Simple pendulum: does the period change in a horizontally accelerating frame

In summary, in this conversation, the question was posed about whether the period of a simple pendulum changes when it is in a horizontally accelerating frame. The formula for the period of a simple pendulum is T = 2pi/w, and the acceleration of gravity, g, is typically used. However, in this situation, a pseudo force needs to be added to account for the acceleration of the frame. This results in a new value for g, sqrt(g^2+a^2), which can be used in the original formula to calculate the period. Additionally, it was discussed that for small oscillations, the pendulum still behaves in a simple harmonic motion, but for larger oscillations, a more complex mathematical pendulum model may need to
  • #1
[SOLVED] Simple pendulum: does the period change in a horizontally accelerating frame

Homework Statement

Simple pendulum which is 5.0m long. What is its period when it is in a truck accelerating horizontally at 5.0m/s/s?

Homework Equations

w = sqrt(g/d)
w = 2pi/T

The Attempt at a Solution

I want to say it is simply 2pi/T = sqrt(9.81/5.0m), but I am unsure if that equation applies in a horizontally accelerating frame of reference. Any advice appreciated, thanks!
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  • #2
What is the "effective" gravity in the truck frame due to non-inertial forces?
  • #3
I'm sorry I have no idea what you're asking. lol

Doesn't this depend on the orientation of the plane of the pendulum's oscillation to the horizontal acceleration? That's all the question gave us though...
  • #4
The truck's acceleration simply is added to the gravitational acceleration. When you add these vectors, g changes (and thus the period).
  • #5
I assume you mean a = (g^2 + 5^2)?
If the pendulum is oscillating in a plane perpendicular to that truck acceleration vector, it shouldn't change it at all, shouldn't it? As in, the entire pendulum would be pushed backwards while still swinging with the same period.

If the pendulum oscillates in a plane non-perpendicular with that truck acceleration vector then I understand.

If I'm wrong please correct me, thank you.
  • #6
a^2 = (g^2 + 5^2)
so then you change the magnitude of the apparent g on the pendulum.
It it's perpendicular... it becomes horribly complex
  • #7
mace2 said:
I assume you mean a = (g^2 + 5^2)?
If the pendulum is oscillating in a plane perpendicular to that truck acceleration vector, it shouldn't change it at all, shouldn't it? As in, the entire pendulum would be pushed backwards while still swinging with the same period.

If the pendulum oscillates in a plane non-perpendicular with that truck acceleration vector then I understand.

If I'm wrong please correct me, thank you.

The accelerating truck is a non-inertial frame, and to every real force we have to add pseudo forces. If you let an object fall in the frame of the truck, instead of falling vertically, it will fall diagonally to the rear, since the truck itself is accelerating forward. The overall effect is as if there's a gravity field acting backward whose magnitude is 5 m/s^2, plus the real gravity of earth.

The net result is a g field of sqrt(9.8^2 + 5^2). The mean position of the pendulum is now pointed diagonally to the rear, at an angle arctan 5/9.8 to the vertical.

The plane of oscillation is the vertical plane containing the direction of the truck's motion.
  • #8
The problem you have here, is that there is a different acceleration acting here, just as Shooting star said.

But, in the case of a simple pendulum, you could use the formula:

T = \frac{2\pi}{\omega}

which you can't use here because: i. The direction of the net force with that of the radial vector of the bob has changed. This shouldn't be much of a problem, but it is because: In the original equation, you could approximate [itex]sin(\theta) \approx (\theta)[/itex] which you can't do here because the direction depends on the ratio of the acceleration of the frame and the acceleration of gravity. In this particular case of a = 5; g = 9.8, the percentage approximation of [itex]tan(\theta)[/itex] as compared to [itex]\theta[/itex] is around 91.1%. This is too poor an approximation.. something around 99% and above is the minimum %age for an acceptable approximation.

ii. And since you cannot do the approximation stated above, this pendulum basically does not execute SHM. You'll have to use equations for a mathematical pendulum in order to solve this.
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  • #9
rohanprabhu said:
The problem you have here, is that there is a different acceleration acting here, just as Shooting star said.

But, in the case of a simple pendulum, you could use the formula:

T = \frac{2\pi}{\omega}

which you can't use here ...

This formula can always be used since it is the definition of omega.

ii. And since you cannot do the approximation stated above, this pendulum basically does not execute SHM. You'll have to use equations for a mathematical pendulum in order to solve this.

The pendulum executes as much SHM as it does under ordinary conditions, that is, for small oscillations.

Nothing changes except g has to be replaced by sqrt(g^2+a^2).
  • #10
Shooting star said:
This formula can always be used since it is the definition of omega.

Agreed. my mistake though, I was referring to equating the [itex]\omega[/itex] with [itex]\sqrt(\frac{g}{l})[/itex]

The pendulum executes as much SHM as it does under ordinary conditions, that is, for small oscillations.

Nothing changes except g has to be replaced by sqrt(g^2+a^2).

