Is 0.132 Hartrees/Bohr^2 Correctly Converted to J/m^2?

  • Thread starter AxiomOfChoice
  • Start date
In summary, simple conversion is the process of converting a value from one unit of measurement to another. It is important because it allows for communication and comparison of measurements in different units and helps solve problems involving different units. To perform a simple conversion, one must know the conversion factor between the two units and multiply the value by the conversion factor. A conversion factor is a number that represents the relationship between two units of measurement. Common mistakes when performing a simple conversion include using the wrong conversion factor, forgetting to include units, and rounding incorrectly. It is important to double check work and use accurate conversion factors to avoid these mistakes.
  • #1
Can someone please confirm whether I've done the following conversion correctly?

What does 0.132 Hartrees/Bohr^2 convert to in units of J/m^2?
Physics news on
  • #2
Not knowing what you did we can't say if you did it right.
  • #3
Borek said:
Not knowing what you did we can't say if you did it right.

Ugh. You're right...I can't believe I forgot to post that.

I took 0.132 and multiplied by 4.36 x 10^(-18) J/Hartree, then divided by (5.29 x 10^(-11))^2 m^2/Bohr^2. This gives me something like 205.7 J/m^2.
  • #4
Looks OK to me.
  • #5

Based on the given information, it appears that you have converted the units correctly. 0.132 Hartrees/Bohr^2 is equivalent to 0.132 J/m^2. However, it is always best to double check your conversions using a reliable conversion tool or formula to ensure accuracy. Additionally, it is important to include the units in your final answer to avoid confusion. In this case, the correct conversion would be 0.132 J/m^2.

FAQ: Is 0.132 Hartrees/Bohr^2 Correctly Converted to J/m^2?

What is simple conversion?

Simple conversion is the process of converting a value from one unit of measurement to another unit of measurement.

Why is simple conversion important?

Simple conversion is important because it allows us to communicate and compare measurements in different units. It also helps us to solve problems involving different units of measurement.

How do you perform a simple conversion?

To perform a simple conversion, you need to know the conversion factor between the two units of measurement. Multiply the value you want to convert by the conversion factor to get the equivalent value in the other unit.

What is a conversion factor?

A conversion factor is a number that represents the relationship between two units of measurement. It is used to convert values from one unit to another.

What are some common mistakes when performing a simple conversion?

Some common mistakes when performing a simple conversion include using the wrong conversion factor, forgetting to include units in the final answer, and rounding incorrectly. It is important to double check your work and use accurate conversion factors to avoid these mistakes.
