Simple Task Solutions: Print Textbox and Replace Letters

  • Thread starter i try
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In summary: OK, let's take it from the top.The first thing you should realize is that you need to create a function to handle the string creation. This function will take in two arguments- the number of lines to be created and the text to be used.Once the function is created, you can start to code. Within the function, you will need to first create a string variable to store the string that you will be creating. Next, you will need to loop through the number of lines that you specified and create a string for each line. Finally, you will add a space and a carriage return to the end of the string.
  • #1
i try
I need help in solving the two simple task, and I will be very grateful if you helped me.

1)Write a program that prints the textbox:


2) Write a program that brings the input sentence.In this sentence instead of the letter A there is the letter X and show theat into the newly obtained string.

Thanks a lot!
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  • #2
i try said:
I need help in solving the two simple task, and I will be very grateful if you helped me.

1)Write a program that prints the textbox:


2) Write a program that brings the input sentence.In this sentence instead of the letter A there is the letter X and show theat into the newly obtained string.

Thanks a lot!

Hey i try and welcome to the forums.

Can you show us any code you've written along with any of your thoughts and what you've tried and thought about trying?
  • #3
chiro said:
Hey i try and welcome to the forums.

Can you show us any code you've written along with any of your thoughts and what you've tried and thought about trying?

I tried to do that, but we do not succeed.

here code:

Public Class Form1
Dim m(10) As Char
Dim i, j, pr As Integer
Dim unos As Char
Dim postoji As Boolean

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Do While i < 11
postoji = False
unos = InputBox("unesi nesto")

For j = 1 To i - 1
If unos = m(j) Then
postoji = True
pr = j

End If

If Not (postoji) Then
m(i) = unos
i = i + 1

i = i - 1

End If
  • #4
I'm going to put your code in the tags first.

To do this you use the CODE tag with the square braces with /CODE at the end.

Public Class Form1
    Dim m(10) As Char
    Dim i, j, pr As Integer
    Dim unos As Char
    Dim postoji As Boolean    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Do While i < 11
            postoji = False
            unos = InputBox("unesi nesto")
            ListBox1.Items.Add(unos)            For j = 1 To i - 1
                If unos = m(j) Then
                    postoji = True
                    pr = j

                End If

        If Not (postoji) Then
            m(i) = unos
            i = i + 1
            i = i - 1

        End If
End Form1
  • #5
Is this Python?
  • #6
OK, let's take it from the top.

The first thing you should realize that for creating the string is that you should decompose your string creation into just one routine that creates the string for the textbook (using an actual string object) and then assign this string to the value of the textbook.

For this function we should give the number of lines we want to create and then pass that to a function. Since this is a small routine, I'll write the routine and get your take on it.

Sub CalculateString(String s, ByVal n As Integer)
   s = ""
   dim x as integer
   dim i as integer
   for x = 1 to n
        for i = 1 to x
           s = s + Trim(Str(x))  
        end for
        for i = x-1 to 1
           s = s + Trim(Str(x))
        end for
        s = s + VbCrLf 
   end for
End Sub

I'm assuming that you pass the string by reference instead of by value and you could turn this into a function if you want to.
  • #7
jtbell said:
Is this Python?

It's Visual Basic.

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