Simple Circuit analysis of potentiometer problem

In summary, a circuit with a power supply, a potentiometer, and an output voltage taken from the wiper of the potentiometer acts like a two-resistor voltage divider without a load resistor. However, this is only true if the potentiometer wiper is connected to a high impedance. It is also not recommended to connect a high impedance to the wiper as it may affect the reliability of the potentiometer. It is important to consider the wiper current and refer to design guidelines for using potentiometers.
  • #1
Really simple problem but:

If you have a circuit with a power supply, a potentiometer and an output voltage taken from midway down the potentiometer and just after it; would this act like a potential divider with the potentiometer acting as two resistors?
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  • #2
Yes, It will act like a two resistors voltage divider.
But only without the load resistor.


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  • #3
Thanks for the help
  • #4
Keep in mind that is only true if the potentiometer wiper is connected to a high impedance. If there is a finite input impedance to the circuit that follows the wiper, then that impedance needs to be included in the circuit analysis to figure out the wiper voltage.

Also, it is not good design practice to connect a high impedance to a potentiometer wiper. There is a minimum wiper current needed to keep the potentiometer reliable. This is a good reference for using potentiometers:

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  • #5

Yes, this circuit can be analyzed as a potential divider with the potentiometer acting as two resistors. The potentiometer can be thought of as two resistors in series, with the adjustable wiper acting as a variable connection point between them. The output voltage taken from midway down the potentiometer would be equivalent to the voltage at the junction between the two resistors in a typical potential divider circuit. The ratio of the two resistors, determined by the position of the wiper, would determine the output voltage. This concept is commonly used in circuit analysis and can be applied to this simple potentiometer problem.

FAQ: Simple Circuit analysis of potentiometer problem

1. What is a potentiometer and how does it work?

A potentiometer is an electronic component that is used to vary the resistance in a circuit. It works by having a resistive element, such as a wire, and a movable contact that can be adjusted to make contact at different points along the resistive element. This allows for the resistance to be changed and the output voltage to be varied accordingly.

2. How do I analyze a simple circuit with a potentiometer?

To analyze a simple circuit with a potentiometer, you will need to determine the total resistance in the circuit by adding up all the individual resistances. Next, use Ohm's law (V=IR) to calculate the voltage drop across the potentiometer. Finally, use the voltage drop and the total resistance to calculate the current flowing through the circuit.

3. What is the purpose of using a potentiometer in a circuit?

The purpose of using a potentiometer in a circuit is to be able to vary the output voltage or current. This can be useful in applications where you need to control the level of a signal, such as in audio equipment or in controlling the brightness of a light.

4. Can I use a potentiometer to control the speed of a motor?

Yes, a potentiometer can be used to control the speed of a motor. By adjusting the resistance of the potentiometer, you can vary the voltage going to the motor and therefore control its speed. However, it is important to make sure the potentiometer is rated for the voltage and current required by the motor.

5. How do I troubleshoot a potentiometer problem in a circuit?

If you are experiencing issues with a potentiometer in a circuit, there are a few things you can check. First, make sure the potentiometer is connected correctly and that there are no loose or broken connections. You can also use a multimeter to test the resistance of the potentiometer to see if it is functioning properly. If the potentiometer is not the issue, then you may need to check other components in the circuit for problems.
