Simple Harmonic Motion/Period of a Physical Pendulum

In summary: I think it's because the angular frequency of the motion is related to the angular acceleration by\omega^2=\sqrt{\frac{mgb}{I}}This is why \omega^2 is involved in the equation for the period.
  • #1
I'm studying the motion of a physical pendulum, could someone help me make the final step in figuring out how to find the period so I can make predictions before carrying out a practical? Basically I have a meter rule with holes drilled along the length and will be pivoting it at various points.

I've done lots of reading and watched lots of videos, I know simple calculus, I understand moment of inertia and torque, small angle approximations and parallel axis theory. I've done dimensional analysis which resulted in:


where T = Period, I = Moment of inertia, m = Mass and b = distance from center of mass to pivot.

I know dimensional analysis doesn't give any constants, and I've seen in books that the actual equation is


but I'd like to be able to prove this. I know it has to do with angular acceleration and angular frequency, but not sure how. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Most the videos I watch just make the jump and say "we've previously shown why... [tex]\omega^2=\sqrt{\frac{mgb}{I}}[/tex] but I can't find any previous videos that show! :D
I think it's the [tex]\omega^2[/tex] that I can't see where it comes from.

Any help much appreciated!

K(p.s. If the Latex is messed up I'm probably working on fixing it, I've not used it much)
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  • #2
You made a typo it should be ##\omega## not ##\omega^2##.
  • #3
The easiest derivations of this result requires you to be able to solve a second order differential equation.
Another method using the conservation of energy requires you to solve a first - order differential equation, or equivalently solving a trigonometric integral like integral dx over square root of (a squared - x squared) with a constant. This is usually attacked about second semester calculus.
  • #4
I've seen it written [tex]\omega^2[/tex] in several places though, what makes you say that? Here's a screen clipping of a video from (credit to Dan Fullerton on Youtube)

I don't know where [tex]\theta=A cos(\omega t)[/tex] comes from either, but heard there are two uses for [tex]\omega[/tex] in rotional motion?
  • #5
Ah, I'm not at university. I know integration and differentiation, but don't know how to solve equations, I'll turn my attention there, thank you!
  • #6
In general torque = moment of inertia times the angular acceleration = I alpha = I d / dt angular velocity = I second derivative of theta with respect to time.
This torque is also equal to Force ( - mg ) times moment arm (b sin theta). Now for small angles sin theta is approximated by theta, so the torque is -mgb theta.
equating the torques gives a second order differential equation for theta. I times second derivative (d 2 theta / d t squared) = - m g b times theta

Now most text "guess" the solution theta = A cos w t. (w is the frequency)

Then they show the second derivative of this solution using calculus is : d 2 theta / d t squared = - A w squared time theta.
we also have derivative (d 2 theta / d t squared) = - (m g b / I ) times theta
This allows us to make the identification of w squared with mgb / I
  • #7
Thanks for all your input, I think I need to learn how to solve differential equations, or at least how to prove something is the solution of one. Probably the same thing :)

Just to clear up:
[tex]\tau=I\frac{d}{dt}\mbox{angular velocity (sometimes }\omega\mbox{)}[/tex]
Because of small angle approximations we can get rid of 'sin' in the calculation of the torque cased by mg:
Equating the torques gives
rearranged to
[tex]\frac{d^2\theta}{dt^2}+\frac{mgb}{I}\theta =0[/tex]

So what I need to do is learn how to prove that solving the above gives
[tex]\theta =A\cos \ \omega \ t\mbox{ (this time }\omega\mbox{ is frequency)}[/tex]
and then learn how to show the second derivative of that is
which I can do from reading textbooks/videos?

(again, if the Latex is screwy I'm working on it :D )
  • #8
Kusu said:
I've seen it written [tex]\omega^2[/tex] in several places though, what makes you say that? Here's a screen clipping of a video from (credit to Dan Fullerton on Youtube)

View attachment 203485I don't know where [tex]\theta=A cos(\omega t)[/tex] comes from either, but heard there are two uses for [tex]\omega[/tex] in rotional motion?

