Simple Harmonic Motion: Block dropped onto a spring

In summary, a 2-kg block is dropped onto an uncompressed spring with an elastic constant of 200 N/m and negligible mass from a height of 0.45 m. The block sticks to the spring upon impact. Using various equations including kinematics, conservation of energy, and simple harmonic motion, the speed of the block at impact is 2.97 m/s, the period of SHM is 0.628 sec, the maximum compression in the spring is 41 cm, and the amplitude of the SHM is 0.312 m. To solve for the distance that the spring is compressed at the instant the speed of the block is maximum, set the forces equal using ma=kx, and to find the amplitude
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Homework Statement

A 2-kg block is dropped from a height of 0.45 m above an uncompressed spring. The spring has an elastic constant of 200 N/m and negligible mass. The block strikes the end of the spring and sticks to it.
(a) Determine the speed of the block at impact
(b) Determine the period of SHM that ensues
(c) Determine the distance that the spring is compressed at the instant the speed of the block is maximum
(d) Determine the maximum compression in the spring
(e) Determine the amplitude of the SHM

Homework Equations

v^2 = 2ax
T = 2pi[rt(m/k)]
Vmax = (angular frequency omega)(amplitude x naught)
x(t)=(amplitude)[cos(omega t)]
v(t)=(-omega)(amplitude)sin(omega t)
a(t)=(-omega^2)(amplitude)cos(omega t)

The Attempt at a Solution

Using kinematics' v^2=2ax, obtained 2.97 m/s for part (a)
Using T = 2pi[rt(m/k)], obtained 0.628 sec for the period in part (b) --> Am I right that omega = rt(m/k) in this case? Or should it be rt(k/m)? What determines which it is?
Using conservation of energy, obtained x=0.41 m or 41 cm for part (d)

...But I'm clueless on (c) and (e). I guessed that, to solve (c), I should find what t was when sin(omega t)=1; But that gives me something preposterous near 15 seconds. How should I go about finding amplitude? How should I use the equations for x(t) and v(t)? Am I wrong to ignore the displacement factor usually included at the end of these equations?
Physics news on
  • #2
Never mind, got it!

For anyone wondering, or with a similar problem: for part (c), set the forces equal: use ma=kx. That x is equilibrium.
For part (e), find the difference between Xmax--what you found using conservation of energy in d (for me it was 0.41 m)--and the x at equilibrium found in (c). In my case, the amplitude is 0.312 m.

Always use rt K/M in simple mass-spring systems.

FAQ: Simple Harmonic Motion: Block dropped onto a spring

1. What is simple harmonic motion?

Simple harmonic motion is a type of periodic motion where an object oscillates back and forth between two points along a straight line, with a constant frequency and amplitude. It is a special case of harmonic motion, which involves the oscillation of an object around a stable equilibrium point.

2. How does a block dropped onto a spring exhibit simple harmonic motion?

When a block is dropped onto a spring, it compresses the spring due to its weight. This compression creates a restoring force that acts in the opposite direction of the displacement, causing the block to accelerate back towards its original position. As the block moves past the equilibrium point, the spring stretches and the process repeats itself. This back-and-forth motion exhibits simple harmonic motion.

3. What factors affect the period of a block dropped onto a spring?

The period of a block dropped onto a spring is affected by the mass of the block, the stiffness of the spring, and the gravitational acceleration. A heavier block, a stiffer spring, or a stronger gravitational pull will result in a shorter period, while a lighter block, a less stiff spring, or a weaker gravitational pull will result in a longer period.

4. Can simple harmonic motion occur without a restoring force?

No, simple harmonic motion cannot occur without a restoring force. The restoring force is what brings the object back towards its equilibrium position and allows for the oscillation to continue. Without a restoring force, the object would simply move in a straight line.

5. What are some real-life examples of simple harmonic motion?

Some common examples of simple harmonic motion include a pendulum, a mass on a spring, and a vibrating guitar string. Other examples can include a child on a swing, the motion of a tuning fork, and the motion of a piston in an engine. Simple harmonic motion is also present in the movement of molecules in a solid or gas, and in the motion of celestial bodies in an elliptical orbit.
