Simple suction air filter: items and preventing implosion

In summary, a 40db 8in 1400rpm fan, 450CFM could be used to create a vacuum in a sealed box and the air to come in through the filters. This would save money over using a box fan and could be helpful for other people in the area with air pollution.
  • #1
I want to make a simple air filter(for dust and air pollution) but was a bit confused about some stuff. Basically I've decided to use an exhaust fan to create a vacuum in a sealed box and the air to come in through the filters. Box fans aren't available here, so that can't be used. I want to create a 'CADR' of 250(CFM is not accurate benchmark of purifier performance, since air might repeat through the system). Such filters are available here for 150$, so though this will not save much money(time) for me it could be helpful for other people here. Total cost would be 40$.

>I'm thinking of going with a 40db 8in 1400rpm fan, 450CFM. I've used this to get an idea of relationship between CFM and CADR - . A 6in 250CFM fan might be fine but not sure
>Do I really need HEPA / Carbon filters? They cost 15$ here, and since simple cloth might filter 50%, but isn't it the same if the air moves twice through it, and air will move faster though it anyway. Or does the 99.5% figure mean it filters 99.5% types of particles - don't think so
>One thing I'm afraid of is an implosion if pressure gets too low in the box, it could be a hazard. I'm thinking of making a hole and covering it with a plastic film so it pops before
>Does anyone know of some harmless coating or something that could make wood not air porous, so that I could use wood <1in? I was first thinking of using cardboard instead of wood first and maybe taping it, but that could catch fire

Keep in mind that I don't have that much knowledge or DIY experience. Just posted here since I though people here would have a good idea.

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  • #2
You haven't said anything about your filtering requirements. Do you want to filter out the smell of smoke? Biohazards? Insects?
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  • #3
anorlunda said:
You haven't said anything about your filtering requirements. Do you want to filter out the smell of smoke? Biohazards? Insects?
I want to filter out dust, PM 2.5 and PM 10 pollutions. Filtering odors would be nice too, but I think a carbon filter would be necessary for that and that costs another 15$ here.

FAQ: Simple suction air filter: items and preventing implosion

1. What is a simple suction air filter?

A simple suction air filter is a device that removes impurities from the air by using suction to pull the air through a filter medium. This filter is typically used in industrial or HVAC applications to improve the air quality and protect sensitive equipment.

2. How does a simple suction air filter work?

The filter works by creating a pressure difference between the inside and outside of the filter. This pressure difference causes air to flow through the filter, trapping any impurities on the filter material. The filtered air is then released into the desired area.

3. What types of impurities can a simple suction air filter remove?

A simple suction air filter can remove a variety of impurities, including dust, pollen, pet dander, mold spores, and other airborne particles. It can also filter out larger debris such as insects and leaves.

4. How can implosion be prevented in a simple suction air filter?

Implosion can be prevented in a simple suction air filter by ensuring that the filter material is strong enough to withstand the pressure difference created during operation. The filter should also be regularly inspected and replaced when necessary to prevent it from becoming clogged and causing implosion.

5. Are there any maintenance requirements for a simple suction air filter?

Yes, regular maintenance is necessary for a simple suction air filter to ensure its effectiveness and longevity. This can include replacing the filter material, cleaning or replacing the suction fan, and checking for any leaks or damage to the filter housing. It is also important to follow any manufacturer's recommendations for maintenance to ensure optimal performance.