Is ##\omega^2=\sqrt{\dfrac{mgb}{I}}## correct ?

Sorry I don't know much.
  • #9
Buffu said:
Is ##\omega^2=\sqrt{\dfrac{mgb}{I}}## correct ?

Sorry I don't know much.

it is ##\omega=\sqrt{\dfrac{mgb}{I}}##, that's because a general ##\alpha(t)=-\omega^2*x(t)##
  • #10
If you are specifically interested in where the factor of [itex]2\pi[/itex] comes into play, have a look at a simple harmonic motion where the displacement [itex]s(t)[/itex] is described by a sine function.

[itex]T[/itex] is the period of the motion, so we need to have [itex]s(T) = s(0)[/itex]. Since the period of the sine is [itex]2\pi[/itex], this number needs to be involved somehow. Now check that the following ansatz
[tex]s (t) = A \sin\left(\frac{t}{T} 2\pi\right)[/tex]
has the desired properties: as [itex]t[/itex] goes from [itex]0[/itex] to [itex]T[/itex], the argument for the sine goes from [itex]0[/itex] to [itex]2\pi[/itex] (sketching the function may help).

From this, you see that [itex]\omega = \frac{2\pi}{T}[/itex].
  • #11
Thanks to everyone that commented, it's starting to make much more sense now I've been reading up and done some kitchen practicals! Think I'll have a nice grasp soon. Buffu, I see what you mean with my typo now in post #1, I'd mixed the two equations together, even the screenshot I posted in post #3 showed I was wrong! Kith and mpresic you've been really helpful.

We had a lot of fun doing the practicals and we're now trying to get a practical as close as possible to the prediction. Materials and fabrication have helped a lot :) , but could someone help me with error calculations? I watched a Walter Lewin video where he talks about a simple pendulum, and the uncertainty in the length being 1%, and once the root is taken it becomes 0.5%. My equations is much more complicated, I have simplified [tex] T=\sqrt{\frac{I}{mgb}}[/tex] to cancel the mass, and include the parallel axis theorem, giving [tex] T=\sqrt{\frac{L^2+12b^2}{12gb}}[/tex]

Is there a simple explanation as to what to do with my percentage errors in measurement? I have the uncertainty of L to be 0.1% and b varies so will need to be calculated at each pivot point, but I'm sure will follow 1 rule for any position?
  • #12
There's the general formula and many special cases. A superb text about this is "An introduction to error analysis" by Taylor. Or search for things like "gaussian error propagation" or "error analysis introductory lab".
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Related to Simple Harmonic Motion/Period of a Physical Pendulum

1. What is simple harmonic motion?

Simple harmonic motion is a type of periodic motion in which an object moves back and forth around an equilibrium position, with a restoring force proportional to the displacement from the equilibrium. It is a common phenomenon observed in pendulums, springs, and other systems.

2. How is the period of a physical pendulum calculated?

The period of a physical pendulum is calculated using the equation T=2π√(I/mgd), where T is the period, I is the moment of inertia of the pendulum, m is the mass of the pendulum, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and d is the distance between the point of suspension and the center of mass of the pendulum.

3. What factors affect the period of a physical pendulum?

The period of a physical pendulum is affected by the length of the pendulum, the mass of the pendulum, and the strength of the gravitational field. It is also affected by the angle at which the pendulum is released and any external forces acting on the pendulum.

4. How does amplitude affect the period of a physical pendulum?

The amplitude, or maximum displacement, of a physical pendulum does not affect its period. As long as the amplitude is small, the period remains constant. However, if the amplitude becomes too large, the pendulum may no longer exhibit simple harmonic motion.

5. What is the difference between simple pendulum and physical pendulum?

A simple pendulum is an idealized system consisting of a point mass attached to a massless string, while a physical pendulum is a real-world system consisting of a rigid body suspended from a fixed point. The period of a simple pendulum is solely dependent on the length of the string, while the period of a physical pendulum is affected by other factors such as the mass and shape of the pendulum.

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