Simplify homework problem help

In summary, the conversation is about simplifying the expression sin(a)sin(b-c) + sin(b)sin(c-a) + sin(c)sin(a-b) to equal zero. The conversation includes various methods of simplification, such as expanding and using trigonometric identities. The conversation also touches on using the law of sines and cosines and incorporating the A+B+C=pi data to find a solution.
  • #1
i have to simplify this :

sin(a)sin(b-c) + sin(b)sin(c-a) + sin(c)sin(a-b)

I did simplify it and I got it equal to zero. But my problem is, I did too many steps in order to do that. Does anyone have a shorter way to simplify that ??

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  • #2
Well, how did you do it? Perhaps there is no shorter way or maybe we can just point out an alternative somewhere in your work.
  • #3
ok here,
i simply expanded the sin(b-c) and sin(c-a) and sin(a-b)
and finally i got:
and i still expand that to get:
yap, everythin with the same color cancels out, well in fact, i am just wondering if there is another solution shorter than that. that u can notice from the beginnin! :rolleyes:
  • #4
I don't think this is 'that long', only 3 lines actually :smile:
Perhaps the lines are a bit long, but that was to be expected. I would've approached this about the same way, it seems the natural thing to do: using the sin(x-y) = sin(x)cos(y)-sin(y)cos(x) identity.
  • #5
hmmm i see, thanks :)
i also have to show that, in a triangle <-> A+B+C=pi ;
if someone can just give a hint r something to start with, because this one is really confusing me! :confused:
  • #6
You can use the triangle fact by substituting a with pi-b-c. Remember that sin(pi-x) = sin(x) and that cos(pi-x) = -cos(x). Then you could try using double-angle formulas on the sines at the LHS to go to half angles as well.
  • #7
ok i ll try that!
  • #8
okay i was tryin that durin the past 20min, and i didnt get to what i want, however i got to know that tan(A/2)=(1-cos(b))/sin(b) and even with this, i didnt get closer to what i want. help would be apprciated :)
  • #9
Where did you get stuck? Also, when you change cos(a/2) in the RHS to cos((pi-b-c)/2), you can simplify that to sin(b/2 + c/2), perhaps that helps?
  • #10
okay, here is what i got to:


okay, i might replace -2sin(B/2-C/2)cos(B/2+C/2) by -sinB-sinV but that s not going to help me any better!

and how can this above, be equal to 4cos(A/2)sin(B/2)sin(C/2)

PS: as u might have noticed, it's like 1:10am over here, and i dun want to leave this problem for tomorrow because tomorrow i ll have please, if u can give me good hints for that, so i can do it quicky...thhhanks
  • #11
I don't know if this helps at all, but I would actually start using law of sines / cosines and like , 2 sin(a)cos(a) = sin(2a) identity...

Sadly, I don't have the time to work on it right now.
Also .. you do realize what you originally gave was just an expression, so you shouldn't get it equal to anything until you start incorporating the sides in and using the A+B+C = pi data to substitute in and stuff

Related to Simplify homework problem help

1. How can I simplify a complicated homework problem?

First, break down the problem into smaller parts and identify the key concepts involved. Then, try to eliminate any unnecessary information and focus on the main objective of the problem. Look for patterns or similarities to previous problems you have solved. You can also seek help from a teacher, classmate, or online resources.

2. Can I use formulas or shortcuts to simplify my homework problem?

Yes, if applicable to the problem, you can use formulas or shortcuts to simplify your work. Just make sure you understand the formula or concept and use it correctly.

3. How do I know if my simplified answer is correct?

Double-check your work by plugging your answer back into the original problem to see if it makes sense. You can also compare your answer with a classmate's or ask your teacher for feedback.

4. Is there a specific way to organize my steps when simplifying a problem?

It is a good practice to write down each step and show your work clearly. This will help you keep track of your progress and identify any mistakes. You can also use diagrams, charts, or tables to help you visualize the problem.

5. What should I do if I am still struggling to simplify a homework problem?

If you are having difficulty simplifying a problem, do not hesitate to ask for help. Reach out to your teacher, classmates, or online resources for further explanation or guidance. It is important to seek assistance instead of getting frustrated and giving up on the problem.
