'Simple' Pendulum in Hanging in a Car Udergoing Circular Motion

In summary, a simple pendulum suspended in a car taking a turn of radius 10m at a speed of 36km/h will have an angle of 45 degrees between the string and the vertical due to the presence of the centrifugal force and relative motion between the bob and the car. This is explained by Newton's first and second laws, where the bob will continue to move in a straight line unless acted upon by an outside force, and the tension on the bob changes direction as the top of the string accelerates with the car.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A simple pendulum (massless string, neglect friction) is supended from the ceiling of a car taking a turn of radius 10m at a speed of 36km/h. Find the angle made by the string of the pendulum wih the vertical if this angle does not change during the turn. Take g=10ms-2

Homework Equations

The centripetal acc of the car (and the bob of the pendulum too, aince it moves along with the car)= v2/r

The Attempt at a Solution

My instinct told me that the pendulum's bob should move away from the centre of the car's circle of motion. But, the bob would also move in a circle along with car, which implies that there is a centripetal force on the bob. I think the centripetal acceleration will be provided by the tension in the string.

So, I equated the tension to the component of gravitation along the string:
T = mg secѳ

And I took the component of tension which pointed towards the center of the circle of motion of the car, and equated it to the centripetal acceleration on the bob:
T sinѳ = mv2/r

Combining the two, I got:
mg tanѳ = mv2/r
ѳ = 45®

My answer was right, but what I couldn’t understand was why the pendulum would move away from the center of the car’s circle of motion. What compells the string of the bob to do so. There wasn’t any force acting on the bob away from thecenter of the circle.

And, that question has been bugging me a lot. I think my method might also be wrong, because I can’t even justidy my opening statement to solve the problem.

Please help.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
(1): In the reference frame of the car, the bob experiences the centrifugal force (equal to centripetal force in value, opposite in direction). It is a fictitious force which arises from that the car is a non-inertial frame. Because of the presence of the centrifugal force, the bob moves away from its initial position until equilibrium is formed when the forces cancel out each other.

(2): In the reference frame of the ground, when the car starts to accelerate, the point where the string is held begins to move with different velocity from the bob. Because of that, the two ends of the string are no longer in the same vertical line, and thus, again, the bob moves away from its initial position.

So what makes the string to do so is that there is relative motion between the bob and the car:
_ In (1), the bob is not at rest in the frame of the car.
_ In (2), the relative motion of the ends implies the relative motion of the bob and the car, though they're not the same.
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  • #3
modulus said:
My answer was right, but what I couldn’t understand was why the pendulum would move away from the center of the car’s circle of motion. What compells the string of the bob to do so. There wasn’t any force acting on the bob away from thecenter of the circle.

And, that question has been bugging me a lot. I think my method might also be wrong, because I can’t even justidy my opening statement to solve the problem.

The answer lies in Newton's first and second laws. Consider part of the first law to start. An object in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. With that in mind, consider the following questions:

(I) Before the car starts turning, when car is traveling in a straight line (but still in motion), and the bob and the string and the car are in a state of equilibrium, with nothing accelerating, is the bob also in motion? (Hint: If you claim that the bob is not in motion, even though the car is, and since the bob and the car are not moving relative to each other, you'll have a lot of explaining to do.)

(II) According to Newton's second law, if a force acts upon the car, the car will accelerate. If the force is perpendicular to the car's velocity, the car will accelerate in a circle. If no forces act upon the bob at this time, the bob will continue to go in a straight line (according to Newton's first law), and the bob will fly right out the car's window (in a straight line) as the car turns. So if the bob is turning in a circle too along with the car, what force causes the bob to accelerate?

(III) We've established that the car is accelerating. If the top of the string is attached to the car, is the top of the string also accelerating?

(IV) If the top of the string is accelerating, what happens to the bottom of the string, and the bob?
  • #4
Gosh, thanks.

You guys really explained that well. Really well.

After the top of the string moves with the car, the tension on the bob changes direction, and the bob accelerates (moves in a circle) along with the car when equilibrium is established(Right?).
  • #5
There you go. :approve:

FAQ: 'Simple' Pendulum in Hanging in a Car Udergoing Circular Motion

1. How does a 'simple' pendulum behave when hanging in a car undergoing circular motion?

A simple pendulum is a weight suspended by a string or rod that can move freely in a circular motion. When the car is moving in a circular motion, the pendulum will also move in a circular motion due to inertia. However, the pendulum will move at a slightly different speed than the car due to the force of gravity acting on it. This causes the pendulum to swing back and forth, creating an elliptical motion.

2. What factors affect the motion of a 'simple' pendulum in a car undergoing circular motion?

The motion of a pendulum in a car undergoing circular motion is affected by several factors. These include the length of the pendulum, the mass of the weight, and the speed and radius of the car's circular motion. The force of gravity also plays a role in determining the motion of the pendulum.

3. Can the 'simple' pendulum undergo circular motion in a car without any external force?

No, the pendulum cannot undergo circular motion in a car without any external force. The force of gravity acting on the pendulum provides the necessary centripetal force to keep it moving in a circular path. Without this force, the pendulum would continue to move in a straight line.

4. How does the period of a 'simple' pendulum in a car undergoing circular motion change with varying speeds?

The period of a pendulum in a car undergoing circular motion is the time it takes for the pendulum to complete one full swing. As the speed of the car increases, the period of the pendulum will decrease. This is because the faster the car is moving, the greater the centripetal force acting on the pendulum, allowing it to complete its swing faster.

5. Can the 'simple' pendulum in a car undergoing circular motion be used to measure the speed of the car?

Yes, the 'simple' pendulum in a car undergoing circular motion can be used to measure the speed of the car. By measuring the period of the pendulum and using the equation T=2π√(l/g), where T is the period, l is the length of the pendulum, and g is the acceleration due to gravity, the speed of the car can be calculated. However, this method may not be very accurate as it does not take into account other factors such as friction and air resistance.

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