Simple Harmonic Motion formula help

In summary, the content of the conversation is about a small block resting on a vertically vibrating piston. The formula for the piston's motion is given and it is asked to show when the block will leave the piston. The forces on the block are discussed and it is determined that the normal force will be zero when the block is about to separate. The maximum downward acceleration the block can experience is g, which indicates that the block will separate from the piston when it reaches g acceleration.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A small bock that has a mass equal to M rest on a piston that is vibrating vertically with simply harmonic motion described by the formula y = Asin(wt)

a) Show that the block will leave the piston if w2A > g.

b) If w2A = 3g and A = 15 cm, at what time will the block leave the piston?

Homework Equations

F = m*a (maybe...)

The Attempt at a Solution

The only thing I did was find that the equation for the acceleration is,

a = -w2Asin(wt)
Physics news on
  • #2
What forces are on the block?
  • #3
vela said:
What forces are on the block?

The force of gravity (Mg) and the force of the piston pushing up on the block (Normal Force). Although in this case I'm not too sure how to write out normal force.

And actually I think the way I wrote this is only if it's sitting still so actually maybe it would be M(g+a) because the push from the piston would make it feel heavier. I may be wrong about that.

Actually I'm kind of thinking that...
Fn - Mg = Ma
Fn = M(g+a)

So if the acceleration on the piston is ever greater than g there will be no normal force exerted on the block. Meaning it's not touching it. Is this right?
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  • #4
You're right about the two forces. Unlike when the block is sitting at rest, the two forces generally won't be equal in magnitude, so there will be a net force on the block that causes it to accelerate. When it's accelerating upward, the normal force will be bigger than its weight. When it's accelerating downward, the block's weight will be bigger than the normal force.

Can you say anything about the forces on the block when it's right on the verge of losing contact with the piston?
  • #5
vela said:
Can you say anything about the forces on the block when it's right on the verge of losing contact with the piston?

The only thing I can really think of is that the normal force might be zero and the only force acting on the block would be Mg. Although I think that would only be if it were in the air already so I'm probably wrong about this.

So maybe on the way down it would be...
Fn + mg = ma
Fn = m(a - g)
  • #6
LeakyFrog said:
The only thing I can really think of is that the normal force might be zero and the only force acting on the block would be Mg. Although I think that would only be if it were in the air already so I'm probably wrong about this.
You're right. The normal force can only push up on the block. It can get as big as necessary to accelerate the block upward, but the smallest it can get is zero. So what's the maximum downward acceleration the block can have? And how does this tell you when the block and piston separate?
  • #7
vela said:
So what's the maximum downward acceleration the block can have? And how does this tell you when the block and piston separate?

I believe the maximum downward acceleration it can feel it g. So when the block feels this max acceleration it is about to separate.

I'm not sure if I'm right on this completely but thanks for your help.
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  • #8
You're right again. (You need to have more confidence!)

What's the piston's acceleration at the moment of separation?

FAQ: Simple Harmonic Motion formula help

What is the formula for Simple Harmonic Motion?

The formula for Simple Harmonic Motion is x = A sin(ωt + φ), where x represents the displacement from equilibrium, A is the amplitude of the motion, ω is the angular frequency, and φ is the phase angle.

How do I calculate the period of Simple Harmonic Motion?

The period of Simple Harmonic Motion can be calculated using the formula T = 2π/ω, where T represents the time it takes for one complete oscillation and ω is the angular frequency.

What does the amplitude represent in Simple Harmonic Motion?

The amplitude in Simple Harmonic Motion represents the maximum displacement from equilibrium. It is a measure of the strength or intensity of the oscillation.

How does Simple Harmonic Motion relate to real-life phenomena?

Simple Harmonic Motion can be observed in many real-life phenomena, such as the motion of a pendulum, the vibrations of a guitar string, and the back-and-forth motion of a spring. It is a fundamental principle in understanding the behavior of oscillating systems.

What is the significance of the phase angle in Simple Harmonic Motion?

The phase angle in Simple Harmonic Motion determines the starting point of the oscillation. It represents the initial displacement from equilibrium at t = 0, and it is responsible for the different shapes and patterns of the motion.

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