I don't think i'll agree with you on that. Because for the case of a simple pendulum [inertial frame; non-accelerated], the angle made by the force with the mean position was given by [itex]\theta[/itex] i.e. the angular displacement of the length from the mean position. This angle was then used to calculate the torque and after approximation gives an SHM-type motion.

However, when accelerated, the direction will be given by:

tan\left(\epsilon + \left(\frac{\pi}{2} - \theta\right)\right) = tan(\gamma)~~~(say)

tan(\epsilon) = \frac{g}{a}

where [itex]\gamma[/itex] is the angle between the radial vector of the bob and the net force acting. For the pendulum to be in SHM [or angular SHM], we should be able to prove that the Torque is directly proportional to the angular displacement i.e. [itex]\theta[/itex]. But, torque here is directly proportional to [itex]sin(\gamma)[/itex], which is not directly proportional to [itex]sin(\theta)[/itex] (or [itex]tan(\theta)[/itex] for small [itex]\theta[/itex]).

With some trignometry, you can get:

sin(\gamma) = sin(\epsilon)(cot(\epsilon)cos(\theta) + sin(\theta))

Which means, that [itex]sin(\gamma)[/itex] is proportional to [itex]sin(\theta)[/itex] when [itex]cot(\epsilon) \to 0[/itex] i.e. [itex]tan(\epsilon) \to \infty[/itex] i.e. [itex]\epsilon \to 0[/itex], which basically means a = 0 i.e. the frame is non-accelerated.

So, when the acceleration of the frame tends to 0, the oscillations show harmonic tendency.
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  • #11
The whole frame behaves as if there's a new gravity field g' in the specified direction. All calculations you have done to derive the period of a simple pendulum in a static frame is valid in this frame with the new g'. There's no need to go into all that math.

Read up on non-inertial frames, if you are not satisfied.
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  • #12
Thanks for the help guys. I asked my prof today at the end of lecture (not to doubt you!) and he said the same thing, helped me to understand why no matter what the orientation the additional velocity vector will simply be added to the gravitational force vector. i.e. a^2 = (g^2 + 5^2).

Thanks shooting star, rohanprabhu.

edit: oops thanks for adding in [solved], mod.
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  • #13
Shooting star said:
The whole frame behaves as if there's a new gravity field g' in the specified direction. All calculations you have done to derive the period of a simple pendulum in a static frame is valid in this frame with the new g'. There's no need to go into all that math.

i asked my physics lecturer too.. and well.. even he agrees with you. He says that, the pendulum will still act as an harmonic oscillator, but the mean position around which it oscillates will be different. But, the same formula can be used and you just have to substitute the new 'g'.

so, i swallow my pride and congratulate you :approve:
  • #14
Found this funny quote:

Swallow your pride occasionally, it's non-fattening! ~Author Unknown

Didn't somebody say that humility is the way to greatness? You'll go places, rohanprabhu.

Best wishes.
  • #15
Shooting star said:
Found this funny quote:

Swallow your pride occasionally, it's non-fattening! ~Author Unknown

Didn't somebody say that humility is the way to greatness? You'll go places, rohanprabhu.

thx.. btw.. I'm just posting this message to get to my 100th post :D

FAQ: Simple pendulum: does the period change in a horizontally accelerating frame

1. How does a simple pendulum behave in a horizontally accelerating frame?

A simple pendulum is a mass attached to a string or rod that is suspended from a fixed point. In a horizontally accelerating frame, the pendulum will experience a force in the direction of the acceleration, causing the pendulum to swing in a circular motion rather than a back-and-forth motion. This is due to the inertial force acting on the mass.

2. Does the period of a simple pendulum change in a horizontally accelerating frame?

Yes, the period of a simple pendulum will change in a horizontally accelerating frame. The period is the time it takes for one complete swing of the pendulum. In an accelerating frame, the period will increase as the acceleration increases. This is because the force acting on the pendulum is constantly changing, affecting the time it takes for the pendulum to complete one swing.

3. Is the period of a simple pendulum affected by the mass of the pendulum?

No, the period of a simple pendulum is not affected by the mass of the pendulum. The period is only dependent on the length of the pendulum and the acceleration due to gravity. This means that even if the mass of the pendulum changes, the period will remain the same as long as the length and acceleration due to gravity stay constant.

4. How does the length of a simple pendulum affect its period in a horizontally accelerating frame?

The length of a simple pendulum does not affect its period in a horizontally accelerating frame. The period is only dependent on the length of the pendulum and the acceleration due to gravity. This means that even if the length of the pendulum changes, the period will remain the same as long as the acceleration due to gravity stays constant.

5. Can a simple pendulum exhibit non-uniform circular motion in a horizontally accelerating frame?

Yes, a simple pendulum can exhibit non-uniform circular motion in a horizontally accelerating frame. This means that the speed of the pendulum will vary throughout its motion, rather than remaining constant as in uniform circular motion. This is due to the changing acceleration and force acting on the pendulum in an accelerating frame.

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