductivity.

4. How does the Simple BCS theory explain the Meissner effect?

The Meissner effect is a phenomenon observed in superconductors where they expel any external magnetic field. The Simple BCS theory explains this effect by proposing that the paired electrons have a lower energy state than the unpaired electrons, and therefore, they can align themselves in a way that cancels out any external magnetic field.

5. What are the limitations of the Simple BCS theory?

While the Simple BCS theory has been successful in explaining many properties of superconductors, it has some limitations. For example, it does not account for high-temperature superconductivity, and it cannot fully explain the behavior of all types of superconductors. Additionally, it does not consider the effects of impurities and defects in the material, which can affect the superconducting properties.
