Simple vector addition question

In summary, vectors are just like any other number, except you have to take their direction into account when adding them together. Christina and rdt2 both had good responses.
  • #1
just a quick question, I've never dealt with vectors before, they say you are simply supposed to add them, the same way you would add any two numbers, ie: a + b = c
yet whenever they add two vectors, they end up with a different sum..
ie: 1m + 2.5m = 7m
this seems so simple, what am I missing? :redface:
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  • #2
Suppose you go 3m east then turn and go 4m north. How far from your starting point are you? 7m ? Or 5m ?

Suppose you go 3 m east then turn and go 3 m west. How far from your starting point are you? 6m ? Or 0m ?

The essential thing about a vector is that it points in a particular direction and you have to take account of this direction when adding vectors.
  • #3
You are probably misunderstanding the addition principle of vectors to mean you can add the lengths of two vectors to get the length of the new one.
This is untrue!
  • #4
thanx for both your responses.

rdt2, i understand the second question, the final displacement, if u go 3m east than 3m west, you are back in the same place, making the sum o
if u add them together its (-3) + (3) leading to 0.

but if u go 3m (east) and 4m (north) , how do you get the sum to total up to 5m?
aren't north and east positive numbers?

also if i am not supposed to be adding the vector lengths (m) what am i supposed to be adding?
  • #5
christinaa_s said:
but if u go 3m (east) and 4m (north) , how do you get the sum to total up to 5m?
aren't north and east positive numbers?

Try drawing out the paths. Draw a dot as your starting point. Then draw a line horizontally east of length 3cm. Draw another dot at the end of this line. From this point, draw a vertical line north of length 4cm, place a dot at the end of this line. Now draw a straight line from your finnishing point to your starting point. How long is this line?

  • #6
Maybe this will give you a feel for what you're trying to do.

Mathematically, you want to break each vector down into Cartesian coordinates (x and y components). Add the x's together; add the y's together; and you have your result in Caresian coordinates. To get the magnitude of the resulting vector, plug the new x and y components into the Pythagorean Theorem.
  • #7
hootenanny: i still have absolutely no idea how you can get 5, from adding 3 and 4. if you draw a line connecting the beginning to the end, i just don't get it! i am definitely missing something. however i understand how you could get five if you use the pythagoream theorum (sp) to solve for the hypotenuse..

i feel like the solution to my question is so simple, and i am just missing some vital information, or rules.. i never took algebra, geometry, trigonometry, or any physics classes before this grade 12 physics that i am taking right now, so i am unaware of most of the concepts.
  • #8
christinaa_s said:
hootenanny: i still have absolutely no idea how you can get 5, from adding 3 and 4. if you draw a line connecting the beginning to the end, i just don't get it! i am definitely missing something. however i understand how you could get five if you use the pythagoream theorum (sp) to solve for the hypotenuse..

Drawing out the triangle (what I told you to do) is the same as using pythag. With vector you have to consider their direction in addition to their magnitude.
  • #9
Try this website, I think it explains the basics pretty well;
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  • #10
i read the webpage, it was helpful thanx.

FAQ: Simple vector addition question

1. What is vector addition?

Vector addition is a mathematical operation where two or more vectors are combined to create a new vector. It involves adding the magnitudes and directions of the individual vectors to determine the resultant vector.

2. How do you perform vector addition?

To perform vector addition, you need to add the corresponding components of the vectors. This means adding the x-components together and then adding the y-components together. The resultant vector is then found by combining the resulting x and y-components.

3. What is the difference between scalar and vector addition?

Scalar addition involves adding two or more quantities that have only magnitude, while vector addition involves adding two or more quantities that have both magnitude and direction. Scalar addition results in a single value, while vector addition results in a new vector.

4. Can vectors be added in any order?

Yes, vectors can be added in any order without changing the result. This is known as the commutative property of addition. However, it is important to note that the order of the components within each vector must remain the same when adding.

5. What happens when two vectors are added at right angles to each other?

When two vectors are added at right angles to each other, the resultant vector is equal to the diagonal of a rectangle formed by the two vectors. This can be calculated using the Pythagorean theorem, where the magnitude of the resultant vector is equal to the square root of the sum of the squares of the individual vector magnitudes.

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