Simply supported beams bending moment

In summary, the beam shown is under the action of a uniformly distributed load of 2 kN/m between the supports and a point load of 2 kN at the end point. The bending moment in kNm at point A situated 3 m to the right of the left support is 2.7 kN.
  • #1
I don't know how to do the following question,
The beam shown is under the action of a uniformily distributed load w of 2 kN/m between the supports and a point load of 2 kN at the end point. Determine the bending moment in kNm at point A situated 3 m to the right of the left support. Round off your answer to one decimal place and use the standard sign convenction for the bending moment.

I have this question as revision and i can't find an example like this to work from anywhere on google.
I have found looked on youtube, but with no real success.
Any help would be great.
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  • #2
I know you have to find the equilbrium of the x and y directions.
  • #3
Solve for the reaction forces first, using the equilibrium equations for sum of forces = 0 and sum of torques (moments) about any point = 0. Please show your attempt before we can provide further assistance. And welcome to PF!.
  • #4
guys what is the answer to this question?
  • #5
Sorry but no one here or myself has the intellect to work this out. I am sorry to disappoint you.
  • #6
No, this is not a hard problem at all. But for a homework problem, we need to see some effort as Jay suggested. Where is your work, the calculation of the reactions? Show that you are putting something into this, please.
  • #7
i posted this question over a year ago, so why do you think I am still looking for an answer?
For the record, from what i can remember, this was revision help.
No point getting all angry because people haven't 'made a reasonable attempt'.
I will just take my questions onto yahoo answers where people are just pleased to help rather than trying to judge you for apparently not making an effort before asking people. If I've come onto a forum to ask for help, it probably means I am a my whits end and I've come here because it was my last option.
But anyway, i think i just scraped a pass in this exam.
  • #8
thanks for the concern buddha
  • #9
Check any solutions about Beam Bending by online free tool
If you wish to understand the task and solution you may also to take it by Mechanics of Materials Toolbox for Maple (by trial). Find it within

FAQ: Simply supported beams bending moment

1. What is a simply supported beam?

A simply supported beam is a type of structural element that is supported at both ends, allowing it to freely rotate and deflect under load.

2. What is bending moment in a simply supported beam?

Bending moment is a measure of the internal forces and stresses within a beam that result from an external load. It is the product of the applied force and the distance from the point of support or from the point of interest.

3. How is the bending moment on a simply supported beam calculated?

The bending moment on a simply supported beam can be calculated using the equation M = WL/4, where M is the bending moment, W is the total load, and L is the length of the beam.

4. What factors affect the bending moment in a simply supported beam?

The bending moment in a simply supported beam is affected by the magnitude and distribution of the load, the length of the beam, and the material properties of the beam, such as its shape and cross-sectional area.

5. How is the bending moment diagram for a simply supported beam plotted?

The bending moment diagram for a simply supported beam is plotted by first determining the reactions at the supports, then calculating the bending moment at various points along the beam using the equation M = WL/4, and finally plotting the points on a graph to create a visual representation of the bending moment distribution.
