Simplify the Equation (m - M) + 5 = 5(log d) for Easy Understanding

  • Thread starter Aftermarth
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In summary, "rearranging" means changing the order or position of something. People may need help with rearranging something due to physical limitations, lack of skills or tools, or wanting assistance. Effective tips for rearranging include measuring beforehand, having a plan, and considering functionality. Potential benefits of rearranging include improving space and creating a sense of accomplishment, but there are also potential risks such as injury or damage and it can be time-consuming.
  • #1
ok i want d the subject in:
m - M = 5 (log d) - 5

ok now.
(m - M) + 5 = 5(log d)

((m - M) + 5) / 5 = log d

d = 10 ^ ((m - M) +5) / 5)

is that right?
Physics news on
  • #2
Yes, assuming the log is base 10.
  • #3
yes I am pretty sure it is. everything i have seen on the equation (its the equation to work out distance from absolute and apparent magnitude) has nothing other than base 10. so assuming base 10 cool :D

FAQ: Simplify the Equation (m - M) + 5 = 5(log d) for Easy Understanding

What does "rearrange" mean in this context?

Rearranging refers to changing the order or position of something. In this context, it likely refers to rearranging the order or layout of something, such as rearranging furniture in a room.

Why might someone need help with rearranging something?

There could be various reasons why someone might need help with rearranging something. It could be a physically demanding task, they may not have the necessary skills or tools, or they may simply want a second opinion or assistance.

What are some tips for effectively rearranging something?

Some tips for effectively rearranging something include measuring the space beforehand, having a plan or layout in mind, and considering functionality and flow. It can also be helpful to have someone assist you and to start with the largest or heaviest items first.

What are the potential benefits of rearranging something?

Rearranging something can have various benefits, such as creating a more functional or visually appealing space, improving organization, or making better use of available space. It can also provide a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

Are there any potential risks or drawbacks to rearranging something?

Rearranging something can come with some risks or drawbacks, such as potential injury if not done correctly, damage to items or the space, or not achieving the desired outcome. It can also be time-consuming and may require some physical exertion.
