Simple equations in Dirac Delta function terms

In summary, the conversation is discussing the formulation of Newton's second law F=MA in Dirac Delta Function (DDF) form. There are two equations proposed, one with the mass and acceleration delta functions multiplied together and one with them integrated separately before being multiplied. The discussion also touches on the idea of a Dirac delta function for instantaneous acceleration and whether the equations are mathematically correct. The conversation concludes with a question about the correctness of substituting arbitrary numbers for physical constants in the integrand.
  • #1
James MC
Hi there,

I'm trying to comprehend Dirac Delta functions. Here's something to help me understand them; let's say I want to formulate Newton's second law F=MA (for point masses) in DDF form. Is this correct:

[tex] F_i = \int [m_i\delta (x-x_i) a_i\delta (x-x_i)]dx[/tex]
Or is it this:
[tex] F_i = [\int m_i\delta (x-x_i)dx] [\int a_i\delta (x-x_i)dx][/tex]
Or is the idea of a Dirac delta function for the instantaneous acceleration of a point mass not well defined? ...or?

I intially thought the first equation was correct, but then I worried that infinities were being multiplied, and so, I figured that each delta function would need to be integrated first, before the multiplication takes place, hence the second equation.

Any thoughts would be most welcome!
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  • #2
Hey James MC.

One suggestion I would have is to think whether the mass appears out of nowhere, whether the acceleration appears out of no-where, or whether both appear out of nowhere.

This will help you reconcile the formulation mathematically with that of the physical kind.

I am going to assume that the mass already exists and the acceleration changes as a result of some impulse.
  • #3
Hi Chiro,

That seems like a reasonable assuption. But how does that help? Presumably we just represent the additional entity whose force is inducing the acceleration with an extra subscript, as we would in the simple formalism. So in DDF formalism:
[tex] F_{ij} = \int [m_i\delta (x-x_i) a_{ij}\delta (x-x_i)]dx[/tex]
Where, Fij is the force on i due to j and aij is the acceleration of i due to j.

My question is: is this equation correct, or is it mathematically defective, say, because it multiplies distributions, when distributions ought not be multiplied?
  • #4
Well if the mass already exists then the delta function you are modulating with shouldn't appear in the integrand.

However if the acceleration due to impulse exists as an impulse, then the dirac delta for this should occur at the given point.

Also the other thing is how the force is distributed: is it done like a very simple rigid body dynamics problem (i.e. a chunk of mass, simple moment of inertia or an even simpler point particle) or is it done as something more complex (different forces applied over the whole body)?

I'm guessing you have a really simple object that is moving on one axis and you are "hitting" it with an impulse driving it momentarily accelerate in that direction.

If this is the case, then the first thing is to resolve the mass distribution and force distribution (acceleration) on that mass.

Do you have a specific example you are working with?
  • #5
I guess the specific example I'm working with is the simplest possible. Certainly a point mass in one dimension (which I hope to extend to three once I've understood DDF formalism). Accordingly, it may even be simpler if we treat the accceleration as coming out of nowhere; I guess I was just thinking that if a point mass is accelerating at time t1 then we can use F=ma (in DDF form or otherwise) to define its force at t1, without requiring knowledge of the properties of the thing that exerted the force.
chiro said:
However if the acceleration due to impulse exists as an impulse, then the dirac delta for this should occur at the given point.
I thought that xi defines the given point? After all, that's the one point that the delta function assigns infinity to, '0' elsewhere.
chiro said:
Well if the mass already exists then the delta function you are modulating with shouldn't appear in the integrand.
I don't know what it would mean for the mass to not exist, in this context, but it sounds like you're answering my original question by saying no to the first equation? Thus, by "the delta function you are modulating" I take it you just mean the acceleration delta function? I'm curious as to why this is wrong.

It might be worth noting, a large portion of what I need to know can be answered without worrying much at all about the physical situation. Thus, a related question, is whether this is correct:
[tex] \int [2\delta (x-x_i) 3\delta (x-x_i)]dx = 2*3 = 6[/tex]
So here I'm just substituting arbitrary numbers for physical constants. Is there a problem with having two delta functions together in the one integrand? If so, is the solution to simply multiply two integrands in the manner suggested by my first post?
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Related to Simple equations in Dirac Delta function terms

1. What is the Dirac Delta function and how is it used in simple equations?

The Dirac Delta function is a mathematical tool used to describe a point or spike in a function. It is defined as 0 for all values except at a specific point, where its value is infinite. In simple equations, the Dirac Delta function is often used to represent a point source or impulse in a system.

2. How do you solve equations involving Dirac Delta functions?

To solve equations involving Dirac Delta functions, you can use the properties of the function, such as the sifting property and the scaling property. These properties allow you to manipulate the equations and isolate the unknown variable, just like with any other algebraic equation.

3. Can Dirac Delta functions be used in multiple dimensions?

Yes, Dirac Delta functions can be used in multiple dimensions. In one dimension, the function is typically represented as a spike or impulse at a specific point. In higher dimensions, it can be visualized as a spike or impulse along a specific surface or volume.

4. How are Dirac Delta functions related to Fourier transforms?

The Dirac Delta function is closely related to the Fourier transform, as it is often used to define the inverse Fourier transform. This is because the Fourier transform of the Dirac Delta function is a constant, which can be used to recover the original function.

5. Can Dirac Delta functions be integrated?

Yes, Dirac Delta functions can be integrated, but the integral must be interpreted in a different way. The integral of the Dirac Delta function is defined as 1, but only when it is multiplied by another function. This is known as the sifting property of the Dirac Delta function.

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