Simple Rocket Equation in Gravity

In summary, the equation for velocity of a rocket in constant G with constant exhaust velocity is v=ln[Minitial/Mfinal]-gt, taking U as negative to account for the expelled mass.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I'm having trouble deriving the equation for the velocity of a rocket in constant G given that it has constant exhaust velocity

Homework Equations

I know that a=dv/dt=U/M(dM/dt)-g

The Attempt at a Solution

so from here dv=U/M dM-gdt

v=U ∫1/M dM - g ∫dt v from 0 to v, M from Minitial to Mfinal, and t from 0 to t

which leads to v=-ln[Minitial/Mfinal]-gtHOWEVER, everywhere I look, the answer is positive ln[Minitial/Mfinal] -gt and I can't seem to get why this is so
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  • #2
Dextrine said:

Homework Statement

I'm having trouble deriving the equation for the velocity of a rocket in constant G given that it has constant exhaust velocity

Homework Equations

I know that a=dv/dt=U/M(dM/dt)-g

The Attempt at a Solution

so from here dv=U/M dM-gdt

v=U ∫1/M dM - g ∫dt v from 0 to v, M from Minitial to Mfinal, and t from 0 to t

which leads to v=-ln[Minitial/Mfinal]-gt

HOWEVER, everywhere I look, the answer is positive ln[Minitial/Mfinal] -gt and I can't seem to get why this is so

From conservation of momentum you get the equation MΔv-UΔm=-Mg, where Δm is the exhausted mass during Δt time. But it is negative of the change of mass of the rocket. So the differential equation for the rocket mass is M dv/dt+UdM/dt=-Mg ---->## v= -\int _{Minitial}^{Mfinal}(\frac{dM}{M})##
  • #3
Ah, i see what I was doing wrong, my answer is correct if U is taken to to be negative

FAQ: Simple Rocket Equation in Gravity

1. What is the Simple Rocket Equation in Gravity?

The Simple Rocket Equation in Gravity is a mathematical formula that describes the relationship between the mass of a rocket, the amount of fuel it carries, and its velocity.

2. How does the Simple Rocket Equation in Gravity work?

The equation states that the change in velocity of a rocket is directly proportional to the natural logarithm of the ratio of its initial mass to its final mass. This means that the more fuel a rocket carries and the less mass it loses, the higher its velocity will be.

3. Why is the Simple Rocket Equation in Gravity important?

This equation is important because it allows scientists and engineers to accurately calculate the necessary fuel and mass requirements for a rocket to reach a certain velocity or destination. It is also used in the design and optimization of rocket engines.

4. Can the Simple Rocket Equation in Gravity be applied to all rockets?

Yes, the equation can be applied to all rockets as long as they are operating within the Earth's gravitational field. However, it becomes less accurate for rockets that travel at speeds close to the speed of light or for those that operate in the absence of gravity, such as in outer space.

5. Are there any limitations to the Simple Rocket Equation in Gravity?

The equation assumes that the rocket is traveling in a vacuum and that the force of gravity is constant throughout the flight. It also does not take into account external factors such as air resistance or the changing mass of the rocket as it expels fuel. Therefore, it may not provide precise calculations for real-world situations.